On 20th August, Thorpe Park submitted a Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) to Runnymede Council.
The plan sets out the vision for development at the park until 2009, and provides the framework within which more detailed planning applications will follow. Attraction Source explores the main features of the plan and highlights what enthusiasts look for.
In the timeline below is a summary of projects proposed in the MTDP, and relevant year planned. Although the proposal provide a good idea of what attractions the theme park would like to invest in, there is no guarantee that the projects will happen.
– Mondial Topscan (Samurai from Chessington) in place of Calgary Stampede
– New arena show in place of Spiderman
– High Season Lake Show using a structure on Abbey Lake – next to Thorpe Belle
– Extensions of various buildings around the park to increase capacity
– Infilling of lakes to commence2005
– Introduction of second Detonator drop tower
– Two high capacity thrill rides
– Widening of entry bridge and routes through dome
– A central engineering, landscaping and recycling facility
– Continued infilling of lakes (area around Dome)2006
– Installation of a Intamin Hydraulic Rocket Coaster in Model World – signature ride for the park
– A round ride
– Ownership of the RMC plant site next to existing car park – overflow car park relocated
– Continued infilling of lakes2007
– Establishment of an all season arena show
– A round ride
– High capacity ride (Flying Fish)
– Continued infilling of lakes2008/9
– A coaster in Canada Creek of similar scale to Nemesis Inferno
The proposals are ambitious, and you may be wondering how all this investment is going to fit. In simple terms, parts of the lakes will be filled in to create new theme park land extensions and islands. To compensate the lake areas lost and to mitigate flood control, land will be flooded in remote locations that are not near the main theme park area, to compensate.
The two new islands will be created in Manor Lake. The locations of land extensions are in the Logger’s Leap lake, Colossus area, former Treasure Island site, the peninsula at the north of the site, and around the dome.
The areas that will be excavated and flooded are the extension of the existing floor area in 2004, North Meadow in 2005, the north of Thorpe Farm in 2006, and the south of Thorpe Farm in 2007. These areas are all visible on the diagram above.
An exciting aspect of the plans is the proposal for two large coasters planned for 2006 and 2008. The layouts on the plans are for impression only, and are subject to change. They provide an indication of the areas to be used.
Intended for 2006, the first attraction visible on the plans appears to be an Intamin hydraulic launched coaster, located in the Model World and Flying Fish area. The layout looks very much like Xcelerator at Knott’s Berry Farm in California, USA. This coaster launches riders from 0-82mph in 2.3 seconds up a 205ft Tophat element. Thorpe Park’s version will be similar, without the overbank turns, but with the addition of a speed hill.
With the new land available from the infill site near Colossus, the plan shows another coaster of the non-looping variety in Canada Creek. Potentially opening in 2008/9, the complete layout is not clear, but what is visible is highlighted in yellow. It is not known what type of coaster it is, but a paragraph in the MTDP states that a wooden coaster’s structure may be too dense and is deemed not suitable for Thorpe Park, and with the layout looking strikingly like Air at Alton Towers, could this coaster be the UK’s second B&M flying coaster?
Finally, the planning statement also mentions the long term plans for the park in regard to minor attractions, including the development of the infill islands and extensions. Possible support attractions include a new kids area, a runaway train type coaster, a haunted house attraction, a bobsleigh ride, and another smaller coaster. These are all once again subject to change.
What are your thoughts on Thorpe Park’s Medium Term Development Plan and future investment in attractions? Share your thoughts via our social media channels.