Season 2006 Day 1 review

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Quite quiet in the park today, closed half an hour early at 5:00 for some reason. Nemesis out of action from around 2ish. Saw stokiewolf, ade, and sam ttf around hehe.

I've managed to get a few ccf piccies including a slight behind the scenes one, all will be uploaded to alton towers magic asap. Its all coming along nicely now.

All in all a good day out today, being as it was quiet we could get loads of rides in. Had a bloody long wait to get in as the collection point for online bookings broke down so we had to queue at the reception. Headed straight for nemesis, my m8s rode that first which was a good thing because 1) no real queues so straight on in about 10 mins, and also it closed at 2ish for the rest of the day !

Also a DJ for the university station Source Radio!
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Ride close was always intended to be 5:00pm. It will be 5.00pm tomorrow aswell.

:roll: well i enjoyed me self on ripsaw. Loving it now the fountains work lol. Did any of you go on rippy today i probs saw u. Was on air for the last half an hour due to the queue line being big so we opened station 2 AGAIN lol.
Was quiet but i think its more then we expected to be in today.
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sounds nice and quiet, what was the reason for nemesis' closure? just a general technical fault or something a bit worse (if it was off from 2:00pm)

Air - big ques?

Didn't want to hear that.

There a a few big problems with all the B&M coasters on park, something to do with lift hill motors. Anyways hopefully these problems will be sorted out soon and the rides will be running ok
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Nemesis had problems throughout the day, but wasnt down for long, we managed to ride it last thing, just before 5. Front row everytime as well today. Airs dispatch times were awful, and went down to 1 station 2 trains late afternoon, hense the longer queues. At 1 point the boards were displaying Corkscrew at 40mins
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wow, that really is much more han expected

Yeh we got free parking right next to the entrance, I was quite chuffed about that :D Enjoyed today quite a bit, shame about the Nemesis troubles when we were in the station, Rita having little downtime today, but it still rocks :twisted:
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I'm worried about april 1st queues now!

Hopefully everything will be running at full capacity by then

Like i said there is a fault with both the B&Ms lift hills in the Valley and Im sure oblivion has got a simular fault. This is why we are running at a much reduce capacity and thats why the queues are soo big. However running at a reduced capacity is better than not running at all!
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That all soudns quite poor to me!

I think it has been a lot of enthusaists on the first day.

Also you have too think there hasnt been an opening weekend. Just an opening dat so there wont be 2000 on either day will there. I hope the rides are sorted by next week! Alton need some big queue munchers defnitely! You must realise the skyride spreads the queues well. There is no flume or RMT. Also nothing to see in Cred St, queues will be big.

Add that to the fact this will be relitavely new for staff aswell. I hope things pick up though soon.
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AJ, did the rides close at 5 last season, I can't remember?

Sounds like you had a good day, wish I could have been there but I'll be there on April 1st. :)
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Yes, there were 5pm ride closures throughout the season - usually on VLow gate forecasts.

I guess that when Flume, RMT and CCF re-open this will have knock-on queue busting effects across the park. I look forward to visiting on April 3rd, by which time all the B&M's and rides will hopefully be sorted. I guess they are (wrongly) using this period before April to sort out any last problems before the main season kicks in. Shame they don't seem to have all the rides in working order before park opening mind. Bit off if you ask me. Have the B&M's not had their winter tests etc.?

And Corky: Queue 40 minutes. WOAH!
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Queue for Nemesis was almost non existant everytime we were there, and running 2 trains, but with the problems they were having, despatch times were rather slower than normal.

Oblivion was running with the first part of the station open, cant remember how many shuttles, think it was 4, but again towards the end of the day anyway, there was no queue. Rita had a small problem in the afternoon, down for 10 mins or so, when we were in the queue for it, but again the queue was small around 15-20 mins most of the day.

Only air seemed to be having the largest queues, especially when it went down to one station. Not sure how accurate the 40mins queue for Corkscrew being advertised was though, unless Rita was having trouble, and everyone had joined that queue instead. Rita was on 2 trains, Corkscrew on 1
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Waheyyyy, I'm back for 2 days!

Park was well above forcast gate number of 1,600 at 4,800 (apparently). The weekend seems to have gone pretty well all in all. Welcome to the season of 2006!
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A few things I noticed while on park today.

Towers street music not on in the early morning but working later on.
Oblivion chain seemed noisier than ever, i thought this had been fixed?
The two new food outlets looked good, quite stylish.
Some of the Hex effects not working in Octagon, the smoke and sparks were not working when I went on.
Quite a few family rides/kiddie rides not in operation.
Park looked nice and clean for the new season.

All in all a good day, we got on all the main attractions more than once and the park had that opening day buzz. Oh and Timmy152005, i think I may have seen you on Ripsaw, sittin on the left of the control booth as riders saw it? - the operators were being sadistic putting the fountains on full while people walked up the ramp to get on, getting us very wet! Still I'm not complaining considering they didn't work at all last year!

Air ALWAYS has long queue's - even on quiet days! I wish they would open two stations at all times (at least at weekends). During adrenaline week (on Sunday 6 Nov) all rides were more or less walk on except Air, for which we waited 30 minutes late afternoon. By the time I got to the station, they decided to bring a second train into the running. Really frustrating! I think 2 trains minimum should operate on Air at all times, with the 2nd station opening at weekends. Nemesis is not quite so bad as it gets round quicker anyway.
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Bad Points.
Flume was closed,
RMT was closed,
Spinball was closed for a while,
Hex was closed for a while.
Air got big queues.
Skyride closed again!
Duel exterior music randomly stopped working. :?
Someone let a stink bomb off in Duel's playroom.
Duel kept stopping for no reason, no disabled people e.t.c

Good Points.
Ripsaws restraints been painted jet black and they look brill.
Queue for almost everything was quite small.
Priority parking was free.
New Cred Street music and it is brilliant IMO!
Duel kept stopping for no reason, no disabled people e.t.c (Good & bad) :P
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