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Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:09 pm
by CGM
hehe, i've found some evidence to prove myself right! this is the new 4th dimenson coaster being built in Japan. One of the controll rails was gotten rid of in the new track design. If you look at this picture, you will notice that one of the outside rails on the track is missing

So, the programme did get it wrong and all of that mechanical gubbins must of just been for the rolling gear

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:20 pm
by John
I think you're right.

On this picture, look at the position of the outer (pink) rail. At the top the pink track is almost at the same distance as the yellow track but further down the two tracks are further apart.

It also makes more sence for the outside wheels to control the seats as they are on the outside of the train.

Also on this picture, the wheels on the pink rail are only above and below the rail, there are only outside cornering wheels on the yellow rail.

The outer rail controls the seats!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:24 pm
by Kaz
Now let me put you straight!

The train is held on by the inner rails. When the inner rails move up and down it pulls the car further away from the outer rails causing the seats to spin if you get my drift.

So the train is pulled away from the pink rail by the yellow rail and that is what causes the spin.

Trust me, im a TTF member!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:32 pm
by John
I might be wrong but I think that the inner rail is always the same distance from the track spine, its the outer rail that moves (as on the first picture I posted).

It is possible though that the inner rail moves at other parts of the track in which case both rails (or more accurately the distance between the rails) determine the rotation of the seats.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:34 pm
by Kaz
You can see in this picture that when the yellow rail that holds the train moves up it is pulled futher away from the pink rail. This causes rotation.


One thing we can say is that the inner rail holdsS the train. Do you think them two wheels could hold a what? 30 ton train?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:56 pm
by CGM
I'm pretty sure that it's the controll rails that change. The rails have to be that distance from the spine for a reason, to stop the rolling gear from hitting the ribs

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:18 pm
by liam14
[quote=""CGM""]hehe, i've found some evidence to prove myself right! this is the new 4th dimenson coaster being built in Japan. One of the controll rails was gotten rid of in the new track design. If you look at this picture, you will notice that one of the outside rails on the track is missing

So, the programme did get it wrong and all of that mechanical gubbins must of just been for the rolling gear[/quote]

It says nothing about any technical faults on either of the two pages so stop lying and get your facts right please!
Your wrong!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:22 pm
by CGM
What do you mean lying? I never said anything about technical faults in that post

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:24 pm
by liam14
you know what I mean about that rail gotten riden of, plus it could have been any rail theres no evidence ! :lol: 8) :P :D :)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:33 pm
by CGM
Yes there is. When S&S bought Arrow, they modified the design because they realised that two rails were not required to controll the roll of the seats and so included only one controll rail. This is not a technical fault, just a modification to save on time, resources and money. Since one of the outside rails is missing, this therefore proves that the outside rails must be the controll rails.

Look at this picture of X, you can clearly see the two pink rails on the outside of the yellow ones

Now look at this one, it's not very clear but if you look you can see that there is only one outside rail, therefore the outside rails must be controll rails.

So please don't accuse me of lying when I have provided evidence to prove otherwise

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:37 pm
by Kaz
[quote=""CGM""]hehe, i've found some evidence to prove myself right! this is the new 4th dimenson coaster being built in Japan. One of the controll rails was gotten rid of in the new track design. If you look at this picture, you will notice that one of the outside rails on the track is missing

So, the programme did get it wrong and all of that mechanical gubbins must of just been for the rolling gear[/quote]

You are wrong!


Can you say four?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:44 pm
by John
However many rails it has the outside ones definately control the rotation, depending on their position, the inside rails do not move as I have tried to illustrate on this picture:

The pink supports for the yellow rail are all the same length and the yellow rail is attatched to each in the same place, the pink rails however are not.

The wheels on the other rails do not have side wheels so could not cope with high lateral forces, the wheels on the inside rails are above, below and inside the rails so can cope with lateral g's, so must be the main support wheels.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:56 pm
by CGM
You are wrong!
OK so maybe I was wrong but could you have spotted the 4th rail on the picture I posted? which was the best one on rcdb but anyway, this still does not prove that the outside rails do not controll the train. I think that Duckman's picure proves that, and shouldn't all of this be in the topic about that coaster?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:03 pm
by liam14
LMAO The 4th rail well yeah der thats what ive been arguing about also lets all just give it a rest unless / until anyone has some REAL info / proof ok ! :lol: