Gloomy Wood Future

Got an idea of how the Alton Towers Resort may develop over the coming seasons? Discuss it here.
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For me, if Alton Towers is serious about becoming a powerhouse "resort," which the latest hotel developments would suggest that it is, then rides like the Haunted House and especially the flume, need to be brought forward into the 21st century.
For all the nostalgia surrounding it, it's worth remembering that the ride is now beginning it's 22nd season.
It could certainly be argued that the Haunted House, or "Duel" as it has sadly been butchered into, still serves a solid purpose for entertaining children below the ages of 7 or 8. For that purpose, it could probably survive another 10 seasons as it is. But anyone over that age would probably think it's a bit aged, lacking in real thrills, and in some areas almost falling to pieces.
Alton has enough coasters to keep the floods of thrill seekers happy for a few years, now it needs to focus on becoming a cutting edge family park, rather than just investing heavily on thrill rides, and holding onto dated family rides, that become more aged by the year.
The actual concept of a ghost train, or "laugh in the dark," is still fine, but a ghost train with 22 year old effects an animatronics, a good amount of which aren't functioning properly, doesn't tie in with the 18 million pound roller coasters that can be found elsewhere in the park.
I personally feel that the Thirteen story would be ideal to base a new haunted house style attraction on, there's certainly more to that story that could be expanded on, in perhaps a similar fashion to how Nemesis and Sub-Terra have been connected. Of course, logically any expansion on Thirteen would probably have to be constructed in the Dark Forest, thus still leaving the Haunted House in Gloomy wood, still in need of attention.
I think it's been mentioned before but perhaps something similar to Tower of Terror could work for the new Haunted House. Much more thrilling, much more up to date, but still mild enough, and with a low enough height restriction, to allow younger children to ride. Note, I am not saying a copy of the Tower of Terror, it doesn't even necessarily have to be a drop tower, as there would obviously be issues to overcome with planning permission. But an indoor, ghostly experience, in a creepy building, with a speedy, or drop element to it, would suit Alton Towers perfectly.
Just my two pence worth.
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The Alton Towers Guide held a Q&A with Ian Crabbe, the General Manager of the Alton Towers Resort, and below I have taken one question and answer which may be of interest...
[Q] – Gloomy wood does not seem to get much attention regarding anything new or a change is this due to the Long term development plans?

[A] – Oh there are all sorts of plans for Gloomy Wood or more specifically Duel, but nothing I can share with you just yet.
As detailed in the LTDP there is the possibility of a dark ride in 2016, whether this will be SW8 remains unknown, however it is looking even more likely after what's been said above, alongside the tree removal around Duel and the LTDP also highlighting the surrounding area as an option for development.
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He also stated that he knows nothing about any plans for a new entrance.
^Thanks to Nemesis Rider for the Signature! ;)
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Can I just say my favourite part of Thirteen is the backwards in the dark section :D so if they made a family type dark coaster all inside with maybe forwards and backwards parts I'd love it :D
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I never went in the haunted house and neither have I been in Duel so I hold no emotional attachment to it, therefore I wouldn't mind if it completely went altogether and Gloomy Wood was transformed into a new area. When you think 'haunted house' you think of some cheap attraction at a travelling fair so I don't think another go at one should happen and as for Duel it sounds like it's on its last legs and is no longer seen as a thrilling attraction therefore only benefiting younger visitors. I don't really think there is a need for Gloomy Wood any more. It used to be the only 'dark' area of the park but now we have the Dark Forest for the spooky side and of course Hex which befits thrill seekers better than Duel. Tear down Duel and replace it with a dark ride for the older visitor (we already have CaTCF for the youngsters).
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But we also have Nemesis Sub Terra for the older guests (Regardless of whether its popular or not). Gloomy Wood should stay family friendly IMO and it would be good if the area was made into an extension of Katanga Canyon. It is very small to be a stand alone land IMO.
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I'd like it if they replaced duel with sonic spinball, but indoors and obviously with a good re theme! It would do both the ride and the area justice and could still be a spooky area aiming at a slightly younger audience (in between dark forest and ceebebies land target market) and then they could expand the younger bit where spinball is atm! :)
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RCandrew wrote:I'd like it if they replaced duel with sonic spinball, but indoors and obviously with a good re theme! It would do both the ride and the area justice and could still be a spooky area aiming at a slightly younger audience (in between dark forest and ceebebies land target market) and then they could expand the younger bit where spinball is atm! :)
A building big enough to fit spinball in would be a massive eyesore!
^Thanks to Nemesis Rider for the Signature! ;)
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Maybe just partially inside then :lol
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not if it was extensively themed
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If it were really well themed it would look fine. For example Valhalla, when you look at it from the front it looks really good (the back and sides really don't). So if the hypothetical building for Sonic was as good if not better than Valhalla's front, but all the way round. It would okay. Plus it would have the trees to block most of it. Also if you look at buildings such as Ice Age, they are well themed and don't look like an eye sore.

Even though this sounds really good, I would imagine if Sonic were to be relocated it would work better on the Flumes site, themed to canons from a pirate ship or something like that, but an indoor coaster would work really well as AT is lacking one (which surprises me as AT get a lot of complaints about noise so I would have thought they would take advantage of the fact indoor coasters contain their noise)

I don't know what type of coaster they could use as the two I'd use are already installed in the park. I would use either a launch coaster with the trains facing backwards which would be themed to look like a evil force/creature is pulling you back into the darkness or I'd use a coaster like 13. This coaster would have the drop in the station where guests would be sat watching a video (like on Hex) when the evil subject of the video causes the floor to give way to drop you into it's lair before dragging you around.

Sorry its so long, but didn't want to make three separate comments.
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