Cheetah Hunt is a LSM launch coaster which was manufactured by Intamin Amusement Rides and opened at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay in 2011. With a height of 102ft and a drop of 130ft, Cheetah Hunt features a top speed of 60 mph and 1 inversion.

Launch 2

Here are some images of Cheetah Hunt’s second launch taken from the back of house maintenance area. Unlike other mid-circuit Intamin LSM launches, Cheetah Hunt does not require the train to launch backwards first to re-gain momentum if the train doesn’t make it over the top hat. When block checking, the Cheetah Hunt train is launched at 25% of its available power.

Maintenance Shed

Cheetah Hunt features one large single storey maintenance area. The area features enough space to accommodate four of the five trains at one time. The roller coaster has the ability to run five trains however it typically operates with three. One of the five trains is always being stripped for maintenance. Prior to a train requiring a strip down, it can run up to 55,000 cycles. Due to the maintenance bay featuring standard Intamin track, 2 small sections have the ability to be jacked up for engineers to work on the train components. If that is not enough, the engineers also have access to a heavy crane when required.

Ride Parts

Check out some of the parts and ride components that make up Cheetah Hunt. There are three different sized wheels used on Cheetah Hunt: the drive, up-stop and side wheels. In one of the images you can see what can happen to a ride wheel if it is hit by a loose article during the ride experience. Additionally, there is an image showcasing the device which can be connected to the seat in order to manually release the restraint.

Back of House

Cheetah Hunt has a large amount of back of house space around the station, launch 2 and underneath the top hat of the ride. This is where deliveries, old ride parts and train outer-shells can be stored outside of the main maintenance area. There are also large fans and machinery which is needed to cool down the components linked to the launch systems.