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Thorpe Park 4th April 2017

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:46 pm
by ThemeCrafter264
This trip report is going to be shorter but anyway today was a great day on park, with me riding 25 rides altogether. Below is the amount of times I did each ride

Saw: The Ride - 3
The Swarm - 3
Colossus - 2
Nemesis Inferno - 2
Vortex - 2
Stealth - 1
Depth Charge - 1
Tidal Wave - 1
Derren Brown Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon - 0.5 :D
Flying fish - 1
Detonator: Bombs Away - 1
Storm Surge - 1
Rush - 1
King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems - 1
Angry Birds 4D Experience - 1
X - 1
Mr Monkey's Banana Ride - 1
Rumba Rapids - 1

Hearing the imascore soundtrack for the island was fantastic to hear, especially to hype us all for the day ahead. Also it was good I was able to enter the park at 9:30 so I was able to get some more rides earlier on in the day.

I'm just going to do wrote some (new) things I thought about some (new) attractions.

Saw: the Ride - 7/10 I managed to ride this coaster quite a lot throughout the day with 2 of the rides having 5 mins queues. Really needs to be a lot smoother and a bit longer (after the MCBR the ride abruptly ends) but I still enjoyed the theming and preshow.

The Swarm + Nemesis Inferno I felt a small bit of headbanging today on both of them but swarm may have felt worse as I did it in the back row.

Colossus - 7/10 I can't decide if I prefer this attraction to saw as once again it is quite rough (eventhough on both rides, I sat in the front carriage. Having 1 train service was painful but it was a very unique experience ​for me.

Derren Brown Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon - NA I'm not going to give the attraction a mark because I didn't experience all of it and the attraction is not my cup of tea. It was only open for about hour so I'm glad I got to experience some of the attraction. The reason I left in the mid section was based around 2 reasons. Firstly I found the audio to be incredibly loud so even when I closed my eyes, I still felt I was still stuck in the action (not in a positive way for me).
My second reason for not continuing was I wasn't enjoying it. This was made worse with the mid section where there was an infected actress who came into the group as oppose to the tunnel, which pushed me over the edge. While waiting for my friends to finish I'm a Celebrity, I spoke to a staff member in the shop about the attraction. She seemed to say the new finale demon cost £40,000 and it is both an actor with an animatronic.
Also the queue was fast moving with a far more effective batching system.

Rumba Rapids - 6.5-10 It feels a bit sad and lacks much joy anymore. I mean it is good the water level is lower meaning you get wetter but the soundtrack is a bit bland and the ride is a bit depressing.

Overall, it was a fantastic day with 2 new coaster credits and I am looking forward to return back to the park in the future. It was good to have a quieter day and for anyone who is going to Thorpe this year, I hope you will have a great day because it is an island truly like no other! :)