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Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:27 am
by Ripsaw Raver
Ok so I thought I would make a topic regarding

Awarded BEST Scream Park by ScareCon
hosting 6 ScareAttractions each with a select theme. Be it the incarceration of AshHell Penitentiary,the dark traditions of The Hunted,the psychotic world of Twisted, the evil truth behind The Pie Factory, the sealed fate of Dungeon or the sickly rejuvenating Stilton Hall Hotel and HellSpa experience..

The mazes are well thought out and superbly themed and if your looking for a full experience this October then look no further than Twinlakes Park's Xtreme Scream Park.

Now for a little info to each maze with no spoilers ofcourse..
1610 cannibalism had become acceptable human behaviour inside Ash Hell Penitentiary, victims were bought from flesh markets and secretly smuggled in to feed the primitive inmates, the disposal of bones was a problem…..The flesh eating Duke began extending his empire and built Cell Block C, burying the butchered human bones in the walls…….

The Hunted
Every night in October a privileged few residents are selected and hooded, taken into the countryside by the riders of the night (The Huntsman) and their Hounds to participate in this sacred ancestral ritual called “The Hunted”………Are you lucky enough to be chosen for The Hunted?

dare to enter. Your pain is now their pleasure, a chaotic masterpiece of crooked clowns, the finest around, the show of your lifetime, a one show wonder…..
Roll up Roll up my lovelies come inside deeper deeper deeper…..Now let’s Play, we promise not to bite, a lot!

The Pie Factory: featuring Pig Mans Paddock & Mommas Hog
Melton Mowbray’s Pie Factory locally sources only the best, prime cuts of meat to produce 100% Manmade Pies,Do you dare and come to the Pie Factory and see how they are made,Mrs Momma Hog though has been changing the ingredients in the pies recently be careful,you succulent creature you might be next!

Belvoir Dungeon
Left in the dark walls of the Dungeon to waste away, they had no hope only fear, nothing but time to spare, time to plan, time to pray, time to trade with the Devil himself. Revenge and bitterness took over the deluded minds of the "forgotten women"
There is no hope, they are watching you, through the darkness, there is nowhere to hide. They will take your soul just as theirs were taken.

Stilton Hall Hotel and HellSpa – Directors cut – New for 2016
spread over 2 floors and 50 room’s your guaranteed to feel revitalised...
We will take you and make you beautiful with memorable treatments to die for, designed uniquely for every individual, change is perfection, perfection is change – beauty is in the eye of the Master – he will redesign you, transform you, there is nothing more pleasurable than pain, beautiful sweet pain, we are all beautiful….. Your body is ours…….what is your desire?

and it is within that final maze that you shall find myself or should I say...Cedric DeMort, My very first year as a scareactor and I can't wait to get stuck in.


Xtreme Scream Park 2016 (Twinlakekes Park Melton Mowbray)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:40 pm
by Ripsaw Raver
the maze im in hehe


some videos for your pleasure

Xtreme Scream Promo
" onclick=";return false;

Stilton Hall Hotel and HellSpa
" onclick=";return false;

AshHell Penitentiary
" onclick=";return false;

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:58 pm
by Ripsaw Raver
Some pictures of myself in my scareacting role, These were taken at Breakout




Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:01 am
by Ripsaw Raver
ok so Xtreme Scream has been amazing. Sadly i only have 3 nights of acting left =[
then i have to say farewell to Cedric DeMort.. this Saturday -Sunday and Monday are the last chances to book treatments with the Psychopath of Stilton Hall..

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:17 am
by Ripsaw Raver
Well 2017 Season is on the build and I can happily tell you that Xtreme Scream has 2 new offerings replacing to other attraction.

Twisted is now Revenge of the Zombie Clowns

Stilton Hall Hotel and Hell Spa keeps the same name but is now Under New Management, where the new owner has some unusual ideas on how to revitalise the hotel...

Ash Hell Penitentiary is now including the Execution Chamber

The Pie Factory now features Momma Hogs Chop Shop

Now onto the 2 new mazes for this year

In place of Dungeon a long standing maze , We now have Hoodoo Voodoo

And as we say goodbye to The Hunted after a 2 year run we now have The Village, Set to be Xtreme Scream Parks scariest yet which I myself am acting in this year. 

Xtreme Scream also isnt just Mazes, There is bands, Live Entertainment and Bonfires to heighten the mood.
And with 14 Nights of fear don't miss out Xtreme Scream Park at Twinlakes Park just outside Melton Mowbray =)

All further information can be found in the link below.

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:40 am
by Dom
Sounds amazing. Wish I could there to experience this. I hope you have a great time acting too.

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 1:56 pm
by Ripsaw Raver

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:37 pm
by Ripsaw Raver
The 2 new mazes for this year 
Hoodoo Voodoo
The Voodooists have advertised an event to the public promoting cleansing, enrichment and purity of the mind to those attending their ritual. Those entering the HooDoo attraction are promised eternal enlightenment and epiphany, with all negativity removed from their lives, leaving them in an eternal bliss with new perspectives on life. However all is not as it seems…

Since attending the rituals, few have been seen since, with those managing to escape HooDoo VooDoo being left in pits of despair, broken, tormented and suffering. It has been rumoured that the voodooists have been falsely luring innocents into the attraction and using their souls as a sacrifice and offering to the Gods. These sacrifices have throughout history, pleased the Gods, preventing disaster and devastation to the Voodoo tribes. Your visit to HooDoo VooDoo is also your sacrifice, where you risk soul extraction, your emotions abolished and eternal emptiness…

The Village  Set to be new scariest of the 6 going past the famous AshHell Penitentiary

Throughout the land there has been an increase of farmland pests threatening the crops. In order to sustain the human race, an agency backed Professor Crow, granting him large sums of money in order to create genetically modified scarecrows to effectively deal with the problem. These crows were to be designed with the ability to scare off any unwanted visitors.

Professor Crow conducted research into mixing scarecrows with human living tissue and embryos and eventually reached his success. His creation, the perfect scarecrow, had been born…

The scarecrows intelligence rapidly increased, no longer content with containment in their fields and so they turned their attention to the humans. In order to control his creations, bending them to his will to perform the merciless deeds, Professor Crow embodies the figure of a crow through his clothing, mannerisms and actions. The perfect scarecrows will obey his command and revere him as a God like figure – their creator. Only when dressed accordingly do the perfect Scarecrows recognise Professor Crow as their master, any resemblance to a human would be his downfall. Sacrifices will be made to appease the God.

Customers entering this attraction are attending the Harvest Festival, bringing with them their offering. However once inside, they will witness devastation beyond their imagination…

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:31 am
by Ripsaw Raver
Although I do work for Xtreme Scream, The Village is an AMAZING attraction, Check Shaun Sanbrookes review if you don't believe me, It is a 20 minute experience of scarecrow devastation over 5 buildings and 2 outdoor sections ! Shaun even said at the time of coming through it was the best scare maze he had ever done, So will you be coming to the church of the Dark Reverend Bloodhusk for the annual harvest festival?!

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:06 pm
by Dom
In complete honesty, he’s said that about every scare attraction he’s been through this year. But luckily those in the know have been raving about The Village and just how stunning it is. If I was closer I would so visit.

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:53 pm
by Ripsaw Raver
Thankyou Dom, we had a great run through entertaining scaretrack and scaretour, It fills me with so much joy that people are talking about it, I put in maybe 20 hours a week voluntary to work on The Village and Hoodoo since July, I personally will always have a soft spot for Stilton as it was my first ever attraction but to go from first time scare acting last year to headline maze finale next has just been a buzz, I wish everyone in the industry a fantastic halloween and a personal message from Bloodhusk...The time of the fleshrats is coming to an end....praise the harvest...  

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:03 pm
by Adz
I went to Xtreme Scream Park for the first time ever the other day and had a great time. 

Stand Outs were definitely The Village, Stilton Hall Hotel and Ash Hell. 

Pie Factory was pretty weak as was the clowns thing but as I understand it these are leftover from when the event was run by another company? The quality difference between these and the others was pretty evident. 

HooDoo VooDoo was a lot of fun, definitely one of the better hooded mazes. I'd love to see this with the lights on as it seemed to have a rather complicated route and a lot of fun effects. 

Ash Hell Penitentiary was very intense, it was ruined slightly by the group we were batched with but it's certainly up there with the best mazes in the country. 

Stilton Hall Hotel was amazing, brilliantly themed, incredibly long with a lot of jump scares interspersed with some humour "I'm the hotel perv!". It's nice to see something a little different that's not a traditional scaremaze theme.

The Village was insane, lots of long drawn out sections building up tension and then that finale. I won't spoil it for anyone but I'll just say this is probably the scare attraction of the year. 

Overall the event was much much better than I anticipated, the mazes are largely high quality and use some unique effects not often seen elsewhere. 

I have a few issues with the batching as we often met up with other groups leading to long conga lines through the mazes. The inability to buy more maze tickets is also irritating as on the night we went the mazes had no queue for the last hour and had the option been available we would have purchased another run through of the Hotel, Village and Ash Hell. 

However those gripes aside, it's a very well run and impressive attraction and I'll definitely be back. :)

Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:51 am
by Ripsaw Raver
For those that didnt get chance to meet my alter ego for this year. The Dark Reverend Bloodhusk ..heres some pics of me and my loyal followers.


Re: Twin Lakes Park & Extreme Scream Park

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:18 pm
by Ripsaw Raver
Praise The Harvest...