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Full spoiler reviews

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:37 pm
by jjoverrun
I wont be able to go to scarefest alas have never been to scarefest due to multiple reasons but i would really like to know what happens in the mazes. So if anyone could write there experiences in the mazes and withought worrying abot spoilers that would be nice thanks! :lol :lol

Re: Full spoiler reviews

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:08 pm
by jjoverrun
Actually if anyone just wants to pm me the experiences then that would be great thanks

Re: Full spoiler reviews

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:43 pm
by KoasterKraver
Id like to know more about Sub Species

Re: Full spoiler reviews

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:33 pm
by JonDoesTT
I'll post some after tomorrow if you still want me to, I'm looking forward to them!

Re: Full spoiler reviews

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:43 pm
by JonDoesTT
Spoilers for Sub Species (this maze is slightly different every time, so of you do it, your experience might not be the same):
I started off in a room where you're given a briefing, and sent to a control room where a few 'sewer dwellers' bet on which one of you in the group will survive, and the controller tells you about the trap doors (which I'll talk about) and other stuff about how you won't survive (the controller is demitri, who's also the guy at the end I'll also talk about). Then, you move into and both room where there are 3 doors, labelled 1, 2 and 3. There's a 3 second countdown, then some people in your group are grabbed through one door, and it slams, so you have to pick another (unless you're the one being grabbed). Then, you enter a maze where most of it is pitch black, but there's some light and actors will leap out and grab you and stroke you and whatever. Then, if you're not alone yet (they try and split you up quite a lot), you crawl through a crawl-space and it's pitch black. There's a few actors in there and it's terrifying tbh. Then, you're in a room where you have to hold onto a rope, because it's so dark, and there are people with lights dangling in front of their eyes that will grab you and scare you, basically. Then you walk into the lab, I think it's called, where this horrific alien creature is being kept in a transparent plastic box type thing and you think you're safe, but then he's touching you and clawing at you and whatever. Then, you enter the finale where you get chased out with a chainsaw by demitri, I believe. I've made it sound much less intense than it really is, though, it's fantastic.

Re: Full spoiler reviews

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:58 pm
by JonDoesTT
Molly Crowe Spoilers:
You start off by getting a briefing from an exorcist (I believe), about molly and the story behind her. She has the ability to talk to Crowes, her father hates her, she dies after opening a portal to hell, comes back as a spirit, gets revenge on her father by pecking his eyes out is the basic story. Anyway, you're told to put the hood over your head to stop the crowes from pecking your eyes out, so it's good that they justify it in a clever way rather than just being given a hood and told to put it on. You're and so told to keep one hand on the rope to the right, and one hand on the person in front. You then go into the house and an exorcist calls molly's name and asks her to show herself, and she does and she screams in your ear and whispers and touches your hands and legs and stuff. Then, you go into the nursery, where molly is a baby and she's crying, and it's driving the father insane *random touching and shouting*, and he hates her because she's been crying for 3 days straight. Then, you go into the room where she's hiding from her dad and he's shouting at her for talking to Crowes and whatever. Then, she burns alive after opening a portal to hell *random demon shouts, Molly screams, heaters and lights turn on, demonic shouts, more touching*. Then, Molly has her burial service and you get touched and hear about her death. You then hear her father shouting and screaming because she's sent crows to peck out his eyes *feathers are hit across your face, shouting and more touching* . Then, you enter her room where you take the hood off. The exorcist calls molly, she appears and flies up to the ceiling, and the exorcist chokes and tells you to run, and molly chases you out of the maze.

Re: Full spoiler reviews

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:12 pm
by Sawboss
See I very vaguely remember any of that stuff since I was so busy feeling for the rope and being fondled. I was aware of stuff going on and occasional shouting, and would probably have paid more attention if I knew there was more of a story to it. The problem is we'd just been through TOTT which has no narrative as far as I know except for 'There are ghosts' so I really didn't expect story from Molly. Shame cos it sounds better that way although I did enjoy it.

Re: Full spoiler reviews

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:26 pm
by Morgan
After doing all the mazes yesterday, I think it's safe to say that the team have done a great job this year :)

The Haunting of Molly Crowe
This was the first maze we did and was the most anticipated for me. I was at the front. After we put the hoods on, it was very claustrophobic quickly. About a minute in I was tempted to ask if I could leave as it was very unnerving. Despite the rooms being fairly big you wouldn't know. The tension adds when you breathe heavily as the hoods draw closer to your face. Although I knew the story from the BTS I didn't really know what was going on as the story wasn't told too well, which is a shame for both me and standard guests. The finale was good, when Molly lifts up it is very eerie, and the chase at the end was a nice mix-up as I was then at the back.

Sub-Species: The End Games
A very unusual experience but strong and thrilling. The control room set a great atmosphere before the door room. We waited... The doors open, lights go off. When they came back, Rob (who was standing next to me) had been taken to the unknown. I was forced to the front by my friends, and this was quite nerve-racking. A few good jumps, a good atmosphere and the actors did a great job. At one point I accidentally went into one of the rat-runs, but the actor told me to I had gone the wrong way... In character! There was a great bit of banter when someone wanted to cut my eyes out and use them... Sure I saw an alien in that scene as well. Then, I could see the chainsaw guy in the distance. He prepped it, and I ran as quickly as I could, leaving the people who completed it laughing. A good maze but I felt it lacked something (so did Molly).

Terror of the Towers
Following with theme, I took to the front. The pre-show was pretty good to start up the atmosphere, even if I had seen it before on YouTube. The air cannon made us all jump before we set into the first scene. The crate maze felt very theatrical, and I went left (instead of right ;)). The corridor was fun, and there was some great tension building over the bridge into the organ scene, where I was told to "cleanse my soul". The finale was by far the best, strobes where disorientating and I couldn't tell whether there was actually an actor or my imagination. By far my favorite maze of the day!

Re: Full spoiler reviews

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 4:41 pm
by JonDoesTT
Sawboss wrote:The problem is we'd just been through TOTT which has no narrative as far as I know except for 'There are ghosts'
There is a pretty good story to ToTT. The urban explorers (shown in the pre-show) are exploring the towers, and then one of the vampires/spirits takes them and kills them. You're an explorer, and the vampires are preparing you for the 'masters'. So they start off by 'playing' with you in the crate scene, to see if you're prepared enough. Then they move on to cleaning your sins in the chapel scene after the scaffolding, then 'the masters' in the strobe maze are trying to eat you. It's not as well thought out as Molly or Sub Species, but there is a story more than just scary things jumping out at you.

Also, on my spoiler reviews, excuse my grammar. I was tired and my tablet has a very buggy autocorrect system, unfortunately. :lol