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Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:13 pm
by Chris-TT
I personally think they ruined the media hype by showing the computer generated on-ride video! They never do coasters justice!

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 12:08 am
by Spike
Who ever did the No-limits vid is crap at it, looks ruff in places lol

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:09 pm
by Sir John Talbot
[quote=""Williscroft""]Looks good but am I the only one that is feeling a little disappointed. I was expecting something amazing from the hype yet I personally would rather have a go on Maverick.

Still a decent looking coaster, just I’ve seen better.[/quote]

I kinda agree.

To be honest I though the 'theme' of the ride would be something a bit more... unique. The whole subliminal thing they had going with the website before was fantastic, I'd of though the ride would be presented in a darker, more 'Oblivion' type nature... but we have the cliche red logo, with references to fire and a blatant reference to the 97 degree drop. It's all a bit yawnful really.

Layout doesn't look like anything to shout about aswell. Looks 'good', but doesn't look overly 'great'. To be honest, it merely looks like Intamins version of a Eurofighter - but from the look of the video I'd sooner ride Mystery Mine.

What an anti-climax.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:30 pm
by Sazzle
Just to clarify about Intamin/Intaride:

"Intamin AG is a designing and manufacturing company in Wollerau, Switzerland. It is best known for creating thrill rides and roller coasters worldwide. The U.S. division of the company is located in Glen Burnie, MD. This division is called IntaRide LLC, and is headed up by Sandor Kernacs. The Intamin brand name is an abbreviation of sorts for: INTernational AMusement INstallations. The company distributes approximately 5-7 roller coasters from their workshops in Switzerland and Glen Burnie each year."

That's from Wikipedia.

I'm so disappointed :( all that cryptic mystery for what appears to be Speed: No Limits but with Intamin track. Gutted!

World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:14 pm
by Blaze
Hershey Park have announced their new ride for 2012 will be a one of a kind Intamin hyper coaster. Named 'Skyrush', it will built around and over a lake, it features an incredibly steep, 85 degree, 200 foot tall drop and lots of low, fast s-hills like pretty much ever Intamin coaster of the last 7 years. It's pretty short but should be quite a thrill.

The main feature to note is the seating arangement. It will be one of the few Intamin coasters to have four across seating; not so impressive in of itself, but the outside two seats will be floorless. A rather strange concept, but a fairly interesting one.

Press release:
Hersheypark to Debut Its 12th Coaster in 2012 Season
200-Foot Thrill Ride Will Feature the First Trains of Their Kind in the United States

Rising out of the earth at Hersheypark will soon be a whole new breed of roller coaster – Skyrush, a mega/hyper coaster with winged seating. It will be the tallest, fastest and longest coaster in the Park.
The train cars of the 200-foot-tall steel coaster will feature two floored seats flanked by two floorless, winged outer seats that will offer a staggering 270-degree panoramic viewing perspective.
Skyrush, which will feature cantilevered trains that are to be the first of their kind in the United States, will cost approximately $25 million and raise the number of coasters in Hersheypark to an even dozen.
The train will begin its skyward climb – at 26 feet per second – before it even leaves the station. Upon cresting the track’s peak, the train will plunge down an 85-degree descent and send riders rushing into the first of four high-speed, high-banked turns as they travel at speeds up to 75 mph.
Riders will feel the rush of five exhilarating airtime hills and transition from positive to negative gravity as they cross over the entire length of Comet, the oldest roller coaster in Hersheypark. Skyrush will travel over Spring Creek, the body of water that was a centerpiece when chocolate magnate Milton S. Hershey opened his park in 1907, and race along nearly 3,600 feet of steel track back to its station.
The third Intamin coaster in the Hersheypark arsenal, Skyrush will join crowd favorites Storm Runner, built in 2004, and Fahrenheit, built in 2008. It promises to deliver the same high-intensity thrills that Park guests have come to expect from this renowned coaster manufacturer.
Skyrush will also bring a new coaster sightline to the Comet Hollow section of Hersheypark, where it will interact with Comet, a classic wooden out-and-back coaster that dates to 1946; sooperdooperLooper, which opened in 1977 as the first steel looping coaster on the East Coast; and Great Bear, which debuted in 1998 as the first looping, inverted steel coaster in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Hersheypark, which is well known for blending the past with both the present and the future as it offers guests a one-of-a-kind experience, is reclaiming about three acres of land that have been closed to the public since 1972. The land is the site of the Park’s former “Sunken Gardens,” a popular place for early visitors to Hershey to take a stroll. The area is now being transformed not only by the new coaster, but also by a renovation that will result in the creation of a scenic observation path that’s lined by globe streetlights, fencing, trees, landscaping and flowers. The area will allow guests to reflect on the Park’s history while watching riders on a state-of-the-art mega coaster.
The coaster’s station house is being modeled after historic train stations in the Hershey area. New restroom facilities, games and food stands will replicate the Park’s buildings of yesteryear, and a new floating fountain in Spring Creek will bring back memories of days gone by.
Dreadfull NL preview:
[url=" onclick=";return false;] ... r_embedded[/url]

Re: World first Hyper for Herhey

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:38 pm
by Blizzard
Watching the preview vids on the HP website, it certainly looks impressive! However, youd think they'd go for 300ft, as it tops stormrunner by far, & would stand out more, but its most likely too expensive. They have gone for the "Hovering Lifthill" effect though like they have on Intimidator305!

The winged seats seem a bit of a novelty to me, Im sure it will cause great problems with loading, (fighting for a winged seat) which will lengthen the dispatch.

Does look good though, Im sure it will be a great coaster!


Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:15 pm
by Dylan
I was expecting a bit more from this announcement. It looks a little amateur-ish. Ride seems ok, but nothing outstanding. And I think the seats are a bit gimmicky. Like Blizzard says, I'm sure there will be loading issues with people choosing seats!

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:04 pm
by Blaze
It is a stupid thing to do, but the ride itself looks fine, but a bit short.

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:17 pm
by Nightfall
I don't think they’ll be any issue at all.

Think about it, if you're just a general guest would you really care if you're seat was floorless or not? More likely you'd be concentrating on the 200ft drop and wouldn't even give a dam.

If half the seats where sit down and the others stand up I could see there being an issue. But floorless is basically the same as sit down. Remember that a normal floorless roller coaster technically has a floor on the inner 2 seats anyway (front row excluded).

It’s no different to someone wanting to be in the outer seats on Oblivion and I can’t think of a time when that’s been an issue.

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:22 pm
by Blaze
Of course people will care. If anything surely they'll want the floorless seats more? It probably won't be too much of an issue, but it's such a daft gimmick.

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:43 pm
by Nightfall
I don't remember saying the floorless seats would be less popular :?

In truth though I don't believe too many people will care, unless the park over advertise the fact it's floorless. The layout of the ride is what they've come to experience. Getting a good seat is normally a bonus and those who are after a specific seat will have enough warning to let others pass ahead of them, just like you would if you wanted the back row on Nemesis.

It’s not like there aren’t other coasters where some seats are superior to others. Griffon is renowned for having the most amazing experience of the furthest edge. But most people don’t grumble when they end up in the centre.

On the plus side the extra seats increase capacity and offer a different experience when re-riding.

I really can’t see how this makes it a stupid decision. I acutely hope it does well and we see more ride like it :wink:

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:04 pm
by Blaze
Where does it say increased capacity? Surely this is an alternative to the stadium seating they've used on pretty much every coaster since 2000/ Instead of two rows of two just one of four?

Come on, given the choice of two normal seats and two floorless seats, almost everyone will go for the floorless ones.

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:42 pm
by Nightfall
[quote=""Blaze""]Where does it say increased capacity? Surely this is an alternative to the stadium seating they've used on pretty much every coaster since 2000/ Instead of two rows of two just one of four?[/quote] It doesn’t I just assumed that 4 seats almost lined up would take up less room then 2 rows and therefore let them add another cart or two on the end. Having watched the video again it seems like they've chose a small train anyway. But they could have had more seats per overall length.

[quote=""Blaze""]Come on, given the choice of two normal seats and two floorless seats, almost everyone will go for the floorless ones.[/quote] Exactly if you're given the choice you'd chose the outside seats but you're assuming people will have the choice.

Let's break it down:

Riding by yourself: You're a single rider and will fill any gap given to you. Don’t like it then wait another cycle. Personally I wouldn’t be too fussed.
Riding as a pair: You will be put with another pair. The pair in front can ever choose to ride together or take both outer seats leaving the other pair with the middle two. Tough for them, they can always let another pair in front but I don’t think most people will be that fussed.
Riding as 3: You can decided which 2 get the outer/inner seats. You’re then paired with someone by themselves.
Riding as 4: decide among you’re group who get’s which seats or split into 2 pairs.

If given the choice of sticking with the seat you’re given or waiting I’m sure that most people would just be happy to ride. There’s no problem with people deciding to wait as this happens to accommodate families ridding together anyway. I’d happily ride on an inside seat if it meant I’d ride a few cycles sooner.

World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:51 am
by themealgang
The coaster itself looks like it could be quite thrilling, but those seats are just a gimmick. Yes, those trains will look quite unusual flying around the track, but surly when you build a hyper coaster the focus is mainly on the height and speed? I can't quite remember when Diamondback was announced that there was much marketing attention at all on the new style of seating arrangement for the B&M Hyper coaster. Then again, it would appear that the public like gimmicks, so Hershey could be onto a winner here. I look forward to how this coaster evolves over the coming months!

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:10 am
by .Will
Love the idea of the outer seats. It will make the whole ride a little bit more special especially as you are hanging over the sides over 200ft in the air that'll prove to be an experience.

The next logical step is a Hyper Wingrider.

Gawd everything will be a Windrider soon!


Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:10 am
by Benzin
[quote="".Will""]Love the idea of the outer seats. It will make the whole ride a little bit more special especially as you are hanging over the sides over 200ft in the air that'll prove to be an experience.

The next logical step is a Hyper Wingrider.

I think you mean Giga is the next step...

But this isn't really much of an impressive idea... Half of it has a floor? What's the point?

Jack of all trades, master of none... Not the most impressive new ride next year...

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:44 am
by .Will
I disagree. They are taking steps and moving in the right direction, surley to make a giga or a hyper coaster more thrilling is to stick people on the sides.


Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:02 pm
by Bear
3600ft really isn't alot for a 200ft tall coaster... just sayin'.

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:25 pm
by Blaze
It is very short, but so is I305. Like that, most of this ride is very low, and the left hand seat will be great on the section over the lake.

Personally, as stupid as this idea is, making tall coasters feel even more exposed is a great direction to take.

Re: World first Hyper for Hershey Park 2012

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:23 pm
by Rollercoasters4Life
The seat arrangement seems rather odd having two on the outside & two on the inside. Is it going to be white? I hate white painted rides! #-o