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Create your own backstories!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:45 pm
by Oblivion guy
I know Alton Towers have nearly scrapped back stories now so I thought it would be cool for members to create their own. Rides that don't have back stories include: Thirteen, Rita (I know it does have one but it's pretty lame),the rapids,the flume,Enterprise,Duel and Haunted Hollow(It might not need one but you could try if you wanted to)

Like to hear your ideas :lol

I'm sure most of you love these stories so dropping them is just disgraceful cough cough John Wardley ](*,)

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:15 pm
by Mermalizer
Here is my idea:

The wraiths are creatures that are mysteriously benevolent, but have been commanded under the uncontrollable Dark Forest to capture and convert people into wraiths to shroud the world in fear of the forest. The creation used to convert people is Thirteen – the conversion should be in the crypt. However, an old survivor of the Dark Forest added a freefall drop, and then the backwards section, to help them escape the conversion. And that girl from the advert - she is someone who was trapped mid-conversion, and escaped with some of the effects. She was rescued by the survivor, and she started to warn the public about 'going alone' as to getting help (the advert itself).

This leads into Rita, which is the escape cart, built by this same survivor, who does the pre-ride announcement of ‘You must escape’. It is an abandoned drag racer, which has survived from the ruins of what was an amazing race track, but the survivor built it up again to be an escape cart, going faster than the power of the forest can.

It sounds a bit too far-fetched and maybe too Smiler-esque, but I feel that it seems like it could have happened.

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:19 pm
by Oblivion guy
Great stories keep em coming guys :)

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:27 pm
by palaydion

After the rise of Oblivion,Enterprise was created to check nothing suspicious was happening. Sort of like surveillance,or an all seeing eye, to make sure Oblivion 'treatment' was working after they got off. So once you get on Enterprise the 'treatment' is complete...


Because oblivion wasn't reaching enough people,Submission came into action to call people all over the world to come. Broadcasting their 'auto suggestion' to more and more people! But Submission soon went as a new,even better device to implant the suggestion of coming...

The Marmaliser...

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:00 pm
by stealthsmiler
Here's mine, although many would disagree with the idea (set when what i think Subs replacement should be, is built),

X Sector was used by the ministry of defense where they were carrying out secret tests. After being abandoned, the ministry of joy took over the area and tried to convert some of the existing experiments to correct people. Submission was found to be ineffective so was therefore removed, and instead a new experiment was built (explain later). Enterprise did the job slightly and was found that it could become useful in improving their new experiment's (the smiler) effects. Advocates would first be sent onto Enterprise which prepares them for correction. It lowers advocates self defense mechanisms, allowing the MOJ to get inside their head, The Smiler then does the main correcting. Advocates are then sent to the new test (Sub replacement) which is a walk through attraction which checks advocates have been correctly corrected. Those who fail and are found to have not been corrected properly are then sent to the disposal unit which blasts them into Oblivion. (The back of Blivy would also be covered up).

AT could put up a sign saying for guests to enhance their experience they should ride Enterprise, then the smiler, then the new attraction then Blivy.

i know the smiler and Blivy have back stories but that's what I would do.

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:41 pm
by lf2001
I think I'll do a few over the next few days, and I'll start with Duel.

In the Winter of 2002, when the park was closed, and no one was around, there was something going on in Gloomy Wood. Zombies were unearthing from the ground, and we're looking for a new home, the old Haunted House. The zombies chased the ghosts and ghouls away. But when the park was open for 2003, the zombies became very protective of their new home. They bought laser guns, and use them to attack anyone who dares to enter the house...

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:39 pm
by SuperWill
I have a backstory for The Flume! Here it is:

Once Alton Towers closed it's doors in Winter 2003, something strange happened to the Log Flume! Ducks decided to take over everything and even changed the logs to baths! The whole area was invaded by ducks and now it's too late for the logs to fight back! The ducks have officially taken over with their annoying quacking and their big duck in the tunnel!

I know, it's rubbish but I did my best to try and make The Flume backstory have a bit of humour in it! :P

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:27 am
by Mermalizer
Some great ideas so far! I have a concept for X-Sector also:

It was run by a government facility, but back then it was not called the Ministry of Joy. They wanted to basically make everybody their slaves. They took the more forceful approach when it came to Oblivion, Enterprise and Submission, which partly worked. However, they did not work completely, and they found that the 'correction' wore off very quickly. So, they decided to change their image, and became the Ministry of Joy, formulating a back story saying that they'd been around for a long time - this came with a new leader, Dr Kelman of course. They theorized that if people were happier, then they would most likely be corrected, so they took the 'Smile always' approach. They tested out The Sanctuary which became their first 'joy' experiment, and seemed to work well. However, it seemed too slow for them, as not enough people were corrected at once - and this is where The Smiler comes in! This device carries more people at once, and their experiments were put to practice on the Marmaliser structure, which aired statistics and propaganda of why people should 'smile always'.

So in a nutshell, the Ministry did create Oblivion and co, but they got their name from the Smiler and the Sanctuary.

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 1:05 pm
by KatangaZebra
My friend told me this one:

A girl was born on the thirteenth second of the thirteenth hour of the thirteenth day of March 1913. As a treat on her thirteenth birthday, she and her family went to London. (The girl lives in the towers). In order to get to London, their horses and carriage has to pass through the same forest Hex's story is based in. When going through the forest, the horses go too fast, pulling them and the carriage down a cliff. The girl was the only one to survive, so she got out of the carriage and went to look for help. She came across a large building. She didn't know that this was a crypt. She knocked on the door and the door opened but no one was there. The girl opened the door. As she stood in the middle of the crypt floor, vines and trees wrapped around the girl's limbs, then her body; then her head. Suddenly, the crypt floor opened up. The girl dropped through the floor with a loud scream. The floor closed up.

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:20 pm
by Coasterfellow
My idea would require some landscaping and a new theme. The area of the forbidden with Air in is now part of a utopian civilization that people come to to view the nemesis creature from a safe distance. Phalanx also let people in to get a closer look at the nemesis creature and the creature eggs. A detour path would be added to the forbidden valley so you can go straight to the utopian society and by pass the danger of the creature.

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:35 pm
by Alton13Nemesis

A few years ago, a pair of urban explorers (TOTT link) discovered a mysterious crypt, hidden deep within the dark forest. When they discovered this crypt, they unearthed a terrifying secret, and they were never seen again. Several years on, you must board Th13teen in order to discover the dark secret of the crypt, and what lies within (I'm so obsessed with TOTT)


The secret of the crypt has been unleashed, and its terror is on the loose within the dark forest! In order to save your soul, you must board Rita, and escape from the terror of the dark forest!

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:44 am
by Count-Vonduel
Heres my back-story for Rita

One day every creative mind at Alton Towers died...THE END.

true story :yes:

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:04 am
by nemefan08
Just an idea

The enterprise was a spaceship that crashed at alton towers. People would investigate only to be dragged inside. When moj saw this they locked it in x sector and invited people to go inside. The spinning effect made people smile,Therefore enterprise is now used as a correctional device along with The Smiler

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:26 am
by JustWill
The blade is a weapon made to try and defeat Nemesis
*how did I do* :nervious:

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:13 pm
by SmilerLover
Ok, I have one for 13.
When Alton Towers were taking down corkscrew they discovered a crypt. When they went inside they found the wraiths trying to keep an evil force at bay. However the evil overpowered the wraiths and corrupted them. It then took over the forest to use for its bidding. The evil forces aim is to corrupt everyone!

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:36 pm
by TheBeast
Once upon a time Merlin was trying to cook up a magical new ride to go with the favourite ride of Alton Towers, Nemesis. However, he failed, tried to copy the Saw maze and failed again, leaving a hunk of falling metal and a single live actor to make up a "new scare attraction"

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 3:17 pm
by salamanderman
Heres one for swarmy, he gets no love :(
In our time, humans are priced like a fine wine, a fuel tankard of sorts, prized for our fear witch runs the the aliens like oil in a engine.
humans live in the constant shadow of the invasion, pulled in from the nemisis' great call, a beacon of Hope for the unholy race of aliens we call the swarm
The nemisis mastermind is crippled
Weve fought this war before
And we will fight them back, even it means war..

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:43 am
by Dungeon-X-Smile
I've got one for Galactica! And it ties it to Nemesis and Nemesis Sub Terra too!

After the discovery of the egg, Phalanx went into shut down, investigating again and again the nemesis pit, trying to learn all they could about the creature. In this process, a team was formed with the sole intent of figuring out where it came from and how it got here. After months of on sight research pulling up little to no evidence, hope was lost within the team, and ridiculous and implausible answers were being taken as the truth. Until Alton Towers decided to perform a maintenance check on the ride neighboring to Nemesis, Air. While doing the check, an employee discovered the most unusual thing. It appeared to be a glowing ring that leads to blackness hidden inside of a bush. Curious, the employees have been dropping random items into it, yet nothing seemed to happen. They'd just keep falling down until you couldn't see them anymore. The Phalanx team started investigating the hole and quickly found out that it was a wormhole, leading straight into deep space. Because it leads up into space, they decided to officially name their team Galactica and started becoming more of their own entity as they branched off into wormhole research. After securing a way to travel through the portal, they started making their own adventures through it, but alas kept finding less and less about the Nemesis Creature, but more and more about Space Travel. As their research continued, they found themselves not even searching for the creature anymore, and instead creating a way for anyone to travel through the galaxy and experience what they were experiencing. 

And thus this is why Galactica exists and how it feeds into Nemesis kinda sorta ish? 

Re: Create your own backstories!

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:38 pm
by TalbotOfXSector
It was Autumn 1862, Edward Crowe had just returned from a long day in his office. It was quiet in his manor, Alton Towers. Too quiet. He walked through to find his daughter, Molly, in her room talking to a bird on the windowsill. "He isn't the same anymore, he scares me." Molly whispered. Edward, startled by his daughters true feelings towards him, went to bed with haste, worrying about his etiquette towards her. 

Days past and her troubles became worse and worse. Edward felt it necessary to call in a local priest to conduct an exorcism as she grew so aggressive it became dangerous. 

The demon escaped her body however it lingered in the grounds of her stately home and corrupted the nearby lands, causing overgrowth to erupt from the ground and dark trees to shroud the land in complete darkness. Later becoming the Dark Forest. 

Rumour has it that Molly Crowe likes to roam the Dark Forest in an attempt to be reunited with her demonic counterpart once more. Before one day she stumbled upon an ancient crypt and was faced with a hooded figure who dragged her into the crypt, and she was never to be seen again. 

------------- Yeah basically The Haunting of Molly Crowe is a prequel to Th13teen just like The Welcoming is a prequel to Wicker Man