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The SpaceBoat

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:32 pm
by Ketchup
Does anyone have any information about the SpaceBoat (Old Swinging Inverter Ship) and why it was replaced and maybe even some pictures. Is so could you please post them here!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:50 pm
by Squiggles
Alas I have no pictures, but I can tell you about the ride...

It was in the park for just one season, if that, in 1983, and was the first ride to be removed from the park after it had become an amusement park.

It was designed by Weber and was a "dreamboat" ride and during its time in the park it sat roughly where the "Kantanga Canyon" sign currently sits in Merrie England.

It is usually quoted as being the first ride to suffer from the "tree height" rule, although it is not fully clear that this is the actual reason it went. When it was removed it was replaced by the Ocotpus, and it seems likely that there may have been some sort of deal with Weber whereby they took by the space boat away in return for the 1001 Nights (also made by Weber) - this last bit is pure speculation, although it seems slightly strange that one weber ride was removed at the same time as a new one was built.

Hope that helps. For the only picture I know of which shows AT's Space Boat, check out ATA

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:54 pm
by Ketchup
Nice thanks for the info. I bet it was a blow for the park to lose a ride as big as that in it's first season!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:06 am
by Anonymous
I remember visiting in August 1983 and being totally amazed to see this thing swinging around in the Ingestre centre. It never apeared on a park map.

In 1984, I wrote to the park to ask why Space Boat had been removed and their response was 'It wasn't as popular as our other attractions'.

Yeah, right.

Or maybe the locals objected to this great big, gold boat swinging upside down in the vicinity.

However, it was a hugely overrated ride, being very slow and quite nauseating.
At the time, it was just nice to go on another ride at AT that went upside down. But looking back, it was only good for being able to tell people, over twenty years on, what it was like.

Anyhoo, search around the ATA old rides section and you'll find a pic of it.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:20 am
by Ketchup
I've only seen one pic of it ever, it must of been due to the treeline the ride must of been the parks biggest flat ride along with the Enterprise at the time

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:39 am
by Squiggles
The enterprise wasn't there, it was added in 1984, along with most of the parks thrill rides of the time.

In fact the only ride I can think of which was an adult flat ride at the time was the Pirate Ship. This was in the very early stages of AT becoming an amusement park, pre Blackhole even.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:23 am
by Jam JT

I don't know much about the Space Boat that was at Alton Towers, but I believe that the Space Boat model is the same model that now operates at Loudoun Castle park. (My local theme park)

The ride first came to Loudoun Castle (Scotland) in 1995 and was shaped and themed as 'William Wallace's Sword' and named 'Braveheart' but in 2000 the ride was replaced by a SuperNova. Our Super Nova was mad, it was always on manual and the ride was very much a thrill ride, But, the Super Nova was never as popular as the 'Braveheart'. So the park brought back the same model again and called it the 'Black Pearl' and it is still today an excellant ride which pulls a massive crowd.

This is why I don't believe Alton Towers when they say the ride was not popular back in the 80's when it was new because now 20 years later the ride is still liked by many people. And I have to admit it is a great ride.

The only picture I have ever seen of the Space Boat was on ATA, below I have posted a few images of the ride at Loudoun Castle. I think it looks and operates great considering the age of the machine.

I have on ride and off ride video clips of this ride 'Black Pearl' if you would like a copy email me.





Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:23 pm
by Ketchup
No wonder they had to remove it . It's way above the tree line, i'd rater ride that than Submission to! :D

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:42 pm
by Jam JT
It is a big ride, im not certain but It is about 85 feet. It is the same height as 1001 Nights.


However, it was a hugely overrated ride, being very slow and quite nauseating

The ride is actually quite fast, the first swing is very slow but after that I it picks up quite a bit speed. It swings at the same speed as 1001 Nights, maybe a bit faster.

Ketchup :-

i'd rater ride that than Submission to!

Do you mean submission or super nova lol? I would also rather ride the Dream Boat than Submission. Dreamboats are interesting rides, though it does depend on what cycle you get.

If you want to know more about Dream Boat rides then let me know. I have a brochure from a Weber booklet when the ride was first made. Also a list with photos of other models around the world.

PS I dont know how to quote! :-(

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:10 pm
by Anonymous
[quote=""Jam JT""]


However, it was a hugely overrated ride, being very slow and quite nauseating

The ride is actually quite fast, the first swing is very slow but after that I it picks up quite a bit speed. It swings at the same speed as 1001 Nights, maybe a bit faster.[/quote]

Well, the 13 year old me didn't think it went very fast at the time. Maybe my expectations before I rode it were too high.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:46 pm
by Altonator
PS I dont know how to quote!
Select the text you want to quote and click on "Quote Selected" at the bottom of the screen.
Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:57 pm
by Ketchup
It does look intresting. I reckon it could of stayed till about 1990 if it weren't for the locals!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:19 pm
by dstone_uk
ATA have now posted that image on there home page :roll: :roll:

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:58 pm
by Squiggles
[quote=""dstone_uk""]ATA have now posted that image on there home page :roll: :roll:[/quote]

Huh? What image.... I see nothing new except stuff on Ug Land.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:14 pm
by Jam JT
I cant see any image on there home page????