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Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:37 pm
by RITA123
Continue All Discussion down here on your opinion.

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:11 am
by Sam198
Which would we 'like' to see removed first? Or which do do we think 'will' be removed first? Because there's a huge difference between the two... ;)

In response to the question - and I'm sure it's one that will be echoed by many of you - Submission. No contest.

The response to the other question is a far more complex one to formulate - largely because nobody really knows. The sad truth is that Submission is unlikely to be leaving any time soon (not unless someone in park management realizes how disgusting a blot it is on the face of their otherwise respectable ride selection).

The only reason I can see The Blade being removed any time in the foreseeable future is due to either a catastrophic failure, resulting in it simply becoming easier to replace than repair, or Towers wishing to replace it with something else altogether - which is unlikely. It fulfills its intended purpose perfectly adequately as it is, and simply isn't a big enough concern for the Resort to warrant spending money on an identical (or indeed, similar) replacement.

Ripsaw is an entirely different case. It's a ride that has always been hugely popular - yet has really started to show its age in recent years. At what point will Towers realize that all the removal of theming, temporary repairs and other cut-corners are simply too much? And will that day come before or after the ride's inevitable failure to operate to a commercially viable capacity? Who knows?

You'd have to be a fool to seriously attempt to determine Enterprise's remaining life-expectancy. It could be gone tomorrow, or it could still be kicking around in ten years' time.

The Resorts' decisions on such matters will always be financially motivated. The day they have reason to believe a ride (or the space it occupies) could make them more money in the long run if it were to be removed and replaced with something else is the day it'll be earmarked for removal - it's as simple as that.

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:54 am
by DrCalman42
I'd like to see, and I expect to see, Submission go. Unless they can do something with the leg restraints, like put some padding on the bottom of them or something, because as a ride it's brilliant. I just feel it pushes down on my thighs too much when it comes down from the top of the rotation. So fix that, please, Alton Towers, and I'll love it!

Looking at the topic name from a distance, it looks like it says which FIAT would you like...

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:35 am
by TowersManiac0110
I hope it's submission. That thing hurts like hell. They should either make the restraints a bit better and less painful or get it out of there.

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:53 pm
by TheBoyWithOneEye
TowersManiac0110 wrote: I hope it's submission. That thing hurts like hell. They should either make the restraints a bit better and less painful or get it out of there.
Just dont go on it then. At least it keeps the queues down for other rides a tiny bit  ;) also what elss are you supposed to put in that small area?

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:09 pm
by DeanGaryCox
Considering they have just refurbished / fixed Enterprise & Submission for the 2013 season, why would there be any need to remove it unless it broke down to the extent where it's not worth trying to fix? the same applies to The Blade in terms of no point to remove it unless it breaks.

Marauders Mayhem I'm guessing is pretty much the same ride system as the original teacup ride which is old, but as it has only been rethemed to fit in with the new Mutiny Bay area, several (but not that many) years back, then there is no reason for it to be removed unless it breaks beyond repair.

I personally would like to see Ripsaw removed as it is running on a terrible setting (unlike rameses revenge at chessington which i love), doesn't sound very good when it's running, and just with the general downtime it gets, is past its life at the park, and time to make way for a new ride/attraction of some form, or just removed and for a new flat to be opened somewhere else in the park. Just you wait, it's only a matter of time before it gets to the stage where it can no longer be ran after a breakdown, and they will soon remove it, i'm sure it will be in their plans for the next year or two as it really has seen better days, and i'm sure towers management have realised it is a liability; unless it does continue to run and an unexpected closure of one of the other flats come about.

EDIT: and on that note it is reported that rameses revenge at chessington has broken down, and firefighters have been called in who are currently cutting riders free from restraints on the ride about 20ft in the air... oops - was only on that ride on thursday, is always a worry after breaking down on ripsaw for about 10 minutes the other year!

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:14 pm
by Pennywise
Blade out, Mega Disk'O in. :)

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:10 pm
by tallicay2k
Defo submission out...being energiser back!! :-)

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:47 pm
by TheOutpatient
While I do have a smallish soft spot for Submission (or "Baron Von Knacker-Thrashen") because of its respectful behaviour towards the area in terms of theming, the other rides offer more motion-based pleasure - the whole baby rocking factor.

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:05 pm
by A
You see, everyone hates submission and I completely understand why. But submission will always have a place in my heart as it was the first EVER thrill ride I went on (when I had just turned 7), and honestly how many of you don't have a soft spot for the first thrill ride you went on. It kick started my need for thrills and therefore I would be sad to see it go, that doesn't mean that it won't go within the next 10 years though, unfortunately.

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 1:23 am
by SamSimkin
I said blade because of my motion sickness on that ride.

Marauders mayhem I would keep, it's a fun family flat!

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:43 pm
by Dom
im sorry but i would like enterprise to be removed first.
i think its kind of boring and it doesnt really look that great either.
(personal opinion)

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:11 pm
by Rollermad
I think the blade will go first but I think Energiser>Ripsaw>Submission>scrap
As the energiser looks like a truly amazing ride.

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:57 pm
by Burniel
No submission should go look at the poll the public want out

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:48 pm
by Themeparksandy1981
With Enterprise been down at the moment and heard it been having problems before that. I can see that going next and lots of flat round rides could fit in that area.
I really think they need to add more not remove them.

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:59 pm
by Jack
I see Ripsaw being removed first as we all know the park have plans to remove it. But, I want to see Submission go...

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:14 pm
by lucy2244
I would like to see enterprise go first as by the looks of it, it is having trouble anyway. I really do not see what the point of refurbishing it was when it is now obviously suffering major down time, it just doesn't make any sense to me and was a wasted investment.

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:17 pm
by Wedjie
I'm guessing enterprise. Unless of course they spend a lot of money repairing it.
But Ripsaw really looks, and sounds, like its on its last legs. The screeching of the brakes is horrendous and it is certainly getting much rougher.

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:11 pm
by Jack
Wedjie wrote: I'm guessing enterprise. Unless of course they spend a lot of money repairing it.
But Ripsaw really looks, and sounds, like its on its last legs. The screeching of the brakes is horrendous and it is certainly getting much rougher.
But it still hasn't done a Rameces revenge yet ;) and enterprise has just been refurbished :D

Re: Which Flat Would You Like Removed First?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:50 pm
by Kirsty25
jackandylan123 wrote:
Wedjie wrote: I'm guessing enterprise. Unless of course they spend a lot of money repairing it.
But Ripsaw really looks, and sounds, like its on its last legs. The screeching of the brakes is horrendous and it is certainly getting much rougher.
But it still hasn't done a Rameces revenge yet ;) and enterprise has just been refurbished :D
and taken to bits again... they took the cars off last picture I saw of it :(