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The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:48 pm
by Chris
Review topic for those that have ridden.

The previous topics can be found in the archive.

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:48 pm
by tunneralex

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:18 pm
by GigaSurimi
So, does it live up to its "beast" reputation? And how so?
Or is it just an average ride, at the end of the day?
What about the air time hills, any good negative Gs?

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:40 pm
by getothing
A Spanish blog friends ride the smiler today, they say it's the best coaster have ride , and also have the most intense ¡¡
Is better than,nemesis,shambhala,furius baco `¡

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 6:26 pm
by Phild94
To put it simply..... That was quite possibly the best ride I've ever been on :moj #beencorrected

Intense, Smooth, fast and really sends your head in a spin :D but the head spinning is fantastic :D

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:09 pm
by Zach
Being there today...sprinting from the main gate to the smiler at 9am and getting in the first 16 to be on the first train simply the best feeling ever :D I met some amazing people while queuing, mexi wave failed haha but we cheered for every little movement even save and his ketchup :P the atmosphere was amazing, the slow controlled walk to the entrance indoor section was great to experience and then the 3D mapping in the indoor section, then a station full of hosts and ppl in suits awaited the first 16 the coaster itself was awesome truly marmilising and if I'm aloud nemmy has been relieved of her thrown :shock: then more effect after crocuses you on your way to the shop to be greeted by more suits asking of our experience loved every to tell the grandchildren 

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:43 pm
by Balb0wa
Best coaster ever, amazing, when i got off it, a towers boss, might have been top man asked me what i thought, i said brilliant ,amazing, etc, then i said "what delay?" ;-) he cracked up laughing.

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:32 pm
by lucy2244
Lets just say for me there's absolutely no competition between the smiler and nemmy, the smiler has officially took nemmys crown!

Just everything about the ride, even the queue, it's just so... amazing!

I have been well and truly corrected, and I love it.

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:39 pm
by Danny
It is quite simply the best ride ever! The indoor queue I brill which does include the projection mapping, workers/actors were brilliant and the ride itself AMAZING!! From leaving the station to the first lift hill it was amazing inside, full if most and the strobe lights. One thing I would say is its a bit of a headbanger. John ward let was there but just missed him :(
Overall amazed that I've been marmalised

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:46 pm
by Samwise
Just got home after riding The Smiler! Got to the park at 5pm (only live 30mins away so i shot up after work) - Got in the queue just before 5:30 - Just as we were about to load onto the train it broke down for around 30 minutes then we were straight on the front row, Absolutely awesome coaster, so smooth! I also enjoyed the amount of freedom you have in the harness and carriage, Very comfortable and smooth coaster.
The effects however were pretty much unnoticeable when your flying past at 50mph.

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:30 pm
by fiftysevenstudio
I did it today in the name of science!

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 11:00 pm
by A
fiftysevenstudio wrote: I did it today in the name of science!
Can I just say, what a brilliant POV, very smoothe not like the usual handheld iPhone stuff. I assume that was a chest mounted gopro you used? :D

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:00 am
by Ben-TT
Looks like I differ from most opinion on the forum. Although The Smiler looks amazing, I was not blown away. To me, the ride just felt like going from one inversion into another. There was no real drop, no moments of thrill, just inversion after inversion. To me, the smiler just missed that fear factor. Oblivion followed straight after, and we all agreed that this was more intense and scary than The Smiler.

Whist the majority of the ride was reasonably smooth, some of the transitions out of some of the inversions were very rough and jerky. Not particularly comfortable. No B&M - and certainly not a touch on nemesis!

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:53 am
by Alex.D
Looks great reading these reviews I cannot wait until the summer to ride this beast!

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:57 am
by ItsReece
Went there yesterday and we qued from 9:00am to opening which was about 12:30 and it was worth every second of it.

Once youve been under the marmaliser in the que you enter a room which has optical illusions on the walls and it adds a nice effect to the que. This room also lets the fastrack, normal and disabled into the main que and single riders into a separate que. You then enter a yellow dull room which holds the baggage hold and you get given a wristband instead of a token. You then get chased up the stairs (if you was one of the first to ride it) your on the right hand side and the left hand side is single. The station is all white and has a yellow rim going round it the control room is fully visible and there are 4 surgery lights pointing at the cars. The noise from the whole ride including the station is LOUD to say the least. The yellow gates open at the front and the lights turn on and smoke is at the front of the station like the game. You then drop into a pitch black pit full of smoke and some lights which you cant really see because the smoke is that bad. You enter the pre lift where some orange lights come on in sequence and you just get laughed at by people on speakers.

The ride it self is fantastic and the effects work great, there are many points around the ride where you really do feel the near misses. The last inversion on the cobra roll is a killer and really rattles the car. Throughout the ride the car vibrates badly whether thats on purpose and the screeching of the cars is terrible. the exit que is that you go up the multi coloured stairs and to the right then to the left as you go down some stairs again. You get your baggage then you enter a series of corridors all with visual effects from projectors. It really does feel as though your on LSD or ecstasy kinda like what they wanted you to feel after getting marmalised. The shops good but theres not enough items as the rumours was (70+) theres lots of interaction with the 3 tv screens which lets you stand in front of and puts and item on you (Smiler HAt, Teddy Bear Head and glasses. You can also see a SMILER tv advert playing on the screens above you.

Overall i rate it better than any other ride i have been on even Nemesis and the POVS doesnt do it justice as the ride itself is sooo much better than i expected.

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:02 am
by Nocama
Such a good ride, the first drop is amazing! From there it's relentless! They have done an amazing job with the station aswell! Yesterday the longest we queued was 2 hours! Would recommend riding front row! Comparison to nemesis... Better in some aspects however is does not feel as fast! 10/10 though

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:26 am
by cookiee_munster
really glad its getting positive reviews! :)

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:26 pm
by Mattfat1
The first inverted drop is the best coaster inversion going! From then it's just relentless fun, the pretzel and sea serpent stick out so high when your upside down, extremely intense looking down at the mangle of steel you are apparently going to dive towards and fit through...

The ride is surprisingly smooth up until the last of the staf knot and the first of the double heart line, these are VERY intense and rough and rag you through.

The restraints are very roomy, for some smaller riders they may struggle to get shoulders secure so may rock around inside there.

I didn't really notice the marmalising effects tbh, they are a tad underwhelming when your bombing past at high speed, that's mainly because your so close to EVERYTHING that it all blends into one..

The projection mapping is slightly overhyped too, it's really good but not an outstanding technical breakthrough as I was kind of expecting.

The airtime trims are noticeable when riding, prehaps the back row would add to them.

Overall I was speechless at the end of the ride but is It as cleverly intense as nemmy... I'm not sure!

For what it is though, a one of a kind mangle of steel it's awesome.. Deffo something for future designers to take into account, cramming so much into so little room it really adds to the experience.

Can't wait to ride it again soon that's for sure!!

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:31 pm
by getothing
The venedict!

The smiler-9,8

The smiler is really awesome!!! The best coaster!:)

Re: The Smiler

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:21 pm
by Benji
Ben-TT wrote: Looks like I differ from most opinion on the forum. Although The Smiler looks amazing, I was not blown away. To me, the ride just felt like going from one inversion into another. There was no real drop, no moments of thrill, just inversion after inversion. To me, the smiler just missed that fear factor. Oblivion followed straight after, and we all agreed that this was more intense and scary than The Smiler.

Whist the majority of the ride was reasonably smooth, some of the transitions out of some of the inversions were very rough and jerky. Not particularly comfortable. No B&M - and certainly not a touch on nemesis!
I don't think you was fully corrected