Alton Towers Roller coaster Changes Topic

Got an idea of how the Alton Towers Resort may develop over the coming seasons? Discuss it here.
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This topic is for you to discuss what changes could be made to the roller coasters at Alton Towers including Nemesis, Oblivion, Rita, Air, Thirteen, Sonic Spinball and the Runaway Mine Train. Things you could discuss are:
  • Could extra inversions be added and what kinds of track changes could be made...?
  • Could extra theming be added?
  • Could the trains be changed slightly?
  • Could the track be re-painted?
  • Could the station have work on it and could there entire theme of the ride change?
These are all the things that you could discuss.

Credit to Lewis97, thanks for the amazing signature!
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Tbh runaway mine train will either have a full overhaul or be shut in the next few years. Sonic spinball has a strong chance of being moved. The other rides are all good how they are but there will always be the little things, one that always gets me is the big sign at airs entrance is becoming worn and you can tell it is just wood. So overall loads of little but simple and cheap jobs with two big jobs and then we can look at track changes and re-theming.
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the only ride i would want to drastically change is Oblivion .. It could do with being a little bit longer imho.

oh and air... needs more excitement. i dont know what exactly, but i find it tooo relaxing
[align=center]I Could live on Nemesis! I want to travel the world visiting all the best Theme Parks!


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TheNigeC wrote: the only ride i would want to drastically change is Oblivion .. It could do with being a little bit longer imho.

oh and air... needs more excitement. i dont know what exactly, but i find it tooo relaxing

Simple duck down and skim the water
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How long before anyone mentions a certain specific tunnel on a certain flying rollercoaster haha
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If they where to include some water effects on air or make it where you pass close to water they should place them:
  • After the drop (where your photo is taken)
  • Going under the tunnel
  • After the barrel roll, where the carriage and track get really close to the ground.

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AIR-have a large waterfall which if you reach out you can touch, also add a wing dip
TH13TEEN-make the SE drop larger and add some near misses with tree scenery
OBLIVION-add a fire effect going around the curve
NEMESIS-add water effects
SONIC SPINBALL- near misses
RITA-a tunnel at beginning made out of overlapping vines
THE SMILER-a bit early but,add speakers onto trains so that noise can be played during the ride (probably not there already)
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There are a few possible things I would change:

• Oblivion: New station and some new theming, it could go on a bit more after the hole, maybe some hills or small inversions. Ends too quick for me!
• Nemesis' entrance: It's not very recognisable and also a repaint may be in order.
• Air: Water gliding, and some more effects.
• Rita: New cars or track colour to go with the theme.
• Thirteen: More thrilling coaster, the only scary part is the vertical drop!
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Wing-Rider Cars for Rita.
Would probably need drastic changes for the station.

But would be a more convincing re-theme. Themes around bats/flying beasts in the forest. Can use trees/ruins for near-misses. Unique ride to the UK. There isn't a Launched (Intamin) Wingrider in the UK.

The GP would see it as the Family Version of The Swarm. I can imagine some people would want to try a Wingrider train but finds huge drops and inversions off-putting.
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SamJ wrote: How long before anyone mentions a certain specific tunnel on a certain flying rollercoaster haha
I agree, airs tunnel really grinds my gears, drastic theming or lighting needs to be done.

Would also like to see oblivion to have a lick of paint, nice fresh black and orange....beeaautiful
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scw55 wrote: Wing-Rider Cars for Rita.
Would probably need drastic changes for the station.

But would be a more convincing re-theme. Themes around bats/flying beasts in the forest. Can use trees/ruins for near-misses. Unique ride to the UK. There isn't a Launched (Intamin) Wingrider in the UK.

The GP would see it as the Family Version of The Swarm. I can imagine some people would want to try a Wingrider train but finds huge drops and inversions off-putting.
Yes, but Wing-Riders are very rough. Furious Baco in PortAvenutra was incredibly rough and I think Rita is fine just the way it is. All it needs is a better theme to fit in with the Dark Forest more, that's all.

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Rita - I've always said it...put a cover over the launch track, the first thing you can see or sense after the launch is the hard right turn at the end of the straight.
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Water effects on Air, maybe a few over-ground tunnels on TH13TEEN.
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I'd like to see Air have a complete spruce up, the theme should stay the same but they should make it more obvious to the public. The tunnel especially should be done out and filled with lights and effect to create an oasis atmosphere. Then like many of you have said about water effects, I agree. They should add waterfalls and maybe small whirlpools. There should also be some sort of short back story to Air on how the oasis got there, just like a brief paragraph for guests to read on the leaflet or brochure maybe?

I think Thirteen would look good with some really well themed tunnels for some of the air time hills after the drops. Plus I think there should be some more theming in the outdoor section of Thirteen just like the van but some more for you to see when your actually on the ride.

Credit to Lewis97, thanks for the amazing signature!
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Not much to change to be fair, its a good family ride, but i always liked the idea of the first structure looking somewhat unsafe... Maybe as you pass underneath it we could have some rigged bits of wood to slightly drop and then a bit more each trip round, then when the in the station the Riggs would return back to there original positions
And also maybe a vapor wall as you enter the tunnel obviously to be shared with the rapids.

Sonic Spinball

god sake dont put it through another dire retheme, rather update the sonic theme it has now, maybe with some golden ring tunnels and some stone pillars to represent the classic Marble Gardens Level, and i think we need a little story add Robotnik/Eggman in there somewhere.


Commission some new trains with led lights on like Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket, make them pulse blue-purple as it goes through the tunnel so it would illuminate the tunnel but never cause issues with the damp,evac ect.
In Halloween have the light strobe white and purple with some thunder noises.

Now thats the tunnel issue sorted we can commence with themeing.
In the station before you get going, have big metal blast doors with Prepare For Air being projected on to them with clouds fading in and out, again at Halloween change the clouds for storms.

Some water features would be nice, maybe with some guest interaction firing the geysers, but just have it so it rises just within reach if you stretch.

Finally introduce a back story and just have it written/carved into a big chunk of rock.


Ok start with the queue, inside the woodland areas we need camouflage canopies to really emphasize the darkness, with some ground mist added. And some warnings from past victims of the wraiths.

Station.. relay some kind of backstory maybe just on some old tvs in the top section explaining some story and then when the Tesla kicks in have the screen go fuzzy.

Track Layout, Remove the trims and extend the track further away from the crypt, add some low to the ground slaloms like on Cheetah Hunt in the cavern section.This then allows a longer ride and a chance to waste of that speed.

The Crypt- We need some kind of evil something to be afraid of..statues are not scary unless its the weeping angels.  Enter the top, we have the same lighting but no wraiths,just a errie mist on the ground and rustling of branches and hear the girl saying " You came down the woods today and now your not alone!"
with that we have little drop she then screams and you drop the full drop, The 13 wraiths are now lined up along the walls and she screams TH13TEEN! The wraiths arms move up are they converge forward towards the train,
Music booms up and you launch back, the last you hear in the dark is the loud breathing getting closer and a final scream of "DONT LEAVE ME!" and your back in the light

Rita-Just going to echo what others have said mainly tunnels and near miss trees.


Not much to improve-Red pulsing lights in the station almost like breathing.
Sit Back Its fright time played as you leave.

Greenery ripped out to look how it did in 94 along with a complete station repaint, with the added feature of blinking eyes.

Flamethrower on the stall turn disguised to look like a small gun turret on the hill fire would erupt in the direction of the loop so away from the trees and when the train had just exited the Zero-g-roll.This would look spectacular from the queue and especially at night. And finally misters covering the lower areas of the ride such as bottom half of the loop and tunnel before final corkscrew.


On ride audio including DLD, strobes in the tunnel to look like an electrical storm.
Syncronisation of the station videos with dispatch.
Complete refurb of station and queueline, with bays 2 and 4 being backwards cars and 1 and 3 being forwards

Why is Nemesis Inferno really Inferior
MitchHawker Steel CoasterPoll 2012
Nemesis at #12
Nemesis Inferno at#123
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If I could I would make oblivion longer, too short of a ride time IMO.
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Water gliding on air like manta at seaworld
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retheme rita into like a twisting vine ride so it fits the theme
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thillmad wrote: AIR-have a large waterfall which if you reach out you can touch, also add a wing dip
TH13TEEN-make the SE drop larger and add some near misses with tree scenery
OBLIVION-add a fire effect going around the curve
NEMESIS-add water effects
SONIC SPINBALL- near misses
RITA-a tunnel at beginning made out of overlapping vines
THE SMILER-a bit early but,add speakers onto trains so that noise can be played during the ride (probably not there already)
Extra ideas
SONIC SPINBALL-stand up cars as well as sit down
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sounds really good but not water on nemesis fire would be best ;)
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