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Disney Future Parks

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:11 pm
by Terra
(I don't know if i've posted this in the right place. I think I have?)

As we all know, Disney is probably the most famous name in the Theme Park business. In recent years, we have seen a fair amount of new parks and resorts. Disneyland Paris opened in 1992 - made more popular by the 1995 Space Mountain attraction. Disneyland Hong Kong was opened in 2005 (With an icredibly limited amount of rides and attractions, compared to past Disney's. I don't know if this is because they are keeping big attractions for a public revival of attention, with the current development of Grizzly Trail, Mystic Point and Toy Story Land) - there are rumours of a second park being built to make it a proper 'disney resort'. And, as far as I know, a sixth resort has been planned for Shanghai in China.

I was thinking earlier, and with this recent 'outburst' in park developments, where do you think the next Disney Magic-kingdom park will be develloped? (I doubt that it will be anywhere as quick as the last 2 Chinese constructions, due to the under-achieving of DLHK and the develloping of the HKSH park.)

I was thinking that the most probable area would be Dubai, with the planned Dubailand being released within the next 5-20 years or so. I don't, however, think that Disney will rush into building this - I could see them waiting and seeing how many visitors there are, first.

Another possible area is the rest of North Africa... Morocco is develloping incredibly fast, as is Egypt. I could see Egypt getting a Disney Resort in the future?

Another place is South America and Brazil. What are your thoughts on this matter? (Let's get the ball rolling for this topic, guys)

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:32 pm
by Sam
I can't see it to be honest!

Firstly, Dubai, which is the most likely. Dubai is not currently an incredibly popular tourist destination. It is seeking to become that, thus we are seeing all these new theme parks and god knows what else spring up. Presumably, when it's all finished, the tourists will come flooding in. "Build it and they will come." But there's always a chance they won't, and since building a Disney resort is more expensive than building any other park I think they'll wait and see how it pans out rather than risk it.

Yeah, I just realised I basically said what you did in more words. :roll:

I really can't see South America or Africa getting a Disney park, at least within the next two decades. Disney parks are extremely expensive to run, high-commodity profits. To make the money back, you need to ask a LOT to get in to the park. Think how much Disneyland Paris charge and they still made losses for ages. I don't think Africa and South America are anywhere near economically prosperous to support one yet, since they've only just decided that China is...

The one place I could possibly see it happen within the next 20 years is India, but that's still a pretty poor country...

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:45 pm
by Terra
Wasn't there a rumour of India getting a Disneyland?

And I agree with everything you have said.. though, going to Egypt earlier this year, I must say that they are really beginning to build the place up. My concern, however, is the upkeep and (Not being racist, just stereotypical) uncleanliness of the Egyptian locals. I visited the Pyramids earlier this year, and must say that the place is absoloutely filthy. A McDonalds was located less that 200ft away from them... and the Government didn't do anything to clear up the waste around the area at all. It was filthy (Which we expected, just not to that extent).

I do agree that a Dubai location would be the best bet, though. I can see Disney waiting for a few years after this whole DubaiLand opens, then (if successful) beginning plans. The only thing is, it may be eclipsed by all of the much larger, thrilling attractions there... I mean, if you are at Dubai for 3 days or whatever - a typical person (assuming they have no children) would want to visit the more thrilling areas and parks of Dubai... mainly the planned Six Flags park and other large developments. IDK if I am being stupid, but that's what I can see happening xP

It is interesting though, seeing where Disney is building in Shanghai. I never would have guessed it... I expected an Australia/India park.

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:53 pm
by DiogoJ42
To be fair, the pyramids are 4000 years old, and surrounded by sand! :P

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 11:01 pm
by Terra
[quote=""DiogoJ42""]To be fair, the pyramids are 4000 years old, and surrounded by sand! :P[/quote]

LOL. I am totally aware of that. What I am talking about, however, is the sheer amount of litter surrounding the area, and on/in the actual pyramids. It is terrible :P

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 11:10 pm
by DiogoJ42
:no: shocking how people could drop litter somewhere like that.

Getting back on topic, I reckon Australia could use a big theme park.

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 11:23 pm
by Vik
Hmm, Australia. That place is seriously lacking in Theme Parks. When I was in Sydney a couple of years back, I was staying near (infact 5 minutes away) to where there used to be a park called Wonderland, which had closed back in 2004 because it became unprofitable, unpopular and expansion plans hampered by local residents. This was just an hour from Sydney by train.

Almost all of the Australias parks are centred on the Gold Coast. Given the size of the country it is surprising there are not more theme parks, but Australians don't seem to have the enthusiasm the Europeans and Americans do. Also, the population is spread out over vast areas so gaining a catchment area of guaranteed guests is difficult. If a park just an hour from Sydney can not survive, and the tiny amusement park by Harbour Bridge struggle on, then what hope to any other who fancy their chances?

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:34 am
by Terra
[quote=""Vik""]Hmm, Australia. That place is seriously lacking in Theme Parks. When I was in Sydney a couple of years back, I was staying near (infact 5 minutes away) to where there used to be a park called Wonderland, which had closed back in 2004 because it became unprofitable, unpopular and expansion plans hampered by local residents. This was just an hour from Sydney by train.

Almost all of the Australias parks are centred on the Gold Coast. Given the size of the country it is surprising there are not more theme parks, but Australians don't seem to have the enthusiasm the Europeans and Americans do. Also, the population is spread out over vast areas so gaining a catchment area of guaranteed guests is difficult. If a park just an hour from Sydney can not survive, and the tiny amusement park by Harbour Bridge struggle on, then what hope to any other who fancy their chances?[/quote]

That is true, and a valid point. However, I think with Disney, the power of their prescence is pretty strong.. and Australia is a great tourist location. Mind you, what you say is very true - I could see the water parks playing a bigger role than the parks here (if they ever did build an extended resort).

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:55 am
by NeilHD
I can't see one in Australia, there simply aren't enough people close enough. Australia has a population of about 20m people, all spread out over a HUGE area. Take Paris for example, there are about 300m people all within about 4 hours of it. In Australia, everything is over 4 hours away. Further afield you hit the likes of SE Asia, but they have their own Disney parks closer by.

Florida is similar to Paris with plenty of people available from the east coast of America, and also from the UK and Europe and South America. If you can get to Florida to enjoy hot sunshine and Disney in 8 hours, why would you fly 24 hours to Australia (at about 3x the cost) to visit a Disney park there? You wouldn't, unless you were going to Oz for other reasons. And if you were you would only want to visit Disney for a day or two. In Florida people stay for 2 weeks, on-site, giving all their money to Disney. That wouldn't happen in Oz.

So I can't see Australia getting one. I'm not sure where the next one would be.

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 11:24 am
by Crofty
PLEASE I BEG OF YOU! Don't build a park in Dubai! :shock:

Disney is a symbol of the great American dream. One man who wanted some where to take his kids on a day out and built this massive empire based on his magical imagination. Sure it's grown up into this massive corporate machine but I still would hate to see a company like this set up shop in such an un-welcoming place. Half of the Disney fairy tales wouln't be allowed there anyway, Aladdin would have is fingers chopped off for thieving and Princess Jasmine would be locked up for giving him a cheeky peck on the cheek outside of wedlock. :P

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 1:31 pm
by andyface
I don't see a park happening in Dubai for a long time. The Dubailand project is seriously in danger, because they've done it completely the wrong way round - they've built housing there when there's no reason for people to live there yet, and so they're just empty. The global economic crisis has badly hit the project, too, and it's generally losing its sparkle. I went to Dubai in 2007 and again in 2008 and there was already a noticeable decline in construction. A lot of the proposed projects have been cancelled, and if I'm honest I can't see any major, global brand theme parks being built there for a good few years, if that.
Universal Studios hasn't started construction yet, when it was supposed to be open this year - and it is still projected to open in 2 years when construction hasn't started beyond the entrance arch. Six Flags have a lot of financial trouble and I definitely see this being cancelled. And the proposed Marvel theme park has probably been affected by the Disney acquisition of the company.
I would love to be proved wrong - Dubai has the potential to be an absolutely magical place, and I did love it when I went. I think they were just trying to be too ambitious, and have now realised that the money isn't there.

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:39 pm
by pompeymich
I can see a Disney park in South America working well, say in Brazil. When I went to WDW on honeymoon in the 90's, I was gobsmacked how many parties of Brazilian schoolkids were there, so there must be some wealth in South America.

But personally, I would like to see another park added to Disneyland Paris and some better themed hotels. Perhaps a waterpark there too (a large part would have to be indoors though due to the weather).

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:54 pm
by venny911
I think there will not be any new parks for a while, as Shanghai is under construction and there are developments ongoing elsewhere. However, I'd agree that South America is the place to watch, in particular because of a Disney parade held there a few months ago for no apparent (or publicised reason)...

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:27 pm
by Mattia
Disney have decided to develop it's brand in building parks internationally and within it's current parks. We'll see Shanghai being the next big thing and then a big break while they continue investing into their current parks. They have no plans to make another park at Disney World or Disneyland California or Disneyland Paris - they're still too scared due to the lack of success with Walt Disney Studios, Paris and thus, causing a disastrous quick park theme change in California with them scrapping the previous park and sticking in Disney's Californian Adventure. This has caused them to be paying for that rash decision, even now, with the huge development programme.

That's a huge shame, the Villains park has always been the Imagineers' idea that I have always loved and cherished. But, they need to get the consistency right in their current parks as well as their new-er built resorts. :)

Re: Disney Parks

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:10 pm
by Terra
Big news guys. A new resort has just been announced for Walt Disney World, themed around the art of animation. The four different suites will be themed around Cars, The Lion King, Finding Nemo & The Little Mermaid. The full article can be found here - [url= ... -unveiled/" onclick=";return false;] ... -unveiled/[/url]

What do you think of this?

[On a side note, I have changed the thread title to 'Disney Parks', which allows for us to have a much wider discussion over all of the parks and future].

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:13 pm
by Mattia
It's fantastic news. I'm so glad this has taken over the Pop Century resort expansion idea with the addition of "Legendary Years". I really think the Pop Century resort (well, hotels) were so ugly and awful. A right eye sore. To see something so disney related is such a great move. The 35ft Triton model will be amazing. :D

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:36 pm
by Terra
Very exciting news.

On a side note, was there really a deal made with disney that they have to have 3 theme parks in Paris by 2017?

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:48 pm
by Chris W
There was some sort of deal that meant a 3rd theme park should be built by 2017 but I believe thats not the case anymore.
I think it was sometime last year where some discussions took place between the French government and Disney where they agreed it would be best if another park wasn't built. (We wouldn't want another Studios!)
This blog suggests that a park is being considered for 2020-2022.

You could probably find information on the deal if you look at the original agreements when the resort was first being built.

There shouldn't be anymore Disney parks for at least 10 years, the current parks need serious investment before more are built.

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:24 pm
by Terra
There shouldn't be anymore Disney parks for at least 10 years, the current parks need serious investment before more are built.[/quote]

That is so true. Last time I went to the Studio's (last year) it was so horribly bland and... un-disney.

Re: Disney Future Parks

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:04 pm
by Mattia
[quote=""Terra""]That is so true. Last time I went to the Studio's (last year) it was so horribly bland and... un-disney.[/quote]

You haven't witnessed the monstrosity that is Disney's Californian Adventure yet then. It's known to Disney enthusiasts as the worst, most un-Disney park...ever.

Walt Disney Studio's at France and Disney's Californian Adventure at California are both paying for this though. Serious investment is happening and continuing to happen at DCA to make it an actual Disney park before they even concentrate on plans for their third gate at the resort. I can imagine strengthening the WDS will be high on the WDIC's list too as they know it's not perfect. But with Paris' ridiculously small budget, who knows.