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YourDay: News and Updates

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 6:18 pm
by rita's girl
Can anyone tell me when or if the YOUR DAY thingy is starting please, any ideas on price?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 6:21 pm
by TenZero
Your Day will start operating in late April, I'm not sure if there is a confirmed date though.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:39 pm
by stokywolf
It'll be £20 for the DVD of your day in general, on a select number of rides and waking spots around the park.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:01 pm
by ashhew1985
Can you get discount with your Annual pass?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:41 pm
by Ant
[quote=""Stokywolf""]It'll be £20 for the DVD which cannot be previewed beforehand but can only be viewed after the purchase has been made and you have a dvd player & a T.V near you.[/quote]

No VHS ?? :shock: :shock: , I was expecting some old VHS Tapes from the Alton Towers Porno archives with YOUR DAY scribbled over the previous name to the video :P :P .

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:05 pm
by Liam
I think you get a 20% annual pass discount.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:07 pm
by Nick
But will you seeing as its not a Tussauds outlet? You don't get a discount on ORP's with Picsolve

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:04 pm
by Hark
All I know is that it's late April.. but how things are going at the moment it may 'be pushed' back a few weeks if it isn't completed on time like the other new features this year.

I personally can't wait to see the finished product and I'm hoping a TTFer will post a finished DVD on youtube for me.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:09 pm
by Danzaw*nk
I don't think they'll be too popular if you can't see them till after purchase. Bit silly having that really.


Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:21 pm
by Martyj
it il prob depends on how much content of achually "YOU" they put on if its just a few shots then its a waste.. but if there is some proper good stuff on there, so u can achually identify yourself on there for more than just a tiny second.. it should be good.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:24 pm
by Nick
Isn't it a 25-30 minute dvd, with 5 mins of footage from the RFID activate cameras? The remaining time will be filled with stock footage

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:55 pm
by Hark
Im not quite sure what the ratio is.. but if they don't get the balance right it won't be popular at all. I wouldnt want to spend £20 of me just for 5 minutes..

Works at about £4 per minute you are on there.. That's why I say it would be interesting to see what it actually looks like first.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:11 am
by barryzola
I'll add my drunken 2 pence worth. :)

Firstly, lets say a group of 4 people go for a trip to the towers and go on all of the same rides together. If they just pay £20 between them and then copy the DVD for each other that's a fiver each (ok maybe they might have to buy 2 and ride 2 by 2 for £10 each). Once a year most likely.

Secondly, it probably wouldn't be possible for Alton Towers to actually have staff standing there waiting for people to view their 30 minute film, just to see if they can be bothered to buy it or not.

Personally, i think it'll be a success for the park and i think visitors won't be able to stop themselves from buying a dvd, especially when they compare it to a photo for £4.99 or whatever.

Yeah, so basically, i think this one was a good decision. That's my humble opinion anyway.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:18 am
by Autaven
I was pretty interesting in purchasing this myself, but sadly I'll be going when it's not started.

I think it's pretty good for guests to see themselves on DVD, even if it is just for 5 minutes worth, I mean when else are you going to have a quality motion picture of yourself actually on the ride, not just a still picture. I think it could be quite amusing.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:46 pm
by stokywolf
It's a 20 (5 minutes of only you) minute dvd that is being pumped up heavily by Alton, so it is a YOURDAY and Alton sort of thing i beleive.

Most of the shots seem to be taken from ride lift hills and brake runs, not on the ride it seems (just imagine trying too see yourself on Nemesis somewhere in the main ride)

It would be far too busy too let people preview before they decide to purchase or not and then they have a maximum throughput of what they can do, (most probably a 5 minute waiting time after the purchase waiting for all the footage to be burned onto the dvd disc.

Any recording of you on a ride/in one of the three walking spots will take over the last bit that was recorded when you were on there. If i was too get one i would much rather have the first recording shots of me say on Oblivion absolutly cackin me pants than the last recording taken of it for say when i had gone round for the fifth time and it shows me not as excited (Quiet days for example).

Another backdraw seems to be the fact they will be handing out wristbands to guests at the enterance and i can imagine guests wanting to know what they are for, (imagine spending 1-2 minutes explaining to each guest as you hand them out, thats alot of time wasted)

Saying that though, i'll buy too try just for the sake of it.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:44 pm
by Danzaw*nk
You've raised some valid points there Ray. However I doubt they will sell very well if people don't know (to some extent) what they are buying.

With the staff explaining to the guests i'm guessing they will just hand out lealfets?


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:57 pm
by jon18uk
when I was at Busch Gardens Tampa I got a DVD of Sheikra (their B&M Dive Machine) this consisted of POV ride footage intersected with footage of you filmed from several cameras along side the track including at the drop, one of the curves, the watersplash and breakrun.
The way of purchasing was simple at the photobooth after the ride you had the usual screens showing the on-ride photos plus 1 screen per train showing the filmed footage, this film had a code same as normal ride photos then each still photo had the same code followed by a seat number so that you got the usual still photo of a pair of you on the ride. To buy you typed in your code on a touchscreen, checked the video/still photo out to make sure it was the right one and added to basket, once you had all the photos/DVDs you want you clicked checkout, got a receipt and took it to the paydesk to pay.

I imagine YourDay use something similar where you scan your RFID and it recalls your footage on a preview screen the you can buy of you like it.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:57 am
by Matt 125
They are heavily advertising something which doesn't look to be open for this month...

I heard two people next to me on the monorail yesterday... she read the banner at 'Starring in Your own Movie' and told him and he said, 'Do they follow you around with a camera?'. :P They seemed kind of against it then, the public need to know more about how it works... although leaflets are available in the shops now telling you more about it! :D

Matt :D

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:15 am
by Autaven
Yesterday morning they handed everyone in the queue out leaflets all about it. Which I just found annoying as it hasn't started yet. I heard people saying 'ohh we should do that yeah!'. The leaflet even says 'Coming to Alton Towers in April 2007' so they wouldn't have known any better.
It has two 10% off vouchers inside. And it says you'll get two everytime you purchase the full DVD.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 4:26 pm
by Thom

The mini-site is now up, with presumably the video's from eahc of the rides spread out across the pages.

- 5% (£1) discount when you phone up and book it in advance
- 20% (£4) discount on the FULL DVD for season ticket holders
- 2 £10 off entry vouchers with each full DVD
- The 'Your Clips' website opening soon


PS - Is the woman in the pink cardigan (in the Oblivion, Flume, Rapids and Rita vids) Olivia Coleman (from Peep Show)?