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No Fear.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:06 pm
by Wes
Yesterday whilst at Thorpe Park with my friends, it came to be that I have no fear atall of Rollercoaster.
When Queuing for Stealth for the 1st time, they were bricking it about riding it (as their only Rollercoaster was the Hornet at Flambards :P ) and me, I was really quite calm about it. When Riding, I just enjoyed it and wasn't really that scared.

Does anyone else have No Fear, being enthusiasts and riding so many rollercoasters? And do you think there will be a Rollercoaster that even WE are scared of?

Mugz x


Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:16 pm
by Lozza
i've noticed this too, my main fear used to be heights but now i get nothing! i think i've overdone it :oops: also my stomache has seemed to have toughened up, rides that used to make my belly go to the point of nearly making me sick now make me fell nothing! last time i went to AT i went on all the big rides and didn't get much of an adrenline rush (on all apart from nemesis) which was annoying, i think i'll have to give the rides a rest until i become scared :P

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:19 pm
by Shent
I dont have fear for much really, NO roller coasters/rides bother me, people think im a nutter :(


Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:22 pm
by Anonymous
I always get a little nervous before riding a new coaster that looks as if it might be pretty fierce (mind you, it's been a long time since Oblivion), but never scared.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:36 pm
by themeparkfreak
I get nervous, but not enough to make me stop riding something.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:41 pm
by Ash
No i think after riding 5 or 6 coasters nothing particularly bothered me and id want to ride the biggest and baddest coasters and there would be no fear. Im kind of immune to it!

All i usually say is bring it on! I love anything that scares me. Scary movies,scary coasters,scary thrill rides, scary water slides. Well you get the idea. Scarier=better in my opinion :P

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:49 pm
by Anonymous
[quote=""titler121""]No i think after riding 5 or 6 coasters nothing particularly bothered me and id want to ride the biggest and baddest coasters and there would be no fear. Im kind of immune to it!

All i usually say is bring it on! I love anything that scares me. Scary movies,scary coasters,scary thrill rides, scary water slides. Well you get the idea. Scarier=better in my opinion :P[/quote]

So, if you woke up one night to find this guy stood at the bottom of your bed, you'd be okay with it?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:13 pm
by Wes
Well, the first thing I would say is "Shockadelica, How did you get in my room?" :P

Is there any particular Rollercoasters that anyone has been so frightened about they havn't gone on it?

Mugz x


Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:40 pm
by Anonymous
That happened to me today muggins! Since i've been on Rita and Oblivion, i think i have lost some of my fear in coasters. Today, whilst queuing for Stealth, my sisters were all like, ahh it looks really scary and i was getting so restless 'cos i couldn't wait to get on! I felt a bit of nerves just before the gates opened for front seat :D.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:45 am
by CGM
It's never been the height that's got me. It was my fear of being inverted and being subjected to the G-forces