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towers freak

[quote=""Andyc Nemesis""]Yeah, Thorpe Park had some BIG issues with Saw the Ride on opening weekend, however, the theming etc was all complete. [/quote]

The themeing on saw was not complete on its opening weekend alot of it was added after woulds, so get your facts right first.
Back on topic, i believe more themeing will be added after like with saw and the missing effects will be resolved in the very near future.
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Can you see the switch-back from Rita's queue (through the station)?
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Is it just me or do people who have ridden it this weekend and liked it, craving for more?

I never got this with SAW or Mumbo Jumbo but I wanna go back and ride it more :(

That to me is a sign of a good ride. I don't think I'll be alone in thinking this judging by the amount of times people re-rode it this weekend.
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[quote=""Spike""]Is it just me or do people who have ridden it this weekend and liked it, craving for more?

I never got this with SAW or Mumbo Jumbo but I wanna go back and ride it more :(

That to me is a sign of a good ride. I don't think I'll be alone in thinking this judging by the amount of times people re-rode it this weekend.[/quote]
Same with me, I went on it around 10 times and couldn't get enough of it - shame its such a long way round if you want to go on it again, even via single rider. I'd say its the second most frustrating coaster for re-rides after oblivion.

On a related note, I think the whole queue line and exit path layout is a bit of a mess, they probably should have taken the opportunity to redirect Rita's queue (maybe between the thirteen lift hill and the rita station?) to make more space in the area.
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[quote=""Spike""]Is it just me or do people who have ridden it this weekend and liked it, craving for more?

I never got this with SAW or Mumbo Jumbo but I wanna go back and ride it more :(

That to me is a sign of a good ride. I don't think I'll be alone in thinking this judging by the amount of times people re-rode it this weekend.[/quote]

I know exactly what you mean, I just need to get back there and do it again, there is something special about it, I'm not sure what, maybe it is magic!

It's definitely a grower isn't it!
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[quote=""Spike""]Is it just me or do people who have ridden it this weekend and liked it, craving for more?

I never got this with SAW or Mumbo Jumbo but I wanna go back and ride it more :(

That to me is a sign of a good ride. I don't think I'll be alone in thinking this judging by the amount of times people re-rode it this weekend.[/quote]

Nope, you're not alone there... I would've had more than 5 rides today had it not been for the fact I'd not been to AT for 2 years and wanted a reminder of the other rides! I want to ride again, and again, and again... it's a shed load of fun, with a twist, and the theming makes it that much better. Alton have done a very good job.
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I think I said that after my very first report. It's so addictive after the first few rides. The magic is back!

Edit: I noticed the same with the marketing. Woke up the next morning and it felt better. Even the name doesn’t peeve me of like it used to. For me that’s weird!
Last edited by Nightfall on Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[quote=""dont look down 2005""]

I know exactly what you mean, I just need to get back there and do it again, there is something special about it, I'm not sure what, maybe it is magic!

It's definitely a grower isn't it![/quote]

Hahaha, so true. It's seriously weird I can't understand why it's had this craving effect on me! :shock:

Maybe this is the Pyscoaster effect! It leaves your wanting more and messes your mind as to why? :twisted:
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Yeah. Why IS this ride so great?

I mean, truth be told the coaster section isn't spectacular. The drop section is very short. And the helix is just.. bumpy.

BUT IT'S AMAZING. I couldn't imagine it any other way (well.. I could imagine those damn trims being turned off). It's such a great ride and a great experience. I couldn't imagine it being any better with a Saw-esque layout in the woods.. I think that would ruin the ride so much. I can't even explain why, it just would.

I guess that's the signal of a great ride. You can't analyse why it's great, it just IS.
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Amyone who has a problem with the build up can only blame themselved. We had the plans since January 2008. If you chose to forget them and fully submerge yourself in the marketing, reading too far into it and building a different ride in your head, it is your own fault, don't blame Morwenna Angrove, she did a great job. She took the most knowledgable, skepitcal and critical of all and managed to control your thoughts. This is surely the point of marketing. If you fell for it boo-hoo, it is your fault, not the parks.

Blaze, I thought that was a great post, and I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I disagree with this last statement.

The point of marketing is not to 'control your thoughts', the point of marketing is to find, create and prepare a suitable audience a certain product, and then inform this audience of its existence. You could say the point of the product (in this case a roller coaster) is to 'control your thoughts' in so much that it is creating an experience, but marketing is just a small part of this overall experience. It is also a vital part, in the sense that the marketing of a product will be most people's first encounter with anything to do with that product.
Where I believe the marketing for Thirteen failed, is that it sent people off in the wrong direction when creating and forming their expectations for the ride. The majority of the criticisms of Thirteen have been regarding the marketing, and more specifically the advertising and promotion of the ride, leading people to expect something different to what they actually got. There has been an unusually small amount of criticism for the ride itself. Nobody seems to have any complaints! It is a fun, unique, family roller coaster with a great theme and wide appeal. John Wardley and the team have done a brilliant job, and few people seem to be disputing that.
The reason people are disheartened is because of the promise of the 'Ultimate Rollercoaster'. It may be naive for people to have expected the next Nemesis, but as you said, marketing can suck you in, and if the promise doesn't live up to the final result, there will always be disappointment.
Look at Rita for example. That ride was marketed pretty accurately to the final product, and there were no complaints about that on opening day. All the criticisms were of a lack of themeing etc. Same with CATCF; no complaints about how the ride was marketed to us, just complaints about a crap ride.
I think Thirteen would have been very well received generally on this forum if it hadn't been for the misleading marketing ideas we've seen used.

As I said, Wardley and his team have done an outstanding job with Thirteen. It is not a white knuckle, 'Nemesis 2', but is is scary, scary sort of in the way that the Haunted House was scary, just spooky and haunting, not intense and intimidating. It isn't the 'Ultimate Roller Coaster', but is is a hell of a lot of fun, and pretty much a perfect replacement for Corkscrew, a breath of fresh air for that area of the park, and a great addition to Alton Towers :)
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I thought it was just me, but it seems everyone wants more and more. After riding TH13EEN twice on SaturdayI think it is great. However the first time was a let down as I had more expectations and felt a little dissopointed. Second time was great queued only 20 mins and that first little drop in the Crypt made me jump even though I knew it was going to happen.

Great family coaster and great addition to a fantastic line of rides at alton towers, well done Mr Wardley you never fail to impress :D :D :D
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Has anyone else noticed that you have to walk under a ladder upon entering the station building. This ties in nicely with the whole 13=bad luck thing. Nice touch in my opinion.
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I for one am happy with what we have been given, this isnt a psychoaster or even the ultimate coaster but it sure looks good. I am happy that we have "real" props inside the crypt that aim to scare you none of that massive screen rubbish. This is Britain we like physical mechanical things, at the end of the day id much rather a few effects and a mechanical wraith chase me out of a tunnel than a picture of one did. This ride is by no means finished, i think that we should cut it some slack.

In terms of the storyline i dont think it is lacking really. In my opinion the fear of the unknown is the scariest thing there is, not knowing what is round each corner, to give it an in depth story might remove this. The ride just lets you make your own assumptions

The people who are criticising the marketing team, I can agree with you to an extent, its been WAY over hyped.

But to be fair if i was younger and was only able to ride family coasters THIS would be the ULTIMATE ride im sure, i cant really think of another ride with 1.2m restriction that measures up. well nothing that you could ride with your mum anyway. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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[quote=""UnleashedLlama""]Has anyone else noticed that you have to walk under a ladder upon entering the station building. This ties in nicely with the whole 13=bad luck thing. Nice touch in my opinion.[/quote]

I hadn't thought of that, nicely spotted. :clap:
*Honest Cint!*

I think people are being wrongly disappointed that this is a family ride rather than a white knuckle ride. I think "family ride" is very deceiving. After seeing the new teaser it looks like Th13teen takes sharp corners at high speeds which family rides can complete (an example of this being Avalanche at Blackpool Pleasure Beach which is a family ride to.
Last edited by Anonymous on Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I'm still a week and a bit away from being able to ride TH13TEEN but this whole marketing "letting us down" thing still surprises me. I think we've got to take a few things into account:

Firstly, not many people outside the various online communities will have kept this close an eye out for any news story mentioning the ride hitting the media. We had almost all of them posted on this site throughout the last 6 months or so and thus spent alot more time "analysing" them than any other general theme park visitor who would have probably seen/read 3 or 4 at most across that period.

Secondly, I can't think of a ride, especially in this country, where we've known so much about the ride and to be honest for quite a long time before opening. So for people to believe the hype in the media rather than the plan of the track layout, the concepts images that leaked, the station building construction during the open season, the almost endless photos of the track being built and the video of the Secret Weapon's delivery in this Internet era is surprising (well for me personally)

Again, I haven't been on the ride yet so don't slaughter me too much :P
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Isn't the Ultimate, the ultimate rollercoaster? :P
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To put it simply, I think that alton towers have slipped up using terms like 'The Ultimate Rollercoaster' etc., due to the fact that people not avidly following the construction of the ride may have been lead to expect the next Nemesis or Oblivion in terms of intensity, rather than something that is 'scary' in the sort of 'horror movie' sense of the word. I suppose this is where the use of the term 'psycoaster' comes from, as it is intended to scare riders without actually being an intense track layout, but I still think the marketing was relatively misleading in certain respects, and this is clear due to some of the comments on the Alton Towers facebook page.

Speaking of which, an onride photo of John Wardley riding Thirteen has appeared on Facebook if anybody's interested. ;)
Last edited by Gax on Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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One thing I still don't understand is what are the trains meant to be? Maybe this goes with the lack of story for the whole ride so far. Do we think that there were meant to be TV's/boards in the queueline explaining all this but they ran out of time before Saturday?
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I was gonna post this last night, but I fell asleep instead...

I mentiond in my last post in this topic how it had that pull, the want/need to ride it again and again, and it's true, I would've gone on more had the park not been full of other rides :D However, I really did enjoy Th13teen.

The theming, inside and out of the building is great, the sounds, the trees, the vines, everything. I wish the tesla coil would've been working, as that'll look great in the queue when it is. Oh, and personally (my opinion), I loved the way the scaffolding looked (prbably in a minority here!) and the way the sheets looked weathered already. I think over time it'll look even better.

The outdoor section of the ride is fun, simple as. The first drop got me everytime when I was seated toward the back, but not when I rode front row. The rest of the track feels fine if you're in the back, but the last few bends can feel slow at the front. For some reason, the 3rd of my 5 rides felt much faster than the rest of them, don't know why! After that one I really came off buzzing haha.

The indoor section is themed alright, would like some more things in there, more moving effects or something... will see what gets added in future. Riding at the front I felt more immersed than toward the back. However, the use of air cannons with the first mini-drop is a stroke of genius... it got me EVERY time, even though I was expecting it. The first time I absolutely crapped myself haha. The 2nd drop is good, but by the 5th ride it wasn't even leaving my stomach behind, as I kinda knew how far and what was going to happen. It's still fun though!

The backwards section is even more fun than the outdoors, with the undulating track, I just kept laughing all the way through, and it feels longer than I thought. The switch back is well themed, with the wraiths and the graves, and the launch into the station is a fun ending.

Overall... it's a solid, fun, family ride with that element of thrill. The theming is in my opinion the best in the park, and it's already got me wanting more... so I think that's the sign of a good ride. Oh... don't get me started on the cattle pens... loved the theming (van, grave, sounds)... but the walk. My God, would it kill them to open a few gates as shortcuts? I lost count how much I walked...

Sorry if that turned into an essay, only intended it to be short! Probs should go in the review section really, might copy it there later after work... anyway, good job Alton.
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