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Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:04 pm
by Blaze
[quote=""RUBIX-KUBE""]I think I can understand what your getting at Gary, it would be near impossible not to use some sort of mechanism, the term free fall, means.. well, basicly a (sometimes vertical (like 13)) fall, or drop, no matter how its been created, it will still be free-fall, the norm is usually drop tower on a roller coaster, more or less what it is, I'm dissapointed in the marketing of this, 'THE ULTIMATE COASTER', "all experiences in one coaster" "the ride experts are dubbing to be a psycoaster, a mix between physical, and pyscological fear" I guess the last one is sort of true, the feeling of being out of control, droping, falling to your death.
I'm no expert, on technological stuff, but I think calling it a 'PSYCOASTER' was a slight cop-out
We flew on Air, we raced on Rita, dropped on Oblivion, got kidnapped by Nemesis, and then we are told, to expect.. THE ULTIMATE COASTER, which turns out to be a glorified RMT, with the SW features, I can't help but feel sorry for all the staff, and project designers, they raked out fifteen million, on a ride, set to thrill, yet seemed more of a dissapointment, "the ride has been in development for two years, lead by the worlds leading coaster consoltants", no they need TTF to go tell them what everyone really wants.

Yes TH13TEEN IS a sucsess, but not what we were lead to beleive.[/quote]
We led ourselves to think it would be something it is not. Ultimate rollercoaster does not neccasarily mean a combination of great rides strung together. We did fly on Air, race on Rita, dropped on Oblivion (but did not get kidnapped by Nemesis, we simply rode the monster). Nowhere does the marketing say we would have a comination of these themes.

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:07 pm
by AstroDan
Although I agree that the ride does not deliver what much of the marketing claimed, I am rather perplexed at the point, made by Graeme several pages ago, that the ride is "no more thrilling than Runaway Mine Train".

That statement is a load of garbage, in my view! Th13teen is thrilling at certain moments. I would certainly class the first drop and hill "thrilling" in the rear, and the freefall section is also "thrilling". Sure it's not "intense" in the same way as Oblivion or Nemesis are, but it has its moments. It's just a shame that certain parts - like the twisty part prior to the second lift, are so dull by comparison. If the ride had an extra 5-10mph on the outdoor section I think the ride would be so, so much more exciting - also if the rear launch was 5-10mph faster it would improve it too.

Although I maintain the view the ride is not what AT said it was, I do find it pretty re-rideable and now I know what it is - I enjoy it for what it is. A very well themed family/thrill coaster with a fantastic throughput which will really help soak up queue's at the park.


Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:09 pm
by Dean
Rode it 4 times today and noticed the wood by the transfer track pause has been painted black, still no tesler coil which I'm guessing will come on everytime the audio gets to the number 13, which is about every 2 minutes...

5 min max queue time with only 2 trains, and someone was sick on it today in the back row... #-o

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:12 pm
by venny911
Personally I believe it far too premature to declare Thirteen either a success, failure or otherwise. Everyone is of course entitled to an opinion on how it lived up to their expectations et cetera. However I'd define success on a longer term basis than can be garnered from opinions within three days of opening.

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:30 pm
by AltonThorpe
A problem that I have is that is it being advertised as "The World's First Vertical Drop Rollercoaster"...
hang on, this means that Alton now have TWO "World First Vertical Drop Rollercoasters", even though both are competely different! (Oblivion and Th13rteen for those that didn't quite get it) :) :?

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:32 pm
by A5H
[quote=""AltonThorpe""]A problem that I have is that is it being advertised as "The World's First Vertical Drop Rollercoaster"...
hang on, this means that Alton now have TWO "World First Vertical Drop Rollercoasters", even though both are competely different! (Oblivion and Th13rteen for those that didn't quite get it) :) :?[/quote]

Th13teen is not the world's first vertical drop coaster, it is the world's first free-fall rollercoaster.

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:34 pm
by AltonThorpe
[quote=""A5H""][quote=""AltonThorpe""]A problem that I have is that is it being advertised as "The World's First Vertical Drop Rollercoaster"...
hang on, this means that Alton now have TWO "World First Vertical Drop Rollercoasters", even though both are competely different! (Oblivion and Th13rteen for those that didn't quite get it) :) :?[/quote]

Th13teen is not the world's first vertical drop coaster, it is the world's first free-fall rollercoaster.[/quote]

I know :) , but in newspapers and magazines, it's being called "The World's First Vertical Drop Rollercoaster" :oops:

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:35 pm
by Trixz
I think coming of this ride and saying its amazing is all down to new ride hype because in a rides first season it is amazing and brilliant but after that peoples opinions change. Yes 13 is a good ride but thats it i think the majority of people on this forum were always going to be dissapointed by 13 because 13 was never going to fill the standard enthusiasts needs. For me the tagline of secret weapon means a lot and tells me that the experience that is to be had from the ride will blow you away and will really bring out that magic that Alton towers provides but 13 did not do that, i think Alton have really redefined the secret weapon tagline with this one. I dont think that the marketing blunder should be totally for blame for the dissapointment because i just feel as if the ride itself just dosent provide the punch but hey :)
I would really like to know where the 15mil went! Oh and i cant actually believe there is virtually no story i mean the general rule is that a coaster with poor a layout makes up for it with amazing theming and story and atmosphere, but with the story being pretty none existant and theming being meh it just dosent achieve the standard a lot of people were looking for

Although my post is negative i did enjoy 13 and this post is just the result of a massive Alton Towers fan waiting 8 years for another secret weapon and being dissapointed

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:37 pm
by A5H
Don't know whether anyone posted this already, only uploaded a few minutes ago though so i don't think they have :)

Very clear POV of TH13TEEN :)

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:37 pm
by krug
I plan to go soonish, but i have decided that i want the crypt to be fully equip with all its SFX before i go. Any prediction for when this might be? How much time did they lose due to bad weather?

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:42 pm
by Dylan
This ride was bound to be met with some mixed reactions in the enthusiast circle after all the hype.
I think some opinions are perhaps a little harsh, but at the end of the day they are just people's opinions. We are all entitled to them.
Its a shame that the outdoor section gives such a different ride depending on where you sit. Towards to the front of the train the first drop and hills are quite slow but at the back there is great airtime, more so than possibly any coaster I have been on in the UK.
Regardless of where you sit though, the last couple of turns before the 2nd lift hill are dull, it just fizzles out so there is no adrenalin before you hit the indoor section.
I think we all have preconceptions of what an SW should be. Who ever said they had to be intense though? There were never any guidelines to my knowledge about what makes an SW. My take on it is that a well thought out project of this size, with so many different elements to create a rounded ride experience is possibly worthy, at least from the parks point of view.
What I like most about Th13teen is that it seems to get better with every ride, with every extra detail that you notice. I am quite excited to be riding again in a few weeks, when hopefully there will be added detail.

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:45 pm
by Squiggles
[quote=""Skumfidus""]I think that's kind of a point to Blaze there. As far as I can see when looking through all the promotional stuff it's all be rather general, apart from the video of the secret weapon arriving (which was evidently for us enthusiasts anyway!) was US that put the emphasis on what happened in the crypt.

But enthusiasts weren't the one's who coined the phrases "the ultimate thrill ride" and "psychoaster" in connection with the ride, which suggested there was much more to the ride then what had been shown.

I don't deny there has been a fevered amount of discussion on here... but the park's marketing team have matched it by hyping the ride into something it simple isn't

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:02 pm
by AltonThorpe
How will they finish the ride now that it's open season, they can't close it but can they work at night or early in the morning either! :?

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:05 pm
by andymw
I have found a couple of Videos on the sky news Website (one that puts to bed the age restriction blab) the other has the one and only John Wardley, How can i post them here or link them in?

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:07 pm
by D-Man
Yeah I do like the fact that AT have had two World's First Vertical Drop Roller Coasters :lol: :lol:( even though Th13teen is a free fall drop it is still sort of a vertical - horizontal drop if you get what I mean)

It's rather funny to think about really.

Anywhere in this world could these two rides have been placed first and AT have got both of these two magnificent rides and its all down to one man...

John Wardley! :lol:

Woooooo go John, can't wait for his next AT ride lol just joking haha

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:07 pm
by deeve
My prediction was for it to be sweny todd the ride and that you would be tipped backwards. I got pretty close nevermind. At last some proper investment into the park thats something we should be happy with. It may not be quite millenium force or nemesis but interesting. Intamin will look to install some intense versions of this ride over the next few years im sure.

Rita may be more exhilarating but it lacks theming and character. It looks and rides like a bit of an after thought.

Thirteen was built with love and care with theme park enthusiasts in mind. Rita was built for neither.

The Dark Forest may get a flat to complement Thirteen in the near future but i think Alton Towers has done a good job at instaling and keeping the secret for as long as possible.

Next stop coaster corner for hopefuly a water coaster with a worlds first element to that.

By the way i did predict 5 years ago where Thirteen would go.

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:23 pm
by DMTaylor90
[quote=""damos1""]oh and alton, please level out the very dangerous step just after you come of the ride near the photo shop, it goes down steep then theres a step which it more or less throws you down! theres no markings around it, and a lad in front of me went flying down it, and he was walking not running, there is the wheelchair ramp but you cant really use that as its a two way ramp, needs leveling and a set of steps placed instead[/quote]

Ha, I fell down that today... woops. :| 8-[ It is dangerous, and I can't remember if there are any signs warning of the step before it? Either way, I don't remember seeing one.

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:29 pm
by SheikhSam
oooh, in reply to blaze, not exactly what I said, but skip to 1:28, I'd imagine thats more or less the same

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:36 pm
by Dormiens-Dave
I aint going to do a full review here as i have done one in the review page but to take some of the coments here.

As always there are those who have posted that the ride is crap, these seem to be the people that always do that for the towers (thorpe fanboys maybe :D ) and there are those that have posted that its amazing. the general consensus and the one that i agree with is that its very good, but has been let down by the marketing.

As for it has no story, name me one rollercoaster in the history of the towers that has a story that is evident to the rider... non, if you go looking for it you will find a story for nemesis but only enthusiasts generally do (i know some people have said that the legend used to play in the queue line, but after checking with a few people and my own memory it didn't), Yet its considered very well themed.

Therefore why does Thirteen need to have an explicit story, over complicating a theme just doesn't work in rides that are not "darkrides" such as the mummy unless you can place it onto a story that people already know (such as Saw)

The theming in both the queue and the ride are very good, the queue does have annoying cattlepens but the stripped logs and the broken walls, plus the van and open grave are all nice little touches and you do get the sense of been drawn towards the crypt.

The theming on the ride is also top notch, i think the coaster section has been over trimmed and hopefully this will be sorted, however i know thjere is a very good reason for the trims so we can;t complain about them being there.

The indoor section is again truely thrilling and after speaking to John Wardley, who has every right to be proud of this ride, he said that there is more to add (someone mentioned there should be smoke in the crypt, you may get your wish), i can see where the money has been spent and i think it has been spent well.

Re: Th13teen - Ride discussion [SPOILERS TOPIC]

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:52 pm
by garyh
I feel a tad sorry for John Wardley here. Lets not forget he is employed by Alton Towers. Alton would have given John a project which would have said something like, "design an innovative and new type of family coaster which will thrill people of all ages".

This is what he has done, and he has done it successfully. The problem we have as coaster enthusiasts is that the ride was built up firstly by it being called another Secret Weapon, given the type of SW rides we have had before. Secondly, the term "physchocoaster" and "ultimate coaster" have also got our minds working overtime.

The crazy thing is, there isnt one person who didnt know what this ride was going to do. From seeing the two tracks at different levels during construction, it was clear to me what would happen as did everyone else see this coming. Unfortunately, its not so much the ride which has let us down, but the marketing of it and the hype that preceeded opening day. We went with expectations set too high.

And again, remember Alton is adjusting its focus away from white knuckle rides, to being a more family friendly park with the occasional thrill ride for teens thrown in. I remember watching a program years ago with JW where he was building the RMT and Haunted House. One the managers said visitor numbers were going down because people associated AT with teenagers and white knuckle rides. Ever since then, AT has had the focus of making the park a family resort, which, credit where credit is due, they have done amazingly successfully, if I remember, last year had its highest attendance levels.

So JW and AT have achieved their goal of making a successful family ride, which is no doubt what was on the table to start with. Unfortunately, the marketing and our imaginations got the better of us.

As for the smoke comment, that was me, so I cant wait to go back on it next month and see more effects in operation...