Th13teen - Ride discussion

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But Thirteen is unique Garyh, it has the World's first free fall Drop on a roller coaster :D. I understand that people are disappointed because the marketing showed the ride in a much darker and more extreme way. How ever, they can make up for this by sorting out what people have been complaining about, first of all getting rid of the trims on the first drop/third hill, and as mentioned before add some more effects/theming to the Crypt (which will be added anyway as mentioned by JW) and add a pre show/queue line video.
Last edited by Rollercoaster5000 on Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Andyc Nemesis
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[quote=""Spike""][quote=""Andyc Nemesis""]Thing that really annoys me about Thirteen is the fact that most people on the forums are BLIND to the fact that this coaster has not delivered what the park needed. And that was a thrill ride. The music is shocking in the area, i am sorry, but it is. The queue line theming before the station is shocking, one hand coming out of a grave and a Alton Towers Van.

If this was at thorpe Park, ALL/MOST of yopu would be saying its not good enough. FACT, i.e. Stealth and Saw are prime examples of this.[/quote]

The coaster has delivered exactly what the park needs and is aiming for. There are 4 Thrill coasters in the park all of which provide the thrills needed to sustain those who crave it. There are not many family coasters on park and this is where Th13teen comes in.

In all honesty stamping your feet like a typical enthusiast selfishly wanting another thrill coaster is only going to make you like a jerk to be honest.

The theming is open to opinion but the way you've addressed it is also typical enthusiast behavior.

Thorpe is a thrill seekers park and so they install thrill rides with little or no theming, why? Because they cleverly realise Chessington & Legoland are aimed at families and kids so they HAVE to separate each park for them all to co-exist in such a small radius.

Th13teen may have been hyped up to be more than it is but as a whole it's a fantastic ride experience and plays to Alton's strengths. Alton's rides are carefully thought out on the whole to create different levels of experience through-out your day and they go to great lengths to think carefully about being different in comparison to other parks in Europe.

If you want to stamp your feet about wanting another thrill ride take it to one of the sites who will listen and agree with you, and there are many sites full of people who think that because they are an enthusiast it gives them the right to demand and comment like it's fact and they know it all.

Try thinking outside the box for once instead of your own needs, it's not your park or your business and I for one think the investment of Th13teen is a clever and sustainable business move.[/quote]

Hang on a second my friend. I am not bothered what Alton put into the theme park, i have been attending Alton for 6 years now and i am lucky for the fact i can attend both Alton Towers and Thorpe Park plus European theme parks. I am not selfish as i am very happy with Altons current line up of rides. However, in my opinion, this ride does not deliver. Simple.

I went on it open minded, i expected more from the queue line, i expected more in the station. It felt unfinished. However, thanks for your patronising post.

theming on rides at Thorpe: Saw/Inferno better themed then some Alton rides.
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Are there any special effects on the ride?
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[quote=""WillXav""]Are there any special effects on the ride?[/quote]

Air cannons, audio and just some lighting effects but hopefully more is still to come! [-o<

Put it this way the effects are better than duel. :)

[quote=""buffaloBen""][quote=""WillXav""]Are there any special effects on the ride?[/quote]

Air cannons, audio and just some lighting effects but hopefully more is still to come! [-o<

Put it this way the effects are better than duel. :)[/quote]

This IS the next air tunnel!

---- Post Info Added ----

Oh and talking about an effect that would have been cool in the tunnel, static wraith statues all the way down the tunnel, in different poses like they're trying to grab you, with a strobe every few seconds, like the final angel scene on Blink!
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Just took a trip up towers for 30 mins after college, just to go on 13, and i am really having mixed thoughts about it.

The rollercoaster is not too thrilling, but very fun all the same and the indoor parts are really quite scary. I think the main problem was the marketing of the ride, which got peoples hopes up for a truly terryfying ride, which it simply isnt, but a superbly themed and very fun family ride is what we did get, which is what i personally like. Made me feel really quite sick though :? but thats cos of my motion sickness :oops: :lol: :lol: which is sadly worsening :lol: .


The way to go about this is to go open minded and optimistic.

If you expect Nemesis V2, you will be disapointed. If you expect it to be rubbish you will come off thinking it is.

I approached this with an open mind and loved it. I did not expect anything other than for it to be a good ride. I did not expect huge G force, to be terrified enough to need a £1 insurance ticket or anything like that. I had a gut feeling it would be good, but I kept my mind open to see what would happen.

Thirteen is the only ride that I have ridden where people have clapped and cheered at the end. Even Oblivion didn't do that. It is the only ride I have had 'withdrawal symptoms' from. Within 2 minutes of riding it I feel compelled to go back for another go. No ther ride has done this to me, not even Nemesis.

Thirteen fits the parks needs perfectly. With two of the most intense coasters in the world, and a coaster with a 62mph launch, it did not need another big thrill ride. It needed an Air, a modern Corkscrew, a step up from RMT and Spinball. A gap that has been empty for many years, especially since Corkscrew was removed. Thirteen is different and accessible to all. Kids can ride it and so can adults, and all will be just as impressed.

It is possibly the best themed coaster in the country, and is not even finished. The theming is superb from the queue onwards. People have complained about a supposed lack of theming. Hang on, this ride is about a crypt in some woodland. In the queue you are surrounded by trees. Natural theming. Also, if there were huge graves and statues everywhere, it would be pretty hard to say it was undiscovered. That is why there is little artificial theming. Where tree felling was required, they simply left the destroyed trees, and even destroyed trees that didn't need to go, so they could enhance the theming and make it darker and scarier, as if something dangerous is in the forest. They also have these trees on the ride, next to supports for the same reason. The ride may be in a bit of a clearing right now but you do feel close. If you are paying too much attention to the distance of trees, you really are trying too hard to criticise the ride. New trees have been planted and those that were there will grow back, making the forest closer. It even has a great smell. I don't know how much is 'new ride smell' and how much is supposed to be there, but the fact it has a smell is good enough and is another great part of the stunning theming. The theming is there, you just have to look for it. It is subliminal and smart, not in your face.

Furthermore, the ride is fun and we always saw that the layout would be fun, not forceful. I would prefer a ride to be just fun than just forceful. Fun is fun, forces are great but too much of them is a bad thing. With Nemesis, they have an incredibly forceful, intence ride but it is still fun.

The ride is only days old but it has soul and personality.

Amyone who has a problem with the build up can only blame themselved. We had the plans since January 2008. If you chose to forget them and fully submerge yourself in the marketing, reading too far into it and building a different ride in your head, it is your own fault, don't blame Morwenna Angrove, she did a great job. She took the most knowledgable, skepitcal and critical of all and managed to control your thoughts. This is surely the point of marketing. If you fell for it boo-hoo, it is your fault, not the parks.

Top job, Towers, bring on the next Secret Weapon, I absolutely love this one.
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Would you guys say the ride is less or more thrilling than Sonic Spinball? SW, I would say is a family-thrilling ride.

I suppose it is an all-round good ride. It has brilliant throughput; someone said 3 trains each with 60 riders with full-queue of just over one hour. I personally think that is really amazing for a new rollercoaster that has been hyped beyond belief. Someone on here also said Thirteen is very reliable and we know it to be very-well themed.

For people who've been on the ride, after the lift hill drop and you go into a helix / curve, I thought that it would have been nice and coupled with the air-time hill; that should make a good coaster section.

Where did John Wardley say the effects would be added afterwards?
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[quote=""Rollercoaster5000""]But Thirteen is unique Garyh, it has the World's first free fall Drop on a roller coaster :D. .[/quote]

This is where I get confused. To me, the freefall rollercoaster is Oblivion. Nothing there governs your rate of descent apart from the weight of the people in the car and gravity. 13 is not a real free fall coaster, you are dropped by two hydrollic arms, which will drop the car at the same speed every time.

So to say its the worlds first free fall drop is a bit cheeky of AT I think. Sure the track falls away with the coaster, but the only real free fall ride in the park is Oblivion.
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[quote=""Blaze""]Amyone who has a problem with the build up can only blame themselved. We had the plans since January 2008. If you chose to forget them and fully submerge yourself in the marketing, reading too far into it and building a different ride in your head, it is your own fault, don't blame Morwenna Angrove, she did a great job. She took the most knowledgable, skepitcal and critical of all and managed to control your thoughts. This is surely the point of marketing. If you fell for it boo-hoo, it is your fault, not the parks.[/quote]

Actually that's not entirely true, is it? The marketing has entirely centred around the Secret Weapon element of the ride, a feature that has not been revealled until this past week or so. So actually no one has known what would happen within the crypt building, so it could quite eaily have been a lot more thrilling then it actually is, so actually the Towers marketing department are the ones that have built the ride into being something different aren't they?
Edwardo..... move me!
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Well it's been a couple of days now and in the intervening period I've realised one of the items which really seems to let the themeing around the ride down. This may seem trivial to some people, but I think that the tarmac used through the queue and ride exit really lets things down. Looking at what Chessington have done with the floor in Wild Asia, a bit of tarmac slapped down for Thirteen seems a bit of an embarassment. I'd also like to see the wooden fences changed to something more ride-specific, even if it's just around the entrance/exit area. At present it seems that these little details give the wrong feel about the area. In fact, it reminds me of attempting to build a haunted area on RollerCoater Tycoon, with a bit of generic spooky themeing put in random places, but little attention to detail or cohesion. Maybe that's a bit harsh, but I'm trying to draw comparisons.

As far as John Wardley apparently saying that the only negative criticism is coming from people who haven't ridden, I'd say that is not the case. Indeed, I heard many people on park on Saturday who had lacklustre opinions of the ride, as well as other people on TTF.

One more thing I forgot to mention, already people are comparing it to Expedition Everest and Tower of Terror. In the queue on Sunday the people behind me were well travlled, although I don't know if they were actually enthusiasts or just well travelled and clued up. They compared Thirteen to both rides and even said Thirteen is better than EE because of the indoor section. EE is one of the best recieved coasters of recent years in terms of experience and like Thirteen, is designed so everyone can enjoy it, so to say Thirteen is better than it is great praise.

In my experience, 50% of people love it, 30% like it, 15% think it is ok, only 5% at most did not like it. This tells you all you need to know.

Staff asked for people's opinions at the exit and in the shop entrance after riding it, and most staff around the park, especially the ones on the other SWs asked what people felt about it. They were interested in what we had to say and they were honeslty impressed with it themselves, I can tell they wern't saying it just because they were told to.

As far as G force intensity goes, it is the weakest SW, but that is the only way it is weak. The theming, the music, the building and the atmosphere can hold it's own with Nemesis and Oblivion. If someone asked me to ride this or Air, I would say Thirteen. If they said this or Nemesis, I would say Nemesis, but this or Oblivion, that is very difficult.
Mr P

Call me an idiot, and sorry if this has been mentioned, but what is thirteen's theme exactly? I don't mean like "It's a crypt with a possessed forest", I mean what are we doing riding a roller-coaster through it? why is the little girl important? If she is so important why is just her voice heard in the queue-line? why is it Thirteen? Why isn't the story made clearer? Most of these things don't make sense when all added together, does anybody see what I mean?
Not that I'm saying it's a bad ride though, it's very good, just unclear.
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Just got a reply from John Wardley!

"Hello Dom

Thanks for your kind email, and I'm pleased you liked TH13TEEN.

We're delighted with people's reaction to it.

With best wishes,

John Wardley"

I'm glad that alton see it as a success - because I firmly belive it is!

fanboy squee! :mrgreen:
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(Thanks for the help Big Dave)

Righto, a few photos...

Image Morning Queue

Image Wraith

Image Tree

Image Had to


All rest of opening weekend photos can be found in THIS album [/url] ... b35d6effc8[/url]
1ne, 2wo, 3hree, 4our, 5ive, 6ix, se7en, ei8ht, 9ine, t10n, e11even, tw12ve, th13teen
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[quote=""Andyc Nemesis""]

theming on rides at Thorpe: Saw/Inferno better themed then some Alton rides.[/quote]

SAW is nicely themed, Inferno is very poor. They haven't bothered with half of it, it's a bodge job. Thorpe don't really give a rats ass about theming.
*Honest Cint!*

[quote=""Mr P""]Call me an idiot, and sorry if this has been mentioned, but what is thirteen's theme exactly? I don't mean like "It's a crypt with a possessed forest", I mean what are we doing riding a roller-coaster through it? why is the little girl important? If she is so important why is just her voice heard in the queue-line? why is it Thirteen? Why isn't the story made clearer? Most of these things don't make sense when all added together, does anybody see what I mean?
Not that I'm saying it's a bad ride though, it's very good, just unclear.[/quote]

The ride is just a roller coaster built in the crypt. Work on Corkscrew's removal and replacement unearthed the crypt and unleashed the powers of the forest. Thirteen is a number associated with fear and bad luck, and is also the number of wraiths. The girl has been taken by the forest, as explained by the adverts. Her body has been taken leaving her soul behind, haunting and warning you. The ride is simply a ride in the crypt and forest. I'm not too sure about why we go through the floor of the crypt or backwards, but the purpose of the ride is to simply be a ride, like Nemesis is simply a ride on an alien and Oblivion is simply a ride to scare you and push you to the limit.

Like Nemesis, John Wardley has designed the theme to work well enough and be clear enough without needing to know the whole story. It is clearly a crypt, so it works wel enough as is. Knowing the story simply enhances it.

I will do a proper review in the review section and do a trip report for the two days, with pictures later.

Great pics Chaz, I am very jealous about that 4th one. You lucky, lucky boy!

Actually that's not entirely true, is it? The marketing has entirely centred around the Secret Weapon element of the ride, a feature that has not been revealled until this past week or so. So actually no one has known what would happen within the crypt building, so it could quite eaily have been a lot more thrilling then it actually is, so actually the Towers marketing department are the ones that have built the ride into being something different aren't they?[/quote]

I think that's kind of a point to Blaze there. As far as I can see when looking through all the promotional stuff it's all be rather general, apart from the video of the secret weapon arriving (which was evidently for us enthusiasts anyway!) was US that put the emphasis on what happened in the crypt.

And by enthusiasts going in circles with what they though happened in the crypt, and what magical effects would happen (3D screens, anyone?), a lot of people started to get excited about this imaginary ride they had built up in their mind.

And by doing this, a lot have ruined the ride by having an idea of what actually happens in the crypt for a very long time. It's not a surprise, which I think that particular element relies on. It would scare the hell out of me if I wasn't expecting it, but unfortunately, most TTFers DO expect it.

So a double-whammy, enthusiasts getting into a foaming-at-the-mouth-frenzy even before promotion began...and then enthusiasts ruin the whole idea of the ride by knowing exactly what's going to happen.

It's not ATs fault, it's ours...and luckily that doesn't affect the average member of the public...hence the great reception the ride has received!
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I'm just glad that AT have brought a thrilling family ride to the park as I find it counts as both really. Its fun and has a good speed which is good for the family, but is scary looking and has a good dark feature in it which is therefore good for the thrill seekers. I find that any roller coaster that is built at AT grows to be loved by everybody that generally loves AT. I love it already and I haven't been on it yet. Any AT roller coaster is a good roller coaster in my books.

Well done AT :clap: :clap: :clap: :lol:

Just one last question!

How do you get these damn signatures to work because I upload them but all that appears is a small icon and my signature doesn't appear :x It's rather annoying, been trying to get it to work for days now :lol:
Last edited by D-Man on Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I think I can understand what your getting at Gary, it would be near impossible not to use some sort of mechanism, the term free fall, means.. well, basicly a (sometimes vertical (like 13)) fall, or drop, no matter how its been created, it will still be free-fall, the norm is usually drop tower on a roller coaster, more or less what it is, I'm dissapointed in the marketing of this, 'THE ULTIMATE COASTER', "all experiences in one coaster" "the ride experts are dubbing to be a psycoaster, a mix between physical, and pyscological fear" I guess the last one is sort of true, the feeling of being out of control, droping, falling to your death.
I'm no expert, on technological stuff, but I think calling it a 'PSYCOASTER' was a slight cop-out
We flew on Air, we raced on Rita, dropped on Oblivion, rode the beastly tentacles of Nemesis (cheers Blaze), and then we are told, to expect.. THE ULTIMATE COASTER, which turns out to be a glorified RMT, with the SW features, I can't help but feel sorry for all the staff, and project designers, they raked out fifteen million, on a ride, set to thrill, yet seemed more of a dissapointment, "the ride has been in development for two years, lead by the worlds leading coaster consoltants", no they need TTF to go tell them what everyone really wants.

Yes TH13TEEN IS a sucsess, but not what we were lead to beleive.
Last edited by SheikhSam on Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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