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Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:00 am
by Anonymous
Thanks Doopy Dan. :D

Barryzola, I don't want to have to pull you up again, but your posts and general attitude are unnecessary. Please have respect for every single member on this board, and you will find they will respect you in turn.

Once again, this age 'thing' has been brought up, where you have seemed to deem yourself superior because you're're not the oldest on here by a long shot, so can we stop this age thing?

Consider it a friendly warning. Now back on topic, please! :D

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:19 pm
by barryzola
ok, maybe my original post was a bit harsh which i apologise for but i think this statement by droopy dan started the age thing so i just retaliated:

"and you say your 23 aswell......"

So, how about you tell dan to not be abusive to me aswell? It's only fair........

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:34 pm
by Anonymous
Well, I think he was just retaliating to your original post, but you have a point...

Doopy Dan, less of the personal insults, please. I know you were both ranting, but there was no need for that.

Thank you! :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:40 pm
by Lozza
in my opinion b&m look quite a bit nicer than vekoma. i think that vekoma look like a skeleton and look uncomfortable, on the other hand b&m's are alot better looking and when i think of a coaster, the shape of b&m's always come to mind :D


Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 5:07 pm
by barryzola
Thanks kaycee. Fair is fair. good stuff. Im sorry.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 5:12 pm
by Anonymous
No need to apologise. :)

So! What IS a B&M coaster?? :P

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:50 pm
by evil cod
Yeah imo B&Ms track is soo much nicer than anyother make out there, but dont get me wrong it doesnt mean I think other makes of coaster are rubbish they are far from it (Im very excited about Flamingo's SLC :D) but B&M just seem to have that edge.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:25 pm
by Sazzle
In my opinion, a Beemer is all about the ride experience.

Its not about aesthetics, and its not about the noise.. Riding a B&M is the feeling of security, excitement and in most cases, smoothness. Alright so not all B&Ms are flawless, but is anything? You ride Nemesis, and you feel the adrenaline, the excitement.. But you feel secure in your harness, and you feel the sturdiness of the track around you, as the wheel assembly is arranged in such a way as to keep it as comfy as possible for the rider.

Now, you get on a Vekoma, and my life.. Anadin Extra at the exit, please! Instead of comparing Nemesis to Corkscrew as so often happens, I'll put it next to the fairly new 'Odyssey' at Fantasy Island. Odyssey is newer than Nemesis, but to ride it, you'd think it was the age of Corkscrew - it throws you around like a rag doll, and just when you think you're safe, they chuck in an inline twist to add insult to injury.. And cause another injury to your head!

You can feel the wheels rattling around all over the place when you ride a Vekoma, and thats true of any of their coasters (AFAIK) due to the way they've chosen to present the assembly. They tried to alter it on Odyssey to give a smoother ride, and caused the ride to stall repeatedly.

Vekoma have some very good concepts, but B&M are well in front in terms of ride quality and guest satisfaction in my opinion.

And the above is all an opinion by the way :P

Edit. Oh yeah, plasticboy linked to one of my pictures on RCDB, woo, go me!!

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:11 pm
by Wortho
i was at AT today and i did have a close look at the corkscrew track and ill have to admit that the track does look pretty awsome, especially when u get a narrow view of the corkscrews, the way the track looks as it twists over is very impressive, next time u go up, try and get a narrow view of the corkscrews and i think youll agree

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:43 pm
by Dave
i LOVE the noice B&Ms make. espetialy Nemisis. the low rubbleing noice they make. as it glides past. sounds so smooth. compare it to rita with her crackeling wheels. or spinball wizzer with its VERY anoying breaks with the ear pearcing hissing! aaagh!

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:57 am
by barryzola
Droopy Dan said "i think you need to go back to school mate"

Well lets have a look at you're post:
"abreviation" - Learn to spell properly young man.

"unecesory" - Very poor

The best of all:
"Just because a few words have changed does not mean that it isnt abreviated"
-Do you know the difference between letters and words?

"call it at that" - Im sorry, i dont live anywhere near you're area so i dont know what you're talking about. Please try to speak a language people can understand.

At the end of the day i've got more of an excuse if i make any grammatical errors, as you've only just left school and i have not been there for 7 years. You should really try to learn to spell correctly as i fear you have been conditioned by the emerging world of computers to rely on a spellchecker all of the time. Anyway, as you are such a mature 17 year old im sure you will be able to "call it at that" now. I dont want to hear from you again. :P

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:02 am
by Adz
Can i just request that we now get back on topic. - both Dan and barryzola, lets 'call it at that' shall we? :wink:

Anyway. erm what is a B&M coaster...

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:25 am
by Anonymous
Barryzola, why did you carry that on after that 'discussion' was closed by me earlier today and further up...^^ :-? Any more, and I'll lock the topic.

I don't know, Adz, what IS a B&M coaster?? :P

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:09 am
by barryzola
Sorry, i missed one of his posts and i felt that i had to address it. It's finished now.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:55 pm
by X_da_C
B&M coasters are really good, I dont necessearily think they need to have 4d and launched coasters to keep up, it will be great if they are the same quaility as the rest of there rides though.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:29 pm
by X_da_C
Inverted: Nemesis
Floorless: Kraken
Dive Machine: Sheikra or oblivion cant decide
Sit Down: dragon kahn
Stand Up: Riddler's Revenge or mantis
Flying: Air

based on what i think by looking at them and specs and stuff since i havent been to u.s

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:41 pm
by AstroDan
Since I do not have the funds to go to America, all my nominations are based on European B&M's.:

Inverted: Nemesis (only been on that and Inferno)
Floorless: Never tried
Dive Machine: Oblivion (only one ever tried)
Sit Down: Silver Star
Stand Up: Never tried (Shock Wave isn't B&M)
Flying: Air (only one ever tried)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:47 pm
by Mikey
Inverted: Nemesis
Floorless: Kraken
Dive Machine: Oblivion
Sit Down: Hulk
Stand Up: Riddler's Revenge
Flying: Air

(Based on coasters I've ridden)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:54 pm
by genesis
Inverted: Nemesis
Floorless: Kraken
Dive Machine: Only been on Oblivion
Sit Down: Dragon Khan
Flying: Only been on Air
Stand Up: Probably Mantis

Based on what I've ridden

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:51 pm
by doom+sons1988
Inverted:-Dueling Dragons
Floorless:- Never been on one.
Dive Machine:- Only been on Oblivion
Sit down:- Hulk
Flying:- Air
Stand Up:-Never been on one