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Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:52 pm
by Themeparksandy1981
In the spider area them things that kepted going up and down with the loud music always made me drop.

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:21 pm
by Twisted the Clown
Gosh, this takes me back! The sign that says 'Remember that eyes are always watching you' or something along those lines, used to frighten me terribly! I don't think that renovating the Haunted House into Duel did the ride any justice. The occasions where the blasters aren't usable are becoming more and more frequent as time goes on. :/

I'd say the only thing I like about Duel is the soundtrack.

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:04 am
by fredward
Indeed I was, I remember when I was a little person, My sister and cousin wound me up before riding it, and me being petrifyed, it was a very very long time ago and all I remember is them winding me up in the queue just around the corner just before the steps that take you into the house, I also remember the dragon right at the end which made me really want me to ride again since I loved Dragons!

Makes me even more disapointed they replaced the dragon with a beam of light! :x

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:33 am
by [Archive]
To be fair to them, the dragon was completely busticated.

They should have taken the option to replace it with an equally effective and large scale effect, however, instead of just ripping it out and putting a light in it. :no:

It's good to hear other people's memories of this ride. I wish I had such memories. I do with things like Terror Tomb, but I missed the House by only several months! My first visit was in 2003. :(

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:51 pm
by A5H
The Haunted House terrified me :P
The first time I went on it was with my friend and his family for his birthday in 1999 and we didn't like it atall :P and then the second time I went with my family and I spent so much time in the queue line trying to scare my younger brother, that I ended up scaring myself and decided not to go on it myself :)

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:39 pm
by andrewguk
First post here we go...

Yeah the Haunted House freaked me out big time. When I was a kid a was petrified of it.

My Nephew has the same problems I did! :twisted:

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:19 pm
by Stelios7
Didn't they remove the Dragin becuase it kept falling off?

And for the record, I never got to ride it.

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:12 pm
by Anthony
I first went on it in 1998 and remember looking down a lot of the time except when my Dad made me look at stuff so, yes, I was scared. Aged 7, I guess. I remember what I now know to be the lunatic and the dragon. I'm sure I remember the original contents of the screaming face when it was closer to the end of the ride rather than being directly after Trommel's Tunnel. I remember the face in the fireplace definitely as well, quite vividly.

I'm sure I went on it again before the changeover but that was the first visit that I rode any of the coasters so I can't say I remember much of it because it just wasn't the highlight of the day by a huge stretch.

After that, it's all Duel sadly. I wish I could remember it more vividly.

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:50 pm
by Stelios7
[quote=""Twisted the Clown""]Gosh, this takes me back! The sign that says 'Remember that eyes are always watching you' or something along those lines, used to frighten me terribly![/quote]

It's still there in Duel today.

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:16 pm
by Mr P
When I was a wee lad, I can remember going in the Haunted House, and spending the duration of the ride with my head buried under my Auntie's arm!

Well, the whole duration except the Trommel, 'coz I loved that!


Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:17 am
by CandyCaneKiss
The only time I ever went on the Haunted House, I was about 13 and I was visiting the park for my friends birthday, just me, her and her mum and dad.
I remember the ride stopping right under the big spider and we didn't move for about 20 minutes, that freaked me out something chronic and I never had the guts to ride again, until Duel... such a shame, I was a massive chicken when I was younger and I screwed up my eyes for majority of the ride anyway :lol:

Re: Were you ever scared of the Haunted House ?

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:32 am
by Samwise
I remember the huge Blob like thing situated about 3/4's of the way through, that was always an unpleasant sight for my eyes!