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Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:30 pm
by ponder
[quote=""electricBlll""]No, not really. They are located in railway arches underneath a train station, it seems to be pretty squashed up as it is. They will have to remove some stuff to make way for this, surely.[/quote]

Yeah, but the arches run all the way along the road. They may well have acquired access to another arch or two. Besides, those arches are bloody massive, as anyone who's ever been to SEOne / Drome / Debut will atest to.

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:40 pm
by Dormiens-Dave
Almost certainly it will replace an existing area. Would be a good draw though for guests

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:23 pm
by monsterdan5
I can see this being a good attraction, Im just dreading the marketing... And they could put it in the first bit of Jack the Ripper...

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:19 pm
by TenZero

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:19 pm
by nickhutson
Proof, sir?

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:51 pm
by Sam

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:03 pm
by [Archive]
Looks pretty good! That will certainly be a good addition to the Dungeons.

Jack the Ripper's failtastic ending was replaced by a brilliant, atmospheric finale some years back. It still has that rubbish "Guess who's Jack!? + random fireball" scene, though, which I hate. Hopefully they will not do away with the entire Jack the Ripper sequence in favour of this, I think it is built up very well and one of the best parts.

The only lows are:
*Too much gore now that the Dungeons are slightly more family-based.
*Stupid "Guess who's Jack!? + fireball" scene.
*Very long.

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:05 pm
by Doopy Dan
It does look awesome, very awesome, but its not 5D no where near.

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:32 am
by nickhutson
Screamscape is now reporting that AlterFace is definitely working with Merlin for the new attraction. Bring it on!

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:56 am
by Tom G
I don't like the sound of lasers in a Dungeon attraction. They would ruin the vintage atmosphere.

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:57 am
by nickhutson
I don't think they will be futuristic lasers... maybe 19th century muskets or something :)

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:01 am
by Tom G
Oh, well as long as you don't see the beam as per Star Wars, I won't be too bothered.

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:02 am
by nickhutson
No - you can very rarely see the beams. Unless they're very powerful and the whole room is engulfed in fog!

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:31 pm
by monsterdan5
sounds pretty good, wondering where itll go though :l

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:32 pm
by nickhutson
It will replace parts of Jack The Ripper (thankfully!)

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:38 pm
by monsterdan5
that'll be pretty cool, looks like a great attraction and they could make it a really scary attraction. I can imagine some great TV ads as long as they don't call it a 5D attraction or a worlds first :|

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:48 am
by nickhutson
The London dungeon has never done TV ads, as its not a national attraction, so there would be no need for a national marketing campaign.

Maybe they will try again with their main advert focus, which seems to be on The London Underground. Maybe they won't get banned this time by silly beaurocrices and red-tape so they can put a moving commercial by escalators.

Re: UK's First "5D" Ride For The London Dungeon...

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:39 pm
by TenZero
[quote=""London Dungeon Facebook""]London Dungeon™ Yes the rumours are true, we will be launching our new 5D ride later on this year, we'll be announcing more details soon so watch this space![/quote]

Backstage at the Dungeons?

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:56 pm
by DiogoJ42
On Saturday's trip to the London Dungeon with Rowe and Cheese, we took a wrong turning and ended up "backstage". :lol: It was interesting (for a techy like me, at least) to see what was clearly an area under construction, as well as the plywood rear of the Jack The Ripper sets.

Eventually one of the actors found us, and with a hasty bit of improvisation, she managed to get us back on track.

But this got me thinking. Does anyone have any pics or info on what goes on behind the scenes of the Dungeon? In particular, I would love to see a plan of the whole site, and see just how it all fits in to such a tight space. It seems to be a rather neglected attraction in our community... which is odd, as it is one of the best themed attractions in the country.

Re: Backstage at the Dungeons?

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:15 am
by nickhutson
This also proves they're placing the new ride in the old Jack The Ripper area, yes?

I have never seen any plans; my guess is they're kept pretty well under wraps. I don't think it's as tight as we think - it's a huge area down there... but I may be wrong. I always wonder where the room comes from... how they can suddenly build a water ride (complete with backstage areas we don't see) and then build a drop ride (where are the mechanics and generators and things)? It's a massive achievement how they keep updating the Dungeon, and I am very happy with the attraction as a whole. It is a very well themed! I wish I could go to the others in the country to see how they compare.