SPOILERS - 2012: Nemesis Sub-Terra...

Got an idea of how the Alton Towers Resort may develop over the coming seasons? Discuss it here.

I think that widespread use of scaffolding or construction theming across a project is both rather poor and quite risky, whatever the scenario, as the majority of the public seem to perceive it as a ride not being finished or looking temporary. It would look miles better if it was used sporadically in a small number of places, rather than all around the ride.

And with regards to the corrugated shed, I'm not gonna lie, the overall appearance is disappointing. What's more, I don't see how that could possibly look better with age, either. Sure, it "fits the theme", but that assumes that the theme was spot-on right in the first place. Where's the escapist exaggeration?

Sure, you could represent the facility containing Oblivion as a couple of tin sheds and shipping container, if that's how you approached it, but instead we get a giant cliche military base with towers and the like. Couldn't we see something like that here? What about some Nemesis tentacles escaping from the building, or some sort of visualisation that all is not what it seems?

Right now, Sub Terra looks incredibly literal, and there's way too much to be left to the imagination. :(
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I'm not complaining about the scaffolding in fairness i think its a nice touch... the building it self looks better than i expected....shame they decided to not put the shipping container shop where it should be because that would of been a great addition which forbidden valley and nemesis needs.... trying not too look at the spoilers on this thread I'm just looking at the exterior....
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If the ride includes a simulated lift down into some catacombs then there will be no tentacles at the surface poking out.  I kinda see where people are coming from regarding the theming.  In this case and for this ride it works perfectly, I think, simply because it fits the story, but...  I do agree that AT are using that kind of theming way too much, they are just a bit lucky with Sub-Terra, as it fits.
I do hope they think about these issues for SW7 as its going to be really special and they need to up their game with the theming if they want to reach its potential.  Anyway, far too early to critique SW7.
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Most of the moaning here - guys, you need to actually know the storyline first.

Go queue up for it, go through the attraction. Then start to criticise. The problem here is the overwhelming majority are complaining about the theme relating to the wrong storyline which they've either mistakenly pictured or made up. That's why it's not fitting in your minds - you're on the wrong track.

I completely agree on the scaffolding here, it looks to a normal guest to be unfinished and to an enthusiast to be lazy. I wouldn't want Nemesis tentacles breaking out of the building as i like the idea of the drama unfolding in the show building and that would take from that. However the building is as Jordan says way too literal and could have done with some abstract army type elements surrounding it.

Also they had a neat looking solution for the sign at the entrance on the plans that seems to have been scrapped for Alton's structure of choice, you guessed it... Scaffolding.

There is obviously still a week and they will have focused their attention on the inside of the building which if rumor is anything to go by is meant to be very well themed but i really hope they add more to the outside as it is the draw to the attraction.

As for waiting to hear the story-line, everyone knows the premise of the attraction, its been told already and a theme-parks theme should be more abstract than that currently is and scaffolding isn't always needed. As for the  main over-arching story that is quite well known too off the forum and i think the inside theming will do it justice, but its the outside that gives the first impression.

As said its a week away from opening and they can do a lot in a week.

thefatone wrote:Most of the moaning here - guys, you need to actually know the storyline first.

Go queue up for it, go through the attraction. Then start to criticise.
I accept that, but, there are such things as first impressions. I'm quite forgiving here, I am going to keep an open mind until I've been through the attraction, but there will inevitably be guests who either don't ride at all, and get an impression of the ride purely based on its exterior, or guests who do ride, but their judgement is based on their first impressions.

I've no doubt that what goes in inside will be really good. I've got faith in the creative teams that this will be a good attraction, as a whole package. But, my first impression from seeing the exterior is that it looks rather dull and unimaginative.
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Still to this day, some people who go on Th13teen for the first time assume it's un-finished because of the scaffold! It's a very stupid and lazy element to use as theming! Quite annoyed it's being used again here.

There are many other ways they could have done this to keep "in-theme" without resorting to scaffolding again...
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I don't know why everyone keeps justifying the total lack of theming or attempt to make the building fit in by saying "it's supposed to be a new government facility, this is how it would look".
Who cares, it's a theme park. It's supposed to be awash with crazy, imaginative themes, not full of tin sheds being justified as "part of the theming". If we've reached a point when green tin sheds with a logo painted on and a couple of satellite dishes passes for a storyline then... well, dark days really.
I agreed with the "face value" comment made on here. If it looks rubbish, there's no point in the storyline anyway. Try telling the public it's a ride and not a maintainance shed, it'll take a fair few of those left over Th13teen signs to do that.

The building itself i think is fine, and the aging effect is good and in-keeping with the area, it just needs more theming elements on it and preferably a reduction in that damn scaffolding.

And as for the signs, they have the same font as Th13teen but the background graphics are different so its hardly a problem.

HOWEVER the rumors about the inside are very promising so i'm going at this with a very open mind
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What rumous? tell us as this is the spoiler topic, so spill it!

Just that the quality of the theming inside the building is very good, there is a lot of positive comments coming out of the park about it.
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so let me get this right....those that are complaining about the photo's of the external are miffed at the fact the building looks new?? Well, yes obviously it IS your personal opinion which of course you're more than entitled to have...yet for me, having been slightly obsessed with Towers for a long time, I would hate to walk into FV and see a new 'old' building - as in I know that building was never there, the story tells me it wasn't there before so why would it look like its been there 20 odd years?!

Personally, I like it and thinks it will be seen as a massive success....once we all get to ride it and be immersed :)
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So who's goin on the 24th?  I'm havin to leave it till the following wednesday.  Can't wait for the first pov videos, although i might stay clear if i can help it till wed.
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Im sorry, but I think the exterior looks absolutely perfect! Its supposed to be a temporary military base. The Phalanx wouldn't want it to be complex, they would want it simple and up quick so they can get on with the research!

And to be honest, I think it does look imaginative, someones has used their imagination to come up with the design, therefore it is imaginative.

So will you all stop whining! None of you's have been on it, so absolutely NO-ONE can have a negative comment at this stage.
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It seems like a slightly confused theme to me.

Isn't it supposed to be a temporary command post for the Phalanx explorations over the closed season? If so why does it look like a full integrated warehouse, as opposed to a mobile facility?

And it doesn't yet seem to have many of the subtle trappings or nuances that would suggest a secretive military operation. I mean I know many of these things would be hidden in real terms, but we are in a theme park the norm would be to work from the cliche rather than reality.

(of course this is just a comment on the exterior theming and I'm aware that part of the idea here is to contrast an unasuming exterior with the attraction within)
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I think it looks brilliant in all honesty. I love all the satellite dishes and the building itself looks ok. Some bits, like the signs, do look like Thirteen leftovers, but on the whole, it looks great.

Besides, the outside doesn't really matter, it's what the inside is like that counts.
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The building is an observation facility. Warehouses are pretty easy to prop up and put down, so I believe fits into the theme.

You'll be able to tell what it is once you queue anyway, so it'll be alright!
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let's get back to the ride itself... if it is meant to be just like extremis at london dungeons, can someone explain why the height restriction for extremis is 1.2m and the advertised height restriction for sub-terra is 1.4m?
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Due to what happens around the facility. 1.4m tend to be around 8 or so? They're old enough to be able to cope with and deal with what happens inside the facility.

The smaller the height restriction, the younger audience would appear, and it would be inappropriate to have the youngens going through.
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Squiggles wrote: It seems like a slightly confused theme to me.

Isn't it supposed to be a temporary command post for the Phalanx explorations over the closed season? If so why does it look like a full integrated warehouse, as opposed to a mobile facility?

And it doesn't yet seem to have many of the subtle trappings or nuances that would suggest a secretive military operation. I mean I know many of these things would be hidden in real terms, but we are in a theme park the norm would be to work from the cliche rather than reality.

(of course this is just a comment on the exterior theming and I'm aware that part of the idea here is to contrast an unasuming exterior with the attraction within)
I would argue to say the Phalanx are an organisation with unlimited funds, to tackle the threats of modern day Britain... therefore a purpose built modern facility, despite being temporary.. would look like this.

I don't think it's a secret that the Phalanx are there. More of a secret what's inside.