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Will the cameras be able to zoom in/out etc on a person, or will they just take footage of the whole train?

Im assuming they will be able to zoom and focus, after all, if your paying £20 for DVD you dont want the footagr to be of all other riders and very little of you :?
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They arent going in Haunted Hollow, im surprised there not on Charlie really!
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Some of the views from the footage taken allready which look like positions of the actual real footage don't seem to be going in, e.g the spinball whizzer first break run where the car spins around coming towards the camera but there doesnt seem to be a camera placed there.

The stands used for the cameras do look like they can move but they are the same ones that are used on some rides by picsolve international for the onride pictures.
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oh well, looks like they are trying to recoop some of the money they have lsot, thanks for the update ray. I saw inside the other day becasue one of the shutters was up and it doce jsut look like a massive queue line! Wonder if they will ever fill them :P i doubt it,

(*)corkscrew rules(*)D


Wonder if people will actually want to bother queueing at the end of a long day for a £20 DVD.

Saw plenty of staff wearing YourDay fleeces yesterday, and quite a lot of activity in and around the building. Lots of cameras are yet to be installed on their posts, and many just seem to be pointing into nowhere, ie, the ones on the top of the Rita lights just point horizontally, not even looking down on the train. Surely they will have to undergo extensive testing to iron out any bugs with the direction that the camera's point. Better do get everything done before its open rather than opening and telling people they can't have any footage because the camera was pointing somehwre else
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I only real problems i can see is if the cameras have problems. Now if they have problems who will this work when the cameras are all in the ride areas. So if they wanted to fix a camera then rides would need to cease operation. Now would alton let rides stop operation for the work or would they just upset alot of people who buy the DVDs and not have a certain ride. I dont think they planned this well lol
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Hi :D

I came on to look for info on this specific thing actually - It now says on AT's site that it'll be open May - god knows May what.

I'm thinking of going on Thursday or Friday so I'll let you know what the update on that is...

It sounded really good on the website, and I thought it'd be a camera in front of the rider, y'know - maybe not :roll:
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Whose going to buy one of the Rapids or the Flume :lol: Its better to wait and open fully rather than to open to have lots of people comment on how disappointed they were
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The camera for Air's lift hill is attached to Nemesis' brake run, meaning everytime Nemesis hits the brakes the camera shakes. Great thinking eh?
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LOL!!!!! No way! Uh oh.

I'm just waiting for someone who is really interested in buying a DVD, comes to buy it at the end of the day, and there was a tech error and they can't buy the DVD! It's not like they can just do it again if they are none regular Towers visitors. Eeep.

I also herd from dave i think that if you ride say Rita 3 times... if your first ride was great and the other 2 rides were naff... it wipes your old ride off and repalces it with your newest, so if ur 3rd ride was naff and your first was great, sadly your stuck with the naff ride.
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Hmmm from all the posts here, it doesn't really sound like it's been well thought through. Great idea in theory, but in practice - I'm not so sure...
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3 weeks in Orlando, 6th August - 27th August 2007

Reading the mini-site, it sounds like there has been a lot of work put into it, and so I think it'd be a shame if it failed. It is a nice idea.

I know I'll buy one, but have to admit that £20 is a bit steep for buying one regularly - for what you get. But for annual visitors, I think it'll be popular.
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Is it true that it is due to open on 7th May? Or is this just a rumour at this point?
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i heard 17th of may?
oh well guess we will only find out when it actually opens.
its pretty much like how long is a piece of string lol.
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It better be open by the 9th June, because I'm intending on buying one!

[quote=""mrstu""]I also herd from dave i think that if you ride say Rita 3 times... if your first ride was great and the other 2 rides were naff... it wipes your old ride off and repalces it with your newest, so if ur 3rd ride was naff and your first was great, sadly your stuck with the naff ride.[/quote]


[quote=""YourDay""]What if I go on a ride more than once?

Again, it doesn’t matter. You’ll be filmed both times, but only footage from the last ride will appear on your DVD.[/quote]

And for anyone else interested, the rest of the FAQ...

(with the first 2 answering other questions in the thread... no, cameras don't move, and you get footage of *everyone* on same the ride car/train/boat as you - theres no way to individually identify you on the ride car/train/boat, only that your are on that particular *ride* of the ride at that time!)

[quote=""YourDay""]Do the video cameras move?

No. Rather than the cameras moving, the ride moves in and out of view of the cameras, with three to six cameras positioned along the path of each ride.

Does everyone in my group need to wear a wristband?

No. Every wristband is designed to create a unique DVD, so you can buy DVDs for each individual wristband or you can use just one wristband for your whole group. Simply make sure you all sit together on the rides so that everyone features in your film.

Why do I have to wear a wristband?

Your wristband contains a radio frequency ID (RFID) chip that alerts the YourDay system to store your personal footage as you go on the featured rides and walk around the park

Do I have to go on rides in a specific order?

No. You can choose which rides you want to go on and when you want to go on them.

What if I miss a ride?

It doesn’t matter. Your personalised footage will be seamlessly overlaid onto a master film so, if you miss a ride, you will simply see master footage for that particular ride. Your finished film will still be as slick as ever.

What if the weather is different on the day I visit the park from the day you made the master film?

Not a problem. The cameras are positioned so that there’s no sky, or almost no sky, in your personalised footage, and any slight discrepancies will be fixed by professional editing software.

Will you know where I am in the park?

No. For one thing, our RFID sensors will only tell our system to save footage when someone wearing a wristband approaches the cameras. Secondly, we won’t be able to identify you personally, as the wristbands are randomly numbered and randomly distributed at the park. So we will know that someone wearing a YourDay wristband is riding on Nemesis, for example, but we won’t know who you are.

How long will I have to wait for my DVD to be produced?

Less than five speedy minutes.

How can you be sure that you give me the right DVD?

After your personalised clips are laid onto the master DVD, your DVD is labelled with a unique barcode. The unique barcode is then scanned and linked through our computerised till system to the barcode printed on your till receipt, confirming that the barcodes match.[/quote]

You can get an idea of presumably what the clips are going to be like on the site itself:

Click every link on the left to see preview videos - and anywhere you actually see a face shot of people, you can expect to see yourself/everyone on that ride!
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Oh my im loving it already from those previews, all looks so neat & professional. It even makes me want to buy one :D


Same. I like them.

Only why couldn't they have chosen an Oblivion shuttle with nice restraints and a logo on the front!?

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Watching those video's in the ques on the TVs(what actually work now & very well i thought) has really syked me up for You Day :)

I cant get the god darn music of the adverts for Your Day out my head it was on that much
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I've been thinking a lot about this yourday recently. I could hardly miss it on sunday with adverts and fliers EVERYWHERE!

Potentially, it can sweep the boards off on ride photos. If the quality of these dvds are as good as they are making out, and are being offered at the same price, there could be a serious decline in the number of photos being sold. Obviously, there will be those who will want a traditional photo, or simply prefer having something they can physically hold rather than all this "technical mumbo jumbo", but if these video really are of a high standard, I can see a far greater appeal in a video than a photo.

IF its as great as it is made out.

I have a feeling people are going to be more reluctant to part with their cash if they don't really know what they're buying. With the photo, you can see it on a screen before you decide you want it. With this dvd, you can only really see what its like when you get home. Once word has spread that it is good quality there'll be no problems. And if word doesn't spread that its good?

Judging by those clips, there isn't actually much of the clips with actually you in it. The novelty of seeing yourself on a ride is fab, but if there's not much of you on it and you've already spent £20 people could be disappointed. Also, I can forsee a whole bunch of technical faults with this. Something as fine as a RFID sensor can't work 100% of the time? What if, for example, it got bashed on one of the rides and didn't work for the rest of the day? Then at the end you spend a steep sum for something that doesn't have you in it at all? Its bound to happen at least one, isn't it....
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