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Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:12 pm
by Kaz
Tilter, you work at AT but don't have any understanding of the planning permission problems they have? They would never be able to do what you stated.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:40 pm
by Anonymous
[quote=""titler121""]:P Well we can all hope!

I think perhaps a cheap second hand flat would do nicely in there? Just with a fiew lights im sure they could fork it up? Perhaps another temporary coaster in there. I thought what would be a possibility. Buying another tent and putting them end on end? As these tents are widely available and dont require to much maintinence.[/quote]

If they did that, all of us lot would moan. I've too heard that there is no new attraction for next year. If they're going to do something, I'd rather they did it properly, rather than bung in a cheap, second-hand flat that they've tarted up a bit.

I've a feeling it'll be a Pay to Play :( They can't keep getting away with those, AT is supposed to be a single fee - admission to the park.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:11 am
by Ash
I actually pride myself on knowing quite a lot about the planning laws. Alton would be far more likely to build a building and put something inside than build something outside. The tree protection in that area would also allow for a second building. These types of things are possible but i doubt Alton would do such a thing.

I agree with Kaycee though, i said it a long time ago but i fear P2P! A laser shooting game, a cinema or something like that?

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:09 pm
by Locker
A couple more pictures for you:




Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:38 pm
by Ash
Nice piccies there Mr L.

Its going to take around 6 weeks to complete. So we've been told. And will have no effect on X-Sector? Could this be enough time for something to go in there for 2007 i wonder?

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 10:19 am
by Dave
few more phtos from earlyer in the day yesterday.




i suppose they might have time for a temporary thing in there. nothing huge and sophisticated, but a run of the mill flat or something just to tide um over till something better can be planned? but knowing Alton towers id say no nothing for 2007

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:31 am
by smeg_head
What's the cherry picker for? Can't see it being much help outside the ride.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:43 am
by Kaz
They are going to have to take a section of the tent out to remove the track. The cherry picker is so they can do just that.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:54 am
by PhatBstd
Oh man, every time I went to AT I told myself I'd go on black hole.

damn. Now its impossible, bummer.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:30 pm
by Liam
If they repainted Oblivion and the Black Hole tent jet black again the area could look as good as new. Especially if the gave the framework of the tent a shiny metal look and added orange beacon lights. It would look impressive and allows them to keep the tent for a longer without it looking old and tatty. Oblivion desperately needs a repaint though; it's practically silvery-grey now (just look at Dave's first photo and then compare to the image below).


The sight of a coaster's deconstruction is quite saddening actually. :cry:

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:40 pm
by Danzaw*nk
Aww goodbye BH.

How did it actually become like that!?!? (Oblivions track)

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:43 pm
by Kaz
Its called weathering.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:44 pm
by Wes
The colour, being dark, picks up the sun rays and it just faded. X-sector does actuyal get alot of sun during the day due to lack tof majour tree cover in the area.

Nice to seem some action on the Blackhole site. Its interesting why they have a cherry picker outside, unless they are moving it inside.

Anyone know how they are remove this ride? I.E, taking it out the side in small sections?

Mugz x


Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:48 pm
by Danzaw*nk
I had a hunch it may have been that but it sure hasn't taken long to do that! It does look terrible.

I'm guessing they'll remove some of the tent :-?

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:00 pm
by Lauzi
I never went on Black Hole and doubt I ever would have (I'm scared of the dark, mmk?), so I don't find this sad at all, I find it exciting. AT will probably not have anything in it next year except maybe a bladdy P2P :x, but something will definitely be put in there eventually. I read on a topic somewhere that AT weren't having a new coaster for 3/4 years though? Could be wrong.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:07 pm
by Kelly
Same as Lauzi, i never got to experience Black Hole, and i doubt i would of, because its concept sort of scares me - the dark. Therefore i don't find it that sad, although it will be incredibly sad if they put a P2P in there! Grrrr :x I guess its the end of an era, which is sad. I do hope they put something in there, but i doubt anything big will go in there for a couple of years.

Off-topic: Wow Oblivion looked so good! It should definately be repainted, it looks so much more sinister, striking and terrifying in jet black!

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:10 pm
by Dom1991
I didn't get the chance to go on it either, it was always because it didn't interest me, I was too young and short, or the queues were too big. I can't feel much for it really because of that but I do wish I had gone on it now, judging from other people's opinions, it sounded like a fantastic ride. I won't get too excited for now incase it's replacement is dire, if there even will be one.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:17 pm
by Liam
It wasn't a world class ride, but was normally a ride on most people's to-do list. In many ways it is a bit like Spinball Whizzer. There was minimal theming inside the tent, it wasn't too short, it was fun but had very poor capacity. :)
When it was there, it took a good place in anyone's ride list and soaked up queues, so it would have been good if Black Hole had remained open along with Rita, but unfortunately it wasn't to be.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:16 pm
by Sir John Talbot
'twas a good little ride. Scared me sh*tless how it used to screatch around the track in pitch black at rediculous speeds :P. 'tis a sorry sight to see it go :(.

Kaycee, who told you there wouldn't be a new attraction next year? Surely they are, they've had new attraction annually for years - unless they are going to do some serious rethemeing and rethinking of how they want to run the park *crosses fingers*.

I actually don't think AT will lower their standards so much as to have another P2P in a prime ride space. I'm sure they're getting the message that they're becoming far too blatently money grabbing - so far I don't think guests are overly happy with AltonTowers at the moment. I'd love for the tent to be painted metalic gold, with perhaps some intricate iron work between the exterior supports. I've had quite a clear image for a long time of X-Sector taking more influence from Disneyland's "Tommorow Land", with hints of golds and yellow (which would compliment Oblivions orange well), along with clockwork style intricate iron themeing and even palm trees planted hear and there. Would look so great, and compliment the Towers amazingly. Meh, I'm getting to lost in my imagination again - sorry!

They should bung a Jump2 in there with a storyline and perhaps a small pre-show, with really immersive music (if they can) and crazy special/lighting effects :o. I think X-Sector's OK for coasters. It's a small area and sometimes can get too busy, and the BH tent would be the prime site for a major Rush/Slammer-esque flat-ride that'd get the crowds in without spending tens of millions on a coaster.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:30 pm
by Lozza
What a sad site! i miss black hole, used to be one of my favourite coasters at AT. It wasn't particulary scary or anything but had so much character! I loved the station and where the operator had to sit, it looked so cool! and the terrible and painful brakes at the end. I remember once when i was quite young being on it and it going aronud the edge of the tent, i looked into th middle and thought "oh! thats why they call it black hole!" It wasn't an amazing ride but it meant quite a lot to me as i have many fond memories of it from when i was younger, if only i could have one last ride! but silly me only went on it last in 2003 :cry:
I'm really intrigued as to what the actual tent looks like inside now, aswell as dusty. Also i wonder what would go in there next? personally i would love a really scary flat, an indoor coaster or a breakdancer (although the last one is unlikely but we can all dream!) I really hope it's not a P2P attraction, complete waste of space and would completely ruin x-sector, no matter what one it is. Realisticly i think they need an amazing flat, something that would atleast draw some people to that end of the park. They have a prime spot there and they need something amazing to go there to really reinstate x-sectors scary-ness! :D