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Re: Colossus..

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:01 pm
by Dom
i actually quite enjoy the ride. i think the consecutive inline twists are actually quite a unique feature

Re: Colossus..

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:14 pm
by Danny
Aren't they more like barrel rolls? I can't remember but I'm sure they go up as you twist?

Re: Colossus..

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:27 am
by Burniel
Wow I can't believe you actually made this topic, but thanks!

This ride doesn't follow my nickname 10 times, so ...

Re: Colossus..

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:38 am
by mikecloud1984
Rode it on Tuesday and I have never appreciated my spine so much.

I am 6 foot, the seats are too low down which puts you in a weird position to start with. It needs some serious TLC and is rough as chips.

New trains and a tidy up/repaint would do this wonders.

Lets not all forget its 11 years old and its still in the same state as in 2002......

Come on Merlin, pull your finger out!

Re: Nemesis or nemesis inferno

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:40 am
by mikecloud1984
Nemesis has the best roar out of any Merlin coaster. Anyone who says different needs to get their ears syringed.

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:40 am
by Lee
It's unfair to compare The Swan, The Smile and Nemesis Inferior to Colossus in terms of intensity as they are completely parallel experiences.

Colossus is a fantastic, albeit rough, ride and I'm looking forward to a reride next week at Thorpe. She's a classic with a Wardley charm. The inversions are executed brilliantly, and have much more thought than a stalling Smiler at Alton.

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:55 am
by mikecloud1984
Lee wrote: The inversions are executed brilliantly, and have much more thought than a stalling Smiler at Alton.
I'm sorry - but how can you possibly say that?

How are 4 continuous barrel rolls more thought provoking than the smilers raondomness?

Colossus was also a clone ride - just with an added corkscrew and roll at the end.

Colossus was great 11 years ago, when it was the record holder. It was something new in the UK having more than 4 inversions, but now it is too dated, has been neglected by Merlin and it needs new trains and some major cleaning up.

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:42 am
by Lee
mikecloud1984 wrote: I'm sorry - but how can you possibly say that?
Quite easily because The Smiler's layout has no real thought to it, with the exception of the indoor heartline. It really is just a case of getting as many inversions in as little space as possible, with no thought for its impact on ride experience. Colossus for all its faults, hugs the ground brilliantly.

She may feel dated, but Merlin (and the rest of the world), still seem to be chasing inversion records.

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:29 pm
by mikecloud1984
So you are saying a coaster that has been cloned is more imaginative than a complete custom layout?

I think you need to revisit the term "imaginative".

For theming, I will agree with you - Colossus is better themed than the Smiler and does interact with the terrain better, but as a coaster then you are on a different planet. 

The Smiler also has a better ride experience than Colossus - 4 inline twists followed by another in the opposite direction isn't exactly brilliant is it?

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:34 pm
by Lee
I haven't used the word imaginative, I said more thought out. Im aware that she is a clone with an added extra.

The point in trying to make, is that her execution of inversions is much better as a ride experience and in relation to themeing than The Smiler, who's inversions aren't very well calculated to the absolute detriment of the ride experience.

Yes colossus is rough, but so is the The smiler after only 4 months operation.

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:00 pm
by mikecloud1984
Lee wrote: I haven't used the word imaginative, I said more thought out. Im aware that she is a clone with an added extra.

The point in trying to make, is that her execution of inversions is much better as a ride experience and in relation to themeing than The Smiler, who's inversions aren't very well calculated to the absolute detriment of the ride experience.

Yes colossus is rough, but so is the The smiler after only 4 months operation.
The gulf between the roughness of Colossus and Smiler is huge in relation to comfort - but I am willing to give Colossus the benefit of the doubt and say that with new trains this would improve massively. The seating position on Colossus is it's biggest downfall and it is just plain uncomfortable. The Smiler has a couple of rough spots (namely the last two inversions) but other than that I am quite happy to shoot around it with my arms held high. Colossus needed me to hold on throughout the ride due to the head bashing.

I think you point about execution of inversions is highly opinionated. 5 of her inversions are the same (albeit 1 in reverse) - so the variety is lacking less than The Smiler.

However, the two rides are not even in the same ball park - they are completely different monsters. Apart from the last two inversions on the smiler, it is pretty near to perfect for the area it is squeezed into.

The interaction with the terrain (although the terrain was built around the coaster, not the other way round) is better on Colossus.

I think we can all agree that with some TLC, new trains and a repaint - Colossus could again be world class. Unfortunately, Merlin have pulled off their usual trick and left it to rot until the very last moment before it needs money spent on it.

Stood in the queue line next to the lift hill engine on Monday and I could not hear myself think over the racket it emits!

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:15 pm
by Danny
How can you say that the smiler inversions aren't well thought out? They are weaves in and out of each other making for near misses and have also created the ride to self duel?!

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:34 pm
by Tryst
I like Colossus. Yeah, it's a bit rough, but the interaction with the terrain is a rare gift at a flat-land theme park. With a bit of a refresh it could be pretty nice again, but I it will never be B&M smooth.

Saw, on the other hand, is rough as a badger's behind.

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:11 pm
by NickiFan
To be honest, if I had to choose between The Smiler and Colossus, I think I speak for the majority and go with The Smiler!

I have been on back row of the smiler and found it smooth, colossus however, hurt. The trains just rattle and jolt, it is not pleasant. The queue is covered in graffiti and mess. The interaction with the terrain is good, better than the smiler but the over all ride is experience for me was poor. I must admit I adored the airtime hill between the loop and cobra roll but that's about it..

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:45 pm
by Alex.D
danny.g97 wrote: How can you say that the smiler inversions aren't well thought out? They are weaves in and out of each other making for near misses and have also created the ride to self duel?!
But the point is, does the duelling work? No very often due to problems, Near misses are there on Colossus too, the airtime hill under the bridge and also some points the plants are over grown, plus it fits the area and interacts with the queue albeit not as much as the smiler. I love the way you see the train flash past in the queue like a predator. I find people tend to under-rate Colossus, like Lee said, it is well though out and the inversions are good if you sit properly, the back of each car tends to have more leg room and you sit straight and don't lean forwards. It is 2nd best ride on park for me in terms of rollercoaster track after the swarm. It is my favourite coaster due to the quad barrel rolls and the first drop with the view of that side of the park. Mixed with one of the best coaster theme songs ever and a decent queue. (besides the fastrack gate. >:| ) it is a little rough, but if they bothered to get the new intamin multi looper trains it would be a greater ride than it already is. Plus I think it is a better Wardley creation than the smiler as the quality is better.

Re: Colossus

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:12 pm
by Danny
how can you say the quality is better if colossus is much more painful to ride than the smiler?

Re: Colossus

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:02 am
by DanM3
I prefer colossus it's a lot less painful and it's 11 years older than the smiler! In 11 years time the smiler will be breaking necks. The smiler looks like a good coaster but when it comes down to it it's rough, not high enough, too compact and very unreliable

Re: Colossus

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:08 am
by Lee
Are people really discussing the smoothness of The Smiler? Seriously :lol:

Anyway, back to colossus and less on The Smiler guys. I do take some blame for this treading off topic :lol:

Re: Colossus

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:35 pm
by Senator
Colossus.. It needs a major re theme in my opinion! New trains to lap bars a re paint! Would most certainly make this a close contender to my favourite ride!

Re: Colossus

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:15 pm
by Dom
I personally don't think anything needs changing on this coaster. I think everything the way it is now sort of suits the whole area. When you actually look at the size of it and deeply appreciate every unique little thing on it, it is actually probably one of the most unique, intriguing, well laid out coasters in the uk.