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Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:54 pm
by Des-Cheers
Ive been a massive fan of the towers for years but have only just got into this forum business so please bear with me. Regarding back stories and theming are you restricting this to just newer rides if not what about the back story for the log flume? It used to have dinosaur themeing back in the 80's but now has a bath tub theme? Now that backstory I would like to hear,:D Same goes for the rapids what sort of backstory would that have?

I have to say i enjoy reading/watching the themed items relating to the rides but I get the impression that theres a few people here that are getting abit deep with regards backstory and details of that sort.
I maybe missing the point and in no way mean to offend anyone or start a ranting session but say as an example in one of the other threads there is talk of the Ripsaw moving into X-sector if thats the case surely it would be re-themed to fit into that area and as a result you couldn't create a different backstory for it

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:39 pm
by Adam.W
Ahh, the good ol' Ug Land.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 12:14 am
by Jammydodger
So did anyone else pick up on what John Wardley mentioned at the Nemesis 21 event about the ride having a detailed back story for its development, but intentionally not making it obvious?

When you think about it, it seems highly likely the Towers tried to continue this trend with rides like Thirteen, but probably had less success. Interestingly, perhaps in Merlin's usual knee-jerk reaction style, you could argue that The Smiler went down the complete opposite route because of how Thirteens story was received.

This does however potentially mean that the Dark Forest may well have a comprehensive story behind it somewhere out there...

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:35 pm
by Justin
I think The Smiler back story is brilliant. The build up before the ride opening was brilliantly managed. It still flows through today in some respects, offering a reminder to guests.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:16 pm
by ridelove
PeteB wrote:Th13teen's backstory may be vague, but could we put it together ourselves even though it would never to made known the GP? A crypt on an acient buriel ground being restored, a dark forest taking over, good/evil wraiths - 13 of them? The demon of the dark forest? The clues are all there.
They might be using the vagueness to appeal to fans like us to get creative and put the pieces together. I read somewhere that Th13teen was based on a crypt they found while dismantling corkscrew. We can already tell that the majority disagrees saying "backstories mean nothing", so those people are being left out. I also think that the vagueness is technique used to create suspense and mystery. Although I say this, I want a proper backstory as well, it is just more interesting that way.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:21 pm
by ridelove
DiogoJ42 wrote: They may as well go down the Thorpe route and not bother theming rides at all.
But hooray! Thorpe Park has realised their mistake. Just look at the poor attempt (but at least they tried) with Swarm, they have turned over a new leaf. But at least they are now trying to go the way of the backstory.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:27 pm
by Adam.W
I thought that the swarm was alrighty themed, as with SAW. Also, what exactly was the backstory for the corkscrew, if it even had one?

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:58 pm
by Morgan
Corkscrew was, like most Broome rides, generic and therefore have/had no story :)

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:48 am
by PeteB
dropkick10 wrote:I think The Smiler back story is brilliant. The build up before the ride opening was brilliantly managed. It still flows through today in some respects, offering a reminder to guests.
Story conveyed by the ride is actually very poor and almost none existent. The general public actually have no idea what the hell The Smiler is all about. They seem to think it's just a bonkers ride with some wacky junk for theming.

The only reason we know it's a correctional facility, operated by The Ministry of Joy, and superseding The Sanctuary is because of The Sanctuary itself which was kinda like a prequel or prologue in the year before The Smiler opened. But as most of the GP don't know what The Sanctuary is (or was), then none of it makes sense to them.

Shame really. Just comes down to poor story telling and lack of showmanship by Towers and Merlin.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:00 pm
by Justin
True, but the whole of X Sector has an explanation at the entrance (Pre crash). The marmaliser also has some info on it to, to suggest it is a correctional facility.

I do agree though that much will be lost on the general public, but the theming is there!

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:06 pm
by Sawboss
I knew nothing about The Smiler when I first went, but we all got what it was about pretty easily. Sinister industrial music, obsessive amount of security cameras around the entrance, big screen that flashes 'OBEY' and shows lots of surveillance footage and biometrics, etc. Seemed alright to me.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:30 pm
by JonDoesTT
Des-Cheers wrote:Regarding back stories and theming are you restricting this to just newer rides if not what about the back story for the log flume? It used to have dinosaur themeing back in the 80's but now has a bath tub theme? Now that backstory I would like to hear,:D
Back in the 80's when it had the Dinosaurs, I don't think there was a theme. It was just a log flume in prehistoric times, I'm pretty sure (if you know, please tell me :D). But I think that the bathtub theme is about having a bath. So there's rubber ducks, taps, water and soap, and I don't think there's much of a story other than "This is a bath. Have a bath." :lol

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:34 am
by NemesisRider
I honestly really like The Smiler's backstory, I'd say the marketing campaign was the key thing in me becoming an enthusiast. I latched onto the marketing campaign shortly before the first Smile. Always. clips came out and I was genuinely impressed and intrigued by it. The area itself around The Smiler actually did a decent job at telling the backstory, but I can't be sure what will be like when it reopens.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:27 pm
by JonDoesTT
NemesisRider wrote:I honestly really like The Smiler's backstory, I'd say the marketing campaign was the key thing in me becoming an enthusiast. I latched onto the marketing campaign shortly before the first Smile. Always. clips came out and I was genuinely impressed and intrigued by it. The area itself around The Smiler actually did a decent job at telling the backstory, but I can't be sure what will be like when it reopens.
I agree, when I went in 2013 I wasn't an enthusiast, but me and my friend were obsessed by the smiler after that (he went on, I hadn't). We watched the smile always videos and looked into the backstory, and that's pretty much how I became an enthusiast :lol

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:50 pm
by Justin
Miles Cedar is brilliant. He is a truly freeky character and I'd love to see him return.

It is a shame The Sanctuary disappeared this year. It would have been good to see the maze progress from Kelman to Cedar.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:05 pm
by NemmyChic
Anthony wrote:[quote=""PeteB""]
Haunted House
The Duel backstory is told within the ride, however it has been suggested before that the original Haunted House did also have a backstory, but no info on the HauntedOne website.
I'm not sure there is one for this asuch, there used to be a speech by "The Ghost Host" that was the mandatory safety/loose articles information.

That there was a host shows that the ride is intended to be a tour around the house, it also says the ghosts have been "Dying to meet you", showing the ghouls and whatnot inside know you're having a mooch around.

As for how it became haunted, I've no idea. You could look to the gravestones, but the fact that it is acknowledged as a haunted house by the supernatural occupants themselves could possibly explain why the scares themselves don't seem to have much is a place for them to gather, perhaps?

I like this topic.[/quote]

Has anyone read the book on the construction of the Haunted House ??

I have altho it was a couple years ago but i dont think it did mention a back story !! Really interesting read tho with great photos during construction !!

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:37 am
by tcw1993
PeteB wrote:
dropkick10 wrote:I think The Smiler back story is brilliant. The build up before the ride opening was brilliantly managed. It still flows through today in some respects, offering a reminder to guests.
Story conveyed by the ride is actually very poor and almost none existent. The general public actually have no idea what the hell The Smiler is all about. They seem to think it's just a bonkers ride with some wacky junk for theming.

The only reason we know it's a correctional facility, operated by The Ministry of Joy, and superseding The Sanctuary is because of The Sanctuary itself which was kinda like a prequel or prologue in the year before The Smiler opened. But as most of the GP don't know what The Sanctuary is (or was), then none of it makes sense to them.

Shame really. Just comes down to poor story telling and lack of showmanship by Towers and Merlin.
Imo they should've kept the sanctuary open year round so people had a understanding

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:37 am
by tcw1993
NemmyChic wrote:
Anthony wrote:[quote=""PeteB""]
Haunted House
The Duel backstory is told within the ride, however it has been suggested before that the original Haunted House did also have a backstory, but no info on the HauntedOne website.
I'm not sure there is one for this asuch, there used to be a speech by "The Ghost Host" that was the mandatory safety/loose articles information.

That there was a host shows that the ride is intended to be a tour around the house, it also says the ghosts have been "Dying to meet you", showing the ghouls and whatnot inside know you're having a mooch around.

As for how it became haunted, I've no idea. You could look to the gravestones, but the fact that it is acknowledged as a haunted house by the supernatural occupants themselves could possibly explain why the scares themselves don't seem to have much is a place for them to gather, perhaps?

I like this topic.

Has anyone read the book on the construction of the Haunted House ??

I have altho it was a couple years ago but i dont think it did mention a back story !! Really interesting read tho with great photos during construction !![/quote]

Where would I find this book??

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:12 am
by S.J_O'Grady
I think this is the one: ... nted+house" onclick=";return false;
It's the one I have anyway

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 2:41 pm
by salamanderman
So, i think i may have found the actuall backstory to thirteen on altons website
So, the (presumably) same people who uncovered the chained oak have found another site while taking up the corkscrew. With a stroke of unluck, the workers uncovered a whole comunity of spectral wraiths trapped in the crypt to protect the forest
And now the wraiths are free
And the trees want revenge...