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Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:16 pm
by ReZourceman
Lol, ghosts. :p

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:16 am
by Terra
Haha, of course there are no hard feelings! Don't be silly.. I'm not the sort of person to get annoyed over stuff like that. No big deal (:

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:47 pm
by hex4ever
I've neva seen anything but I just can't walk around the towers when I do I feel very edgy like someone is following me, but I use that feeling to make hex even more exiting

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:29 pm
by Squiggles
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Burger King ghosts yet. It's not a well known fact but outside of the ruins and other Victorian buildings the Burger King in Cloud Cuckoo Land is one of the oldest structures on the site and is built on the site of a former tea room which in turn was built on the site of another older feature, which was some sort of pleasure ground (which I've yet to find any firm records of, but has been mentioned variously as a sort of playground/ride based attraction from the turn of last century).

Anyway I've heard reports of two separate sort of phenomenon here. The first is the sound of rattling cutlery/crockery (also described as the sound of someone working working in a cafe) heard while the restaurant is closed, by members of staff working alone in the building. It had been noted all the way back to the 70s and 80s, but the most notable occurrence happened after the restaurant became a fast food restaurant, mainly because at that stage there was no cutlery or crockery on site to physically rattle.

There have also been times when staff have heard the sounds of children playing behind the restaurant, and when they've gone to investigate and remove the children from the backstage area there has no one about at all.

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:23 am
by Joe Koopa
I'm personally yet to experience anything paranormal in the towers.

I've only ever taken the walk from Forbidden Valley to Ug Land in the gardens, so I suppose I couldn't have experience anything there. I've walked into the towers twice, the last time was on Th13teen opening day (March 20th) and I was with just one person. It felt edgy, I give you that but no more edgy than I feel when I just wake up from a stupid dream or something. I've never experienced anything on Hex either, and i've been at the very back in the octagon more than on time!

Back when I first started reading TTF (in 2006, mind, I was 11), was before my first 'proper' visit to Alton Towers, and I was actually terrified because of the ghost stories heard. We came out Hex and ended up getting lost and walked straight into the towers. Although I did and still do believe in ghosts, going into the towers that time and being completely fine almost overcome, what was at the time for me an irrational phobia.


Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:44 am
by Vik
Though I have felt the ruins to be an eerie place, probably due to the fact they are old and well, in ruins, I have never experienced anything supernatural in there. That includes the one occasion I have partaken in one of the ghost hunts at night.

On a few occasions when I have arrived on park well before anyone else I have taken a walk around the ruins and I have been the only one in there.

When walking through, I will often take random photos in some bizzare attempt to snap a ghost. To date nothing, but I was present when Kryn took the photo in the Chapel which when viewed, revealed a mist, though nothing was visible to the naked eye.

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:05 pm
by Luce
The only unusual occurences I've had at Alton Towers was earlier this year when I went on Hex on my own. It was a very surreal experience and although it wasn't scary as such, it was nice to be out in the fresh air again.

Also I've got a weird photo that I took of a sandwich board advertising Terror of the Towers at last year's Scarefest. When I looked at it back on my digital camera screen and at home on my computer, there's what appears to be a child's face reflected in the plastic cover of the board. It might be nothing of course but there was no-one around when I took the picture :)

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:30 pm
by TibBo
I've never actually been into the towers, how/where do you get in?
Where are you allowed to go once inside?

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:00 am
by Mujician
I went on an overnight ghost hunt in the towers. It was a commercial event, sadly Merlin would charge a prohibitively large amount of cash for any small paranormal groups to do 'serious' investigation. There were a few things that happened. It could have been suggestion however. Despite this there were a few things that couldnt be explained - a stone was thrown. There were smell appearing from nowhere.
Whilst in the servants quarters, in one room (supposedly inhabited by a male spirit) I was the only person to smell a really strong smell. I cant describe it - it was almost like the smell of horses - only not quite. It was an unpleasant smell (I quite like that horsey smell!) I nearly freaked out an ran out of the room.

Over all the towers, and its surrounds have a very oppresive feel. There is a dog spirit that hangs around the planted bit in between Hex and the nearest toilets. There is the obligitory 'Grey Lady' (every large country house has a lady of some description - be it black, white or grey!), she is said to have the smell of roses (or some perfume that is floral based!) A young lady is beleived to have either fallen or jumped out of a window on the second floor - she wears a beige colour. When we were in the chapel - our base for the event, I felt as though there was someone watching me - not a nice room. Someone did say they saw something in there that night too.I think some of the ladies were more scared of the pigeons! I have read a story about a well dressed, and well mannered gentleman who has been seen in the gardens.
Im sure most of you AT afficionados are aware that there has also been some kind of human dwelling on the site since around the bronze age. If you believe in the paranormal - you will also be aware that enegy is said to be left behind - even if there are no ghosts from that period - mediums may be able to pick up on things that happened in the past. There is a lot of history to be found here.

I am due to be on an overnight hunt again - this time with a different company. Its cheaper than the last one, and I believe there are still spaces left for it. I'm not going to advertise the company as I know forums can be a bit funny about that sort of thing - but if you'd like to know which company it is i would be happy to PM you with details.

Ghost footage caught in the banqueting hall

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:17 pm
by ATJakee96
Me, Stevie (starbugger1303) and Dan, we caught some strange footage in the banqueting hall while we were filming our Haunting Of Alton Towers episodes. We have also caught more footage if you would like to see the other footage please feel free to ask.

Here is the link to the footage : [url=" onclick=";return false;] ... ideo_title[/url]

Re: Ghost footage caught in the banqueting hall

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:34 pm
by .Will
[quote=""ATJakee96""]Me, Stevie (starbugger1303) and Dan, we caught some strange footage in the banqueting hall while we were filming our Haunting Of Alton Towers episodes. We have also caught more footage if you would like to see the other footage please feel free to ask.

Here is the link to the footage : [url=" onclick=";return false;] ... ideo_title[/url][/quote]

I would say that is probabily a bird flying past the window casting a shadow on the wall.


Re: Ghost footage caught in the banqueting hall

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:35 pm
by cheeky_becky
[quote=""ATJakee96""]Me, Stevie (starbugger1303) and Dan, we caught some strange footage in the banqueting hall while we were filming our Haunting Of Alton Towers episodes. We have also caught more footage if you would like to see the other footage please feel free to ask.

Here is the link to the footage : [url=" onclick=";return false;] ... ideo_title[/url][/quote]
Okay that's really freaky! :shock: Made my heart miss a beat and my hair stand up on the back of my neck lol.

Ghosts creeps me out when I see them. I don't even like looking at creepy photos or videos but I still just click on the link and have a look ha :lol:

There's no one else around, is there? Just the 3 of you? No one else walked past?

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:36 pm
by starbugger1303
Come on a bird was fly faster than that! :D

And yeah Becky, it was only the 3 of us in the room at the time and nobody walked past!

Re: Ghost footage caught in the banqueting hall

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:39 pm
by ATJakee96
[quote=""cheeky_becky""][quote=""ATJakee96""]Me, Stevie (starbugger1303) and Dan, we caught some strange footage in the banqueting hall while we were filming our Haunting Of Alton Towers episodes. We have also caught more footage if you would like to see the other footage please feel free to ask.

Here is the link to the footage : [url=" onclick=";return false;] ... ideo_title[/url][/quote]
Okay that's really freaky! :shock: Made my heart miss a beat and my hair stand up on the back of my neck lol.

Ghosts creeps me out when I see them. I don't even like looking at creepy photos or videos but I still just click on the link and have a look ha :lol:

There's no one else around, is there? Just the 3 of you? No one else walked past?[/quote]

Yeah it were just us three in the room

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:40 pm
by Dcarts2412
hey, im dan the camera man for the video jake was talking about. and i can honestly say there was no bird around or no other people in the room !

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:46 pm
by cheeky_becky
Oooooo creepy :nervious:

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:05 pm
by .Will
Hang on Dan if you were looking at Steve then who was looking out of the window? What if the bird was circling or flying towards the Towers to nest it would take longer than a flash.


Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:09 pm
by cheeky_becky
Hmm yeah it looks like one of you walked around and it look like a shadow...? :-k

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:14 pm
by jordanc44
Does anyone know anything else about the gardens? Theres got to be something about the creepy old caretakers houses...

Re: Ghost Stories of Alton Towers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:11 am
by starbugger1303
Theres a story of black dog with wild red eyes walking around the gardens of a night! :)