Wicker Man - General Discussion

General discussion regarding the UK's No.1 Theme Park. Talk about anything and everything Alton Towers here.
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Im going to say it.... I'm actually bored waiting :( we have nothing more than the name and a couple of rubbish instagram pics to be excited about. its very strange in my opinion, were just 5 weeks'ish from season opening and we haven't had much to get us pumped up! (by modern standards / digital media) if they teased some vids of the flame effects testing or something like that we'd all be hyped beyond belief.. I'm intrigued as to why its being left so late? maybe its behind a bit and they don't want us too excited for opening day??
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We’re at the stage now where we’re waiting for information from the park.

With how open Alton were with the construction phase, we haven’t really been guessing as to what’s being built. The aerial pictures have also given us material to discuss, but since the testing video was posted, and subsequently removed, these appear to have stopped.

As you say, with there being little over 5 weeks until opening, I think we’ll hear something more from the park soon, hopefully a confirmed opening date.
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Fingers crossed for something tomorrow perhaps? Are Fridays the days they would usually opt for to make more info known?
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I wouldn't be too worried at the moment, Even if the Resort are aiming for a 17th March opening for the ride it is still a little too early for the final phase of marketing to kick in just yet.

The Resort will need to get the balance between creating the initial hype (which they did at the start of January with the announcement), then re-igniting that at the right moment to create the momentum to take them through to opening day. I think as long as the next marketing wave is launched by the end of the month then all will still be on track. Don't forget, that we are natually more aware of the ride because of our interest in the park, however the public won't have that same level of interest - the Resort need to time things just right to grab the interest of the GP but not so far in advance that they will then forget aboout it.
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It seems Towers have launched a new online help centre, which includes a section of FAQs related to Wicker Man. The vast majority of stuff doesn't give us anything new, apart from seemingly confirm that Fastrack won't initially be available... oh and I guess a retheme of Mutiny Bay to Mutiny Bar... ;)
Wicker Man is situated within the theme park on the site of the Resort’s former Log Flume in Mutiny Bar.
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Mutiny Bar brought to you by Carling.
Reassess your modern lives and ignite your senses.

The Wicker Man comes for us all.

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It should also be noted that they have now called it "A globally unique rollercoaster experience fusing wood and fire!", although "World’s first rollercoaster fusing wood and fire." does also feature on the site's Wicker Man FAQs.
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"More theming than any of our other rides" - A bold claim, suggesting it has even more theming than say, Hex? If true, this probably means the queue/station/pre show will be heavily themed which will be good to see.
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I do believe this will be like nothing seen at Alton. A good story (like Hex) adds to the overall experience, so something of the same quality would be cool.

I wonder what feel/props it will have?
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You know what would be a fun/cool effect.. as you are in the station and see the tunnel where the maintenance shed is linked to, it's completely engulfed in mist/smoke to represent a burning effect from the maintenance shed..

I still believe this ride has more to offer than we know, and I'm betting it's in that shed! Fingers are crossed but either way the ride will be a good experience.
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 What's in the shed!  (again)
I don't think there will be anything. just my opinion.
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Justin wrote:It should also be noted that they have now called it "A globally unique rollercoaster experience fusing wood and fire!", although "World’s first rollercoaster fusing wood and fire." does also feature on the site's Wicker Man FAQs.
It does say that, however it also says that “Wicker Man features state of the art special effects, including real and faux flames, to create the world’s first rollercoaster fusing wood and fire.” ;)

Never really understood where the rumour that the ASA got involved came from, but honestly I highly doubted it then and now doubt it further as the ride is still marketed as a world's first attraction on the latest hotel ads and on the website itself! :P
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Owen wrote:Never really understood where the rumour that the ASA got involved came from, but honestly I highly doubted it then and now doubt it further as the ride is still marketed as a world's first attraction on the latest hotel ads and on the website itself! :P
A member on another fan site complained to the ASA about the “world’s first” element of Wicker Man’s marketing. The ASA reviewed the complaint, agreed, and advised Merlin/Towers to “make the necessary changes”, essentially forcing them to remove the “world’s first rollercoaster fusing wood and fire” tag line. Said member posted a photo of the letter he received from the ASA but it has since been removed.

I do agree though that it is odd that they are still advertising it as a world’s first on some sections of the website.
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simononestop wrote: What's in the shed!  (again)
I don't think there will be anything. just my opinion.
Then why have tunnels leading from the brake run to the maintenance shed and from the maintanence shed to the station? I'm certain there is going to be a small 'postshow' in the maintainence shed.
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I've posted on here and another site that this ride is supposed (what I've been told by a good source whom I won't reveal) to have a secrecy surprise element like 13 has, I don't know (and I don't want to know) what it is.   

All will be revealed (if there is anything to be) on opening day.  
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ROYJESS wrote:I've posted on here and another site that this ride is supposed (what I've been told by a good source whom I won't reveal) to have a secrecy surprise element like 13 has, I don't know (and I don't want to know) what it is.   

All will be revealed (if there is anything to be) on opening day.  
Return of the washing machine element? :lol
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I've been thinking about the shop today and what appearance it will take.

The Smiler is very modern with bright colours, lighting and lines, while Ghost Train at Thorpe Park is very industrial. Both shops have a distinct feel, therefore will we get more of a natural look with Wicker Man? With these shops adding to the overall experience, I'm hoping the shop will be impressive. I do have a feeling that the set pieces in The Welcoming will be some inspiration.
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Hi all, I have been a observer for a number of years and have finally joined up to join the conversation.
I saw a really good video on YouTube that someone put together a creation of their take on how the Wickerman will run. The part I found really good was their take on what will happen at the end. All the tunnels suggest a hidden element and in the maintence shed they had the room setting on fire!
(similar to the mummy effects at Universal Studios)
Hope they do go down this line as it would be great and would make sense with the “infusing wood and fire” comments AT made.
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Justin wrote:I've been thinking about the shop today and what appearance it will take.
Personally I’m expecting something along the lines of The Smiler as opposed to Ghost Train with this. Something not too flashy but nicely themed. I’d like to see something like Ghost Train but I honestly don’t know if we will se that at Alton yet, as I’m unsure if they’re on par with Thorpe’s theming just yet (Wicker Man could change this obviously). :P

Maybe just a wood effect shed style building with things hanging from the ceiling and some old looking lights, or hopefully some faux fire torches!
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I hope they have some sort of incenses in the shop that make it smell wood like. I feel like that could be awesome, and we have been seeing a use of incenses in Thorpe. It would help bring the shop to life in all senses.
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