The Future of The Flume

Got an idea of how the Alton Towers Resort may develop over the coming seasons? Discuss it here.
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Although the concept is very good, Valhalla itself is a VERY expensive ride to operate and the capacity is quite restricted, in comparison to the high volume capacity that any Merlin ride needs. If they were looking and doing their own dark water ride, cost and capacity would be two major factors affecting their decision.
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I know it's rather unlikely as the cost for all the theming would probably be too high, but i'd love to see Alton attempt something like Chiapas at Phantasia Land. It looks really well themed, and seems to be a mixture of a dark ride and a log flume! I know Alton doesn't exactly have a shortage of dark rides, but it would certainly rival Valhalla in terms of greatness! And also if anyone has seen the construction photos of it, they'll know how confusing it looks, in terms of confusing guests it would be right up Altons street!
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KittyKat wrote: Although the concept is very good, Valhalla itself is a VERY expensive ride to operate and the capacity is quite restricted, in comparison to the high volume capacity that any Merlin ride needs. If they were looking and doing their own dark water ride, cost and capacity would be two major factors affecting their decision.

Expensive? It only costs them £200k a month to run. I'm sure merlin would fork out a bit lol..
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I really hope to get a replacement water ride something more themed cos if we are really honest parts of t he flume are dull and most exciting part of them slow bits is looking at other people riding looking at you or the ocasional v sign  :p

Then a duck in a shed.

if what ever replaces is themed well then drag it on for a wee while (jurassic park, dudley doo, splasmountain all have great scenary and themeing so you dont notice the slow long bits) but if not jst a quick corner big-ish drop back to station with simple pirate theme lol anyone else agree?
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I do wonder if the flume is totally replaced will they rip out the underground tunnel section or build above it? With the weather the uk has I hope they don't go down the tidal Wave route as if I wanted to get soaked I go on Battle Galleons which I done once and never again.
It's been 10 seasons since it got upgraded/rethemed and before that the log flume ran for 24 seasons without much of a update so there's nothing to say that it can't run for another 10 years.
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Personally I love the log flume, i think it makes for a nice welcome break from the hustle and bustle of every other ride, it's not fast it's not high , hell you don't even get that wet, I hope if they do anything to it they simply upgrade it.

i love the way it meanders through the trees and i feel that it needs a massive re-theme and perhaps a few more water spraying / dropping features ...
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Themeparksandy1981 wrote: It's been 10 seasons since it got upgraded/rethemed and before that the log flume ran for 24 seasons without much of a update so there's nothing to say that it can't run for another 10 years.
Problem being that this 'upgrade' amounted to little more than new boats and themed music - the ride hardware is knackered and hasn't been upgraded whatsoever since the opening of the original Log Flume.
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I do love the flume as a family ride and as a child riding in the old logs. But i will be glad whilst sad when it goes its time has come. It needs to be replaced by a newer model or even a newer ride.
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After riding the Flume recently for the first time in a couple of years, I really think it badly needs some kind of replacement. I'd love to see a world class water ride added in it's place within the next few seasons.

Not only is the rie itself badly showing it's age, but the theme looks tired, and the whole area is calling out to be altered to fit in with Mutiny Bay.
I'd love to see a new water ride installed with some kid of 'sea monster' theme. The construction walls could be themed as wooden barriers set up in Mutiny Bay to 'protect' the area from the incoming sea monster, with pirate actors wandering around warning of what is coming, notices nailed up on the walls telling people to stay away etc.
As for the ride itself I have no idea what Alton could install there. I think a water coaster is asking too much but maybe something along the lines of Jurassic Park/Stormforce?
Water rides always have the potential to be really nicely themed as well. It would be a fantastic new addition.
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I think the flume is a fantastic ride however I feel is suffering from age. The re-theming to bath tubs was a great idea but is now getting old as theming doesn't work and I always see 1 or 2 boats being sucked dry which is understandable as most are like actually getting into a bath tub! I do believe something needs to be done..but don't know what...
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Image credit to Lewis97
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I would like to see a thrilling, but family orientated rollercoaster of some sort to fit in with mutiny bay, with water interaction as part of the ride. Like the ride mentioned in the post above me, something like that would be perfect. I can live without a log flume, but the fact the ride has water interaction makes it perfect, and with the Smiler now, Alton is crying out for another family rollercoaster; i love sonic spinball, and really feel another fun and thrilling rollercoaster would be great!
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I hope the Flume stays! I love a good ol water ride. Like many people have said already, it just needs a little tidying up because yea, it is looking old and tired.

Maybe a theme linking it into mutiny bay because at the moment its just in its own little world on its own.
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DrReeve wrote: Maybe this sort of ride ... 6&start=30
That kind of thing would be perfect for the area!
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It is time for it to go, slowly they have been getting rid of the old "past it" rides like the corkscrew and the black hole, so surely the log flume must be next?
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The age of the ride has nothing really to do about why a ride should be replaced or not. If the ride is popular then there is no reason why it should not still continue. I believe most people believe the ride has reached the end of it's life. For example one thing which is almost painful is the way the bath tubs bash into the sides of the flume all the way round which is painful.

Log flumes themselves are a great theme park staple ride, so it would be a shame to loose out and not have a flume.

I think most people want it to be replaced with a better flume or a water coaster to bring the park up to date.
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Alton Towers need alot more flat rides before they build another Roller coaster otherwise their going to run out of space and keep destroying rides to install new ones. I hope it never gets to the, point where they have destroy rides to make new ones though. Sorry a bit off topic.
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i would like to see the flume removed and something along the lines of valhalla at pleasure beach in its place but in the gloomy wood area so you get a ghost ship feel. with mist and smoke and sound effects of the surrounding woodlands. the old flume site could either remain empty or a location for a new rollercoaster.
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the flume just got water cannons?!?!?!  :shock: :O
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I don't want to see the flume be replaced, perhaps a re-theme but not replaced. I would be extremly dissappointed if they do remove it. I like the cozy flume tubs and really hate the larger ones such as those at drayton manor.
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