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Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:35 pm
by CGM
Yeah I am a Pleasure Beach fanboy and I dont care about other people being AT fanboys, the thing that annoys me is that alot of AT fans dont accept the fact theres other rides outside Alton Towers which are more and likely better than what AT have got, where as other fanboys aka Disney, BPB or DMP I dunno will at least take notice of other parks instead of judging there favourite park as the best because they havent been to others, thats my point.

Also theres no such thing as Pepsi Max Lame One.
I think that you are doing Beaver Dude and the rest of us a great injustice. Have you even read what he wrote?
Of course I'm a fanboy even though I only visit AT once a year and I consider some parks better and I've said BPB is a great park and that the woodies are world class. PMBO just doesn't compare to these woodies any of the AT rides, any of the TP rides or even any of the CWoA rides. Vampire is better than the PMBO imo. Just accept that I think the PMBO is boring and imo Rita is a great coaster that's way better.
If you expected nothing but praise for the PMBO then you've posted in the wrong forum.

I think that most of us here have an open mind towards other parks and not just AT

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:44 pm
by Anonymous
Illustrated by the fact that all Beaver Dude said was 'PMBO is an average coaster.', where Bicko101 immediately hit back with 'what's Rita then?', thus bridging the gap between PBB and AT in this discussion. Sounds like it's the PBB fanboys who can't take criticism of their own rides.


Hasn't the Pepsi Max sponsorship run out on The Big One? Hence why I'm calling it The Big One (or is it just Big One?).

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:53 pm
by John
I've always called it the Big One anyway, except on here where I use PMBO since thats what everyone else calls it.

No-one calls Revoltion 'The Irn Bru Revoltuion' (well I've never heard it called that anyway), so why PMBO?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:57 pm
by Luke excell
I heard sank happening to The big one in 2006 aint they making it bigger coaster forces says it ment to be bigger and surposeddly gonna be called the "bigger one"

thats wat i heard maybe going to 300 ft bar but i doubt it so hopefully something maybe happeing to it next year from wat i hear

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:18 pm
by Beaver Dude
No they aren't making the PMBO bigger well not that I've heard. They were actually planning the worlds tallest and fastest coaster. It was rumoured to be from Intamin but allegedly it was cancelled due to Intamins safety record.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:26 pm
by srw985
[quote=""Beaver Dude""]They were actually planning the worlds tallest and fastest coaster. It was rumoured to be from Intamin but allegedly it was cancelled due to Intamins safety record.[/quote]

IMO it should be worlds tallest with lift hill not launch. Cable lift like on Millenium Force would be better because it would get to the top faster. 470ft Rockets with a TTD/Kinda Ka design are like chesting becasue they are tallest and fastest but its all over in a matter of seconds. One reason why B&M dont make lauches.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:16 pm
by Anonymous
How can you segregate 'fanboys' in that way? You were talking to one person there. I don't understand how you can say 'oh, Alton Towers fanboys think AT is the best, better than all the rest', while 'Disney, PBB and DMP fanboys' don't?

He gave his opinion on The Big One. It's quite a popular opinion. Doesn't justify what you said.

Anyhoo, let's get back on topic.
Alot of AT fans are like that, thats why I made a point, I wasnt hitting out at every alton fan, was just saying that alot can be like that.

Its still called Pepsi Max Big One, the pepsi 'can(s)' if thats what you can call it is still just before the lift hill.
Illustrated by the fact that all Beaver Dude said was 'PMBO is an average coaster.', where Bicko101 immediately hit back with 'what's Rita then?', thus bridging the gap between PBB and AT in this discussion.
Thats due to the fact Beaver Dude compares Rita to Pmbo.

Ride changes at Blackpool

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:03 pm
by Lightwater valley rules
Its been confirmed. after many years of SBNO Vikingar is been removed from the park. Also two classic flat rides are been removed that have been SBNO all season, the turtle chase and the whip. Also the spin doctors are up for sale and will be removed for the 2006 season, they will stay if no buyer is found.

New for 2006 is a thrill seeker ride, it is not known what the ride will be or where it will be positioned. Also for 2006 will be a family attraction where the black hole was before it was removed in 2004.

Other ride inprovements will be new trains for the grandnational rollercoaster. Its old trains were damaged by fire. They have magnettic brake systems on them so they will work with Grandnationals new brakes.

Other improvements will be that main street will be repaved and the area around trauma tower is going to be landscaped with gardens and pathways.

All sounds good. wonder what the new flats could be. :?:

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:18 pm
by Sir Coastalot
I think one of the flats will be a screaming squirral for some reason. They said it will be a UK first not a world or european and thats the only kinda flat ride I can think of.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:19 pm
by Kaz
A screaming squirral is a rollercoaster!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:01 pm
by srw985
i know its a coaster but--

i doubt BPB will ever get a screaming squirrel because they look rough and uncfortable and they dont look very exiting.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:55 pm
by Adz
i doubt BPB will ever get a screaming squirrel because they look rough and uncfortable and they dont look very exiting.
They got the big one didn't they?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:03 pm
by Phil
i doubt BPB will ever get a screaming squirrel because they look rough and uncfortable and they dont look very exiting.
They got the big one didn't they?[/quote]

:lol: Debateable comment!

Will be sad to see the 3 old rides to go. I never went on the whip, but i had been on turtle chase and vikingar. They will all be sorely missed. I always found it so fascinating and magical how the whip was positioned right next to the big one. It was like old and new within a few feet. A ride from the 1930's with a ride from the 1990's! That was special.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:33 pm
by Williscroft
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Why the hell do they want to get rind of spin doctor, they cant realy fit anything else in there and it fits so so well. Shooting through the air at 60 mph whilst spinning upside down was amazing, why are they getting rid of it :cry: :cry: Glad their doing the place up a bit, maybe it will get more respect now and can become an even better place to visit, im still thinking why spindoctor :cry:

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:38 pm
by Ant
I never got to ride Spin Doctor :( remember reading on a forum a while back why Spin Doctor was being removed. Low thought put being one and another I remember it was something to do with the queues going on to the bridge being a health hazard or something :? .

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:49 pm
by buggy
Apparently spin doctor isn't doing too well with the sea air.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:08 pm
by Anonymous
Oh no! I've been on a 200ft travelling version and loved it! Gutted. I haven't been to BPB for many years, and was really looking forward to riding Spin Doctor on my next trip!

There's also rumoured to be a biggie ride for 2007, isn't there? Although that's all hush-hush at the moment.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:24 pm
by Williscroft
Kaycee id get up to blackpool soon in the new season as theres a chance it wont have a new owner, its such a good ride shooting head first towards the water then being span upside down sudenly, will be a shame to see it go :( On other sites there talking about a water coaster for the 2007 season so that should be good :)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:37 pm
by secret weapon 23
Great shame they're trying to get rid of Spin Doctor, I only got to ride it once and it was thouroughly enjoyed. I see the poiny about it conjesting the bridge though, and queue times were ridiculous at times.

I oersonally think a new water coaster is unneeded, Blackpool is often very cold being by the sea, and getting drenched is not a good point to this, so water rides shouldn't really be top of the list, plus they have the best water ride in Britain (IMO) already. They need a good coaster really, but a new flat would be nice too.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:57 pm
by MikeB
I hope spin doctor isn't removed from bpb. The throughput isn't great but the ride is fantastic.
If you are loaded up first you have to go up to the top and wait till the other end has been loaded, the first time i did this i was a tad nervous as all you can see is a massive drop on both sides! When the ride is at full speed the pods go upside down several times, sometimes and you are heading down, making it feel like your going to hit the ground.
Hope it doesn't go but that bridge can get mighty crowded at times and i can see where health and safety are coming from.