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After a few days use, and a little practice, I can say I am starting to get used to this. My first post in this topic was basically hating on the website, some of the comment I could now happily take back. However I miss the old layout but know that this is the way forward :)
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Themeparksandy1981 wrote:I bookmarked the forums now as the home page always makes my I phone crash.
What iPhone are you using? The site and forums were extensively tested on mobile devices and no issues found. It may help if you clear your cache.

The main site and forums had to change as they were no longer manageable or fit in with our exciting future plans.

The team have a very clear understanding of what our members want and expect to which we need to balance this carefully with the direction we want the site to go. You just need to trust the team.

Stating the new site/forum is rubbish isn't constructive or welcomed. Constructive feedback with explanations is more helpful.
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How are we know supposed to know which questions are favourites in the "questions to ask john wardley topic" or which are peoples favourite pictures in the "pictures for nemesis presentation" now ? :/ :(
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Hi guys really appreciate the hard work you put into making this site work, we all have to get used to change I guess:)
Just a few issues
keeps jumping to font size when replying to posts.
Also a few crashes.
Logs you out, when I've asked to keep me logged in.
Also can we, or have we the option to save assending or descending when viewing posts, instead of scrolling to bottom of page and selecting and saving in each topic.( hope I've explained myself properly)


Ps am on the iPhone 4 :)
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I just cannot get on with this new forum design. And have found myself viewing it a lot less the last few days :(

Have to admit I am not good with change but I always used to use the last post titles on the right to browse topics. Now you cannot see the topics as it only shows the first few letters. Instead you have to go into each forum section each time which is more clicks.

Really think its needs a dark background for contrast too. Love the new site but just not keen on this new forum.
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Yes, the above issue is annoying and we are looking in to it now.
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I have one issue.
When doing quick reply on the old forum you could quote in a quick reply, now you can't. I found this was a much quicker way and if not would put me off posting as much, is there any chance that can be added?

Ooooh I have just found the new forums and how snazzy is it!!!

I can't wait to get some quizzes running in the SB with the new features ;)
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After having a play on both the desktop version and the mobile version i have to say the following.
Although I personally am not a big fan of the white (preferred the blue to be honest),
it does make everything seem a lot more crisp and fresh. I am sure it will grow on me with time :D
The forum is easy to navigate on both versions and I also like the fact that you have now created a new area for Thorpe Park and the other southern parks. It is a lot easier to find things and the quick reply is great.
I can't wait till all the shoutbox features are released.One thing that i do miss is the navigation bar that was at the top.

so Top Job Guys and Girls.
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TheSmilerMan wrote:How are we know supposed to know which questions are favourites in the "questions to ask john wardley topic" or which are peoples favourite pictures in the "pictures for nemesis presentation" now ? :/ :(
Hi Zach,

I'm going to run a poll for the team to pick their favourite questions as these will be limited. All of the photos posted will be used to make up the bulk of the presentation.
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Is there no chance of Tapatalk functionality being reintroduced?

The main benefits to most people that Tapatalk has is that is allows Towers Towers to be easily accessible next to other forums (of any topic) and can easily hop and back and forth within the app.

The main benefit to myself is Tapatalk saves having to download the forums chrome every time (yes I know about caching, it's only small etc, I am a developer myself).

Tapatalk provides an extra option for people to have and surely another way for people to access and participate in the community cannot be a bad thing?

I really like the new design and have nothing against it and realise it's responsive but for some, access via Tapatalk may be the better option.

Just my 2 cents.
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Is there any chance of a TT app?? :sus:
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The issue of the short latest post text on the main page has now been rectified.

We are looking in to Tapatalk now.
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I must say overall I like the new design.

But personally I hate the new font! Just looks horrible and isn't the easiest to read.
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It's not a bad design - but it just shouts off the shelf template, lacking any originality or uniqueness.

The fact it's also completely inconsistent to the TT3 makes absolutely zero sense (though admittedly - that's probably a good thing!)... at least it's responsive. :roll:
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I'm sorry.
But i have found two things that i don't like.
I miss the navigation bar (i think i previously said that). It made it so much quicker to look at pages. now you have to click the house button and then click on the page you want to browse, instead of just clicking directly to the page.
I also miss the PM thing going red when you had a PM. It made it easier to spot if you had one.

I do agree with the pm thing, the notification isn't brilliant for them. Or like it flashed up about opening the new pm in a new window...
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Kirsty25 wrote:I do agree with the pm thing, the notification isn't brilliant for them. Or like it flashed up about opening the new pm in a new window...
You can set it to create a pop-up in a new window for a new private message. Go to: Settings > Board Preferences > then the bottom option should be 'Pop up window on new private message' which you just need to change to 'yes' and save your new settings :)
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Right I had enough of the forum now. I'm clicking on topics thats not been updated since the last time I checked. It really needs to list the date the last post was posted and not when the topic was started. Too you think this is important to add to the forums I won't be back. Good luck in the full design and all the best.
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Themeparksandy1981 wrote:Right I had enough of the forum now. I'm clicking on topics thats not been updated since the last time I checked. It really needs to list the date the last post was posted and not when the topic was started. Too you think this is important to add to the forums I won't be back. Good luck in the full design and all the best.
This is an issue that is currently being looked into, and most likely implemented on the forum in the very near future. As with all new forum software and changes, the process is a very fluid one and we do take on board structured criticism from our members to allow us to create a better community experience.

The new forum has fantastic new features, including a brilliantly easy to use minichat. We hate to see anyone leave our community, and hope you decide to stick around and take the time to get used to the new forum. I'm sure you'll learn to use it just as easily as our old platform, as many members have already commented to us.
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