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Re: What was the Black Hole like?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:54 pm
by mathmos

Re: What was the Black Hole like?

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 12:21 am
Shock's presented it brilliantly.  Here's my experience of it.

In the mid eighties Corkscrew was the Nemesis of the park. In fact - even more so - it was the ride everyone spoke about and was the ultimate. Yet - in the background was a far superior ride. Smaller, hidden in an ugly green and beige canvas was the one no-one spoke about, but people feared the most - Black Hole.

I remember riding it with the one car trains in 1985 and being shocked by both it's intensity and it's shortness. My first ride was one where - as Shockadelica said - there were glowing red lines all along the track. It was brilliantly paced - intense drops and swoops and then a few seconds of quiet turns before another drop. People were truly scared by it.

My feeling is that Alton Towers removed it before it's time and I'd even argue that it would still be loved now. Just ride X No Way Out to see how the Uk has failed to live up to it since.

One day, I hope that Alton will give us another great dark coaster that - like Black Hole - is bang up to date, like it was at the time.

It's still missed. :(

Re: What was the Black Hole like?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:04 pm
by Hari
I have not been on it but I made a video of what my idea of what should have gone in the tent:

I know SW7 is here now but it hadn't been announced then...

Re: What was the Black Hole like?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:24 pm
by bensaund
Did you ever go to 'The Doctor Who Experience' at Olympia the other year? They had a ride type thing there simular to your idea, you went through the Tardis, into different rooms with the Doctor talking to you, there was a 3D cinema with the Angels attacking you and the best part of it was the Dalek attack on a planet.

This in itself could easily fit into the black hole tend or even the circus tend and it would have been a case of Merlin paying for the attraction as it was and moving it. Of course I know there would be IP issues and they would have to sign contracts etc, but I do feel that we are seriously missing out of some excellent Dr Who theming in our theme parks.

Now BPB have Wallence and Gromit, there is not much British stuff left to choose from unless I am missing out on an idea