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Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:28 am
by Belleee94
everytime i think about alton towers i smile and get excited
oh and when my and my sister were younger after a trip to alton towers we would reanact the rides the next day and our whoel day there, using the different rooms and stairs in our house.
I also have made Alton Towers rides and the park many times on RCT2 and 3
Going to Alton towers used to feel like i was going on a holiday when i was younger, still sometimes does
Ever since i was younger I can't sleep the night before going and always spend most of the night up, and when i was younger i used to always rea the majority of my topsy and tim books in the night
oh and I can recite almost the whole 2 an half - 3 hour journey there and i dont even drive
i have even got really writing this, i think i'm going to persuade my mum to book the trip we were planning :)

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:07 pm
by Farquaad
I stole the Nemesis Bus

I drove it back and crashed into the skyride station 3 years ago

I once got into an argument with the bookworm, he won

I stole portrait 13 and put it above the mantle

I made the elevator really fly out the roof

I used the toilet in duel, it fell apart

I tied an employee to it to make it look like it was his fault

I forgot about him

It was me who powerd the cycle in the UG tree house

I cut down a branch

My neighbour died

[url= ... unused.htm" onclick=";return false;] ... unused.htm[/url] - I didnt crash the cement mixer

The Nemesis blood is real, believe me

I once took a bath on the flume

You can't really fly, I sued

I thought Sharkbait Reef was Splash Landings

The monorail broke down so I drew in the queueline

Can you imagine how peed off I was when they painted over it?

I made the time capsule lifts work properly

I killed the guy who did the voiceovers for spinball

I used to be the guy who rang the bell in the ship on the hour

The new guy is a slacker

I got drunk and crashed somewhere in Katanga Canyon

I once spent the whole day in old macdonalds singing barn

I killed 6 therapists before I recoverd

I tried out the Nemesis gun and it really works

Thats why they got rid of the Thunderlooper

The replacement sucks

I achieved top speed in the driving school

I was annoyed that its water and not chocolate

I made it brown myself

Ive hijacked two hearses

I stole Feathers McClaw's chips

I never did get my Farthing

I didn't mind the doors

Nicholas Rudin got sued by Herbert West

Portrait 5 was modeled after me

I used a real cannon on Battle Galleons

I run away from the Mine Train

I never show up on the on-ride photos

I composed the Berry Bish Bash theme

I'm sorry

I did'nt remain seated in the Chocolate Factory

I should of listened to him

I really made it go 0-100

I panned for gold, I sued them when I found out

When the pinballs don't work in the queue, I go insane

I always go insane

Thats also why the giant duck went insane

Thats why they painted the tunnel red

Thats why they did'nt put anymore themeing in the tunnel

I once drove the car outside the hotel back home

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:42 pm
by jomo1993
I can literally not go a day without talking about Alton Towers and visiting TTF.

I know all of the monorail train numbers - and what train the correspond to -

1 - splash
2 - mutiny bay
3 - sir alegenon
4 - mooooonorail
5 - celebration
6 - daisy
7 - never used to be a number 7 (train 7 is at the back of the yard) but i think it is now sealife
8 - strawberryy
9 - jelly bean

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:23 pm
by Kaz
Pretend that i am a ride host in my bedroom
Care to explain how that works?

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:32 pm
by Vik
[quote=""jomo1993""]I can literally not go a day without talking about Alton Towers and visiting TTF.

I know all of the monorail train numbers - and what train the correspond to -

7 - never used to be a number 7 (train 7 is at the back of the yard) but i think it is now sealife

Yup, the Sealife train that is now number 7 was originally number 10. The original number 7 was the one written off?, and subsequently used for spares and repairs for all the other trains. :D

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:45 pm
by Joe Koopa
I bought a copy of The Sun for the AT map.


Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:59 pm
by Sam-urai
[quote=""Joe Koopa""]I bought a copy of The Sun for the AT map.


Lol, I have done the same for the last 4 years :o :o

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:33 pm
by [Archive]
You two did something as bad as buying the S*n?

Wow! You must be obsessed! :P

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:50 pm
by NF2
I've been doing work ex at a Hospital this week, and actually had to physically force myself to not ask a patient if I could steal the Alton section from their copy of the Sun. I didn't, thankfully, but when I stopped and thought about it for a second realised how stupidly obsessive it was to ask a sick person for their paper just to get a new park map, i'm actually mortified by the thought of it :oops:

I actually bought the Sun and read it on the train home, I felt dirty :lol:

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:44 pm
by Khalichanan
My friend and I have bought the Sun for the past few days in order to get the free ticket promotions...

Haven't even read what's on the inside and we probably won't buy it again. We feel obsessed :P.

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:52 am
by badger
I'm sorry... I've just been reading all of this with a huge giggle.
Non of you so far seem particularly obsessed. Fanatical yes. But it takes a sertain someone to be totaly obsessed, and believe me, there are a few folk who are totaly obsessed.
You know who you are!

Listening to the towers music in strange places = who hasn't
Dreaming about it = even folk who don't like coasters dream about them
Erotic activities = Ok so that is a bit strange but I do know som odd folk
Ride count = Don't get me started
Number of visits to park = This is me, say no more
We can go on and on...

But a true obsessive would not see it in themselves, they would see it as normal behaviour. They would look at their freinds and think, "well we did that together so it must be normal".
I know that as you read this some of you may think that I've lost the plot. But those of you who know me, are starting to feel a bit uneasy. You know who you are, and I know that if the examples that have been listed on this thread are those of fans... then you my freinds are really obsessed.
And that's what makes you such wonderful folk.


Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:46 pm
by Dormiens-Dave
I'm as obsessive as most but i always feel that the word obsessed sounds negative, i don't sit in a corner shaking when i cant get to the park, i just feel like i come more alive when in the park, especially when i go with TTF as you feel you are sharing a similar experience, there are other situations that also do the same thing for me but not to the same degree.

Is that obsessive?

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:22 pm
by Anonymous
I love Alton towers, its where I feel happy the most. I would buy a room at the resort if it was possible.
I even go swimming there all the time so I am at alton towers, and no I dont live near lol takes me ages to drive there but its worth the buzz the min you drive throw the gates and start humming the music lol :P :P

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:42 pm
by DaveFreeze
I just love driving through the gates, and you think, IM HERE

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:38 pm
by Invie
Me and Nemmy got a thing going on if you know what i'm saying, but I'm considering leaving her to be with Thirteen when I get the chance.

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:55 am
by AltonTower
I just made an account to reply to this post. not complaining though. I probably would've made an account anyway. ok first of, can I say, there is probably thousands of users- yet the user name Alton_Tower wasn't taken. wow. ok anyway, back to topic.

1. I have to watch at least 4 POV videos, of different rides on youtube a day.
2. My mum tells me everyday to shut up about Alton towers or i'm banned from going back.
3. I made an Alton towers smiler themed piggy bank out of card, (a pretty spectacular one too) just to save up for one trip.
4. I live in Scotland. my ambition is to work in Alton towers, but not get paid, just get permission to live in splash landings, specifically room 394, and aloud into the park for free, the days i'm not working.
5. I'm still in school. I plan on getting married in Alton Towers. but I have to actualy be declared married while riding air.
6. I love the theme tune (also known as hall of the mountain king) so much, I've learned how to play it on piano, in a duet, with my mum on guitar.
7. I know the story behind the theme tune.
8. I know all the monorail numbers.
9. I know approximately how many meters every ride is from the entrance, hotels and car park.
10. I have a facebook page called Alton Towers is awesome. (i'd be very appreciative if you liked it!!!)
11. I know the hex story off by heart. the earl of shrewsbury...never goes out my head.
12. I know all staff in splash landings hotel, by first/second name.
13. is one of the best rides.
14. is not a ride.
15. My teacher asked my mum on parents night if I was going to Alton towers any time soon because he can't handle anymore pictures, or music or general chat about it.

And too many more to list. p.s. like I said I'd be very very happy if you liked my facebook page; alton towers is awesome :D :lol :) :O :P :yes: =; ;) thank you!

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:09 pm
by KatangaZebra
I always hug the corkscrew memorial.
I paid my teacher £20 for his old maps.
Every time I see an Alton Towers sign on the way, I scream "ALTON TOWERS!"

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:54 pm
by Jason_101
I wake up in the morning and play the AT music repetitively when we leave for the park and like a guy also posted i kissed oblivions harness after we ridden it also everytime im on the monarail i sit down moving my body up and down to the theme tune and at school i got someone to hold my chair forward so i could pretend to be on oblivion... 8-[
KatangaZebra wrote:I always hug the corkscrew memorial.
I paid my teacher £20 for his old maps.
Every time I see an Alton Towers sign on the way, I scream "ALTON TOWERS!"
I also hug the memorial :hug:
Kaz wrote:
Pretend that i am a ride host in my bedroom
Care to explain how that works?

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:43 pm
by Alton13Nemesis
I have Alton towers maps, photos, leaflets all over my walls. I have a memorabilia shelf in my room, and only have 2 shelves (imagine the shortage of storage space) i have about 40 different audio files on my computer including scarefest audio. That is all.

Re: How Obsessed With Alton Towers Can You Get?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:28 pm
by KatangaZebra
1) I have an Alton Towers playlist.
2) I have a customised Alton Towers hoodie that I made myself. The designs are on the back. It has my name at the top, then a glow in the dark tower, and the words Alton Towers at the bottom.
3) In The Hall Of The Mountain King is my ringtone.
4) In The Hall Of The Mountain King is top of my 25 Most Played Songs on my phone.
5) My phone's, iPad's and laptop's backgrounds are the ATR logo.
6) I painted the ATR logo on my wall last year. I was grounded for a month.
7) I painted the ATR logo with my mum's makeup on my dad's forehead while he was asleep. I was grounded for a week.
8) I drew the ATR logo with my finger on my neighbour's dirtiest car. I was grounded for two months.
9) I carved the ATR logo on my old wooden front door. We had to get a plastic door and I was grounded for two months.

Now I can see why I'm called the devil child by everyone in my family and my neighbours. :lol