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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:49 pm
by Adam
Theres nothing on the press site. So i guess its something to be relased soon.

*Adäm x

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:58 pm
by Nick
Must have been some sort of release but only to that site. They covered Room 13 in quite some depth too. Wouldn't surprise me to see a few official updates through HauntedAttractions

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:00 pm
by Squiggles
I'll remain highly sceptical until we get more along the lines of official details from the Towers themselves, as we all know they have a habit of commiting to a Halloween event and then pulling out.
To be fair, if the Towers are gonna cancel the event it will more then likely be after the press release... for example in 2005 they were actually advertising it in the park by the time they cancelled it.

Anyhow, the event is being run by two different entities, half by the park, half by the hotel, I'd be very surprised if both cancelled. (especially after the success of Room 13)

Lol... I'm actually rather enjoying that we've known the details of the halloween event for less the 12 hours and the discussion has already begun about when its gonna get cancelled. Bless the closed season!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:03 pm
by Towersfan
Absolutely Squiggles. One thing is utterly guaranteed, Room 13 will return this year as it was a massive success.

If the Towers pull everything in the park together this will be an event of epic proportions.

What fireworks? :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:04 pm
by Anonymous
The problem is they never advertise the events outside the park. Other then on stoke radio. They need a tv advert or magazine information to get the attenstion of people who may not visit this season.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:07 pm
by Squiggles
[quote=""JulieAndrews""]Must have been some sort of release but only to that site. They covered Room 13 in quite some depth too. Wouldn't surprise me to see a few official updates through HauntedAttractions[/quote]

I have a feeling the the guys at Haunted Attractions may well have contacts inside the company which are making the mazes and stuff, and that's where their info has come from. Not sure, but that seems the most logical explanation.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:10 pm
by Matt 125
[quote=""Timmy152005""]The problem is they never advertise the events outside the park. Other then on stoke radio. They need a tv advert or magazine information to get the attenstion of people who may not visit this season.[/quote]

Exactly. Many people will think that normal fireworks will be occuring and come for that weekend. If they can get an informing website to tell people about it and maybe nationwide adverts (could be costly) many more people will hear about it and know that it's not fireworks this year.

Matt :D

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:14 pm
by kingjohno
I am going to laugh my head off if this 'event' is just a joke some random guy has posted on a website :D

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:15 pm
by Anonymous
I think as well these events are huge over the theme park and attractions industry. Universal leading the way with there halloween event which has been going for 17 years this year and keeps getting better. Then bush gardens making theres at tampa. Thorpe park obivous having it on and off over the years. The introduction of it at maddam tussards as well which showed that given the money they can make success of these events. Alton *Fingers crossed* will go down the universal line and have more of a scary feel. Actors in the areas aswell. However if they are going to do this they need to do it propely. No half effort because in previous years of these events at towers that what it has been. A limo on the grass with a skull and thats it. thats not themeing an event.

They need to advertise this event. Alot of people know about the thorpe event now and if they run theres this year aswell theres a battle on.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:22 pm
by Dean
Just remember it's a long way of yet, so don't get to excited.

As there's been no Halloween for 3 years, people will now be used to no event, so it needs to be marketed well.

Alton Towers has never been packed for Halloween they opened till 7pm for Halloween, and the park was dead by 6:30pm or before. So there needs to be enough going on to stay at the park.

It will be hard for them, unless planned very well, and also it needs to be listed as an event from near the start of the season, the best attendance for the fireworks shows, was when tickets were available from the first day of the season. If they do that they have a good chance of it being a success.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:24 pm
by Nick
The best way they can do it though is to stick with the event for at least a few years on the trot, improving it each year. Thats the only way they will get in, and keep the large crowds

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:06 pm
by PeteB
Hmm i'm not so sure - i'll never forget Halloween 2003, the park was crammed. TOTT was amazing and that year was the best Fireworks & Lasers show I have ever seen. Actually, it was my best experience of AT in the whole 20 years I've been going!

From what I can remember the only marketing they did apart from the stuff on the maps / posters was having a hearse full of zombies parked in towers street through the summer months.

But sure, bring on the marketing if they're gonna go big with it this year.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:16 pm
by Williscroft
I think a TV advert is needed personally.

I'm sure their slogan used to be "Alton Towers - The home of Halloween" or something like that so if they had a really short yet simple advert such as a Smokey caldron with a witch behind saying "Alton Towers the home of Halloween" then the camera could go up above the caldron, drop into the smoke where the Alton Towers logo appears with something like “Book online now”

Then when people go to the website maybe there could be a whole area dedicated to advertising the event showing people what’s on offer.

I personally think the event will go ahead. Its not just like they have planned one maze, they have do an event to cover the whole resort which says to me they are very serious about Halloween. Fingers crossed anyways.


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:34 pm
by Jon
Great news, obviously :)

This event has been brewing for a while, you can just tell. Alton are trying hard this season with pulling out all the stops, we can all tell. I think this is better than fireworks tbh. Its pretty much the same every year, and with the hallow festivites spreading across lots of different new attractions, I hink it has better appeal. At least this means the events aren't limited because of noise levels.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:42 pm
by Anonymous
I think one of the mazes should be based on childhood. When ive been to horror nights in universal orlando they always have a area/maze based on children be it nursry or school. The reason is its touching nerve. Nobody likes seeing children hurt or upset so using that and nothing else you scare evey person who enters. Add the noise of children singing messed up nursery ryhems like ring a ring a roses and jack and jill with frighting words scares the leaving hell out of people. Then on top of that dressed up children planning to scare people. A match made in heaven and works every time because we all have been children :D

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:07 am
by Ash
All the things that scared you as a child?

Clowns, etc....

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:14 am
by Anonymous
Well yeah. Clowns can be scary for some reason when they are children. Bringing that into a scary enviroment to an adult will impact them some what. Everyone keeps scary thoughts as a child and they never leave them. As a child thats where you learn stuff that you hate or dislike. They most of the time will stay with you for the rest of your life. Nursery rhymes help create an atmos. They are mainly linked to happy times when a child, going to sleep, reading as a child. But when changed to a bad tone and children singing them badly and creating nasty versions of the songs it really does effect you.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:15 am
by Dr Pop Rocket
[quote=""Titler""]All the things that scared you as a child?

Clowns, etc....[/quote]

Thats a good idea, maybe they could conduct on park surveys to find out what people's childhood fears were, then use that information to create a maze, those childhood fears stay with most people throughout there lives and really can be whats known as a pressure point, it would make the maze rather terrifying and a personal challenge to overcome the fears and face them which would scare most people s***less! :P

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:44 am
by AstroDan
[quote=""Timmy152005""]The problem is they never advertise the events outside the park. Other then on stoke radio. They need a tv advert or magazine information to get the attenstion of people who may not visit this season.[/quote]

Actually, they do. For example industry magazines such as GTO and Group Leisure havae articles about Alton Towers fireworks, Thorpe Park frightnights and things quite regularly, so that coach companies can put on trips. Obviously general TV advertising does not happen - and Staffordshire/Cheshire radio usually gets something, but they do more marketing than you may imagine.

If Towers could do a 10-second, nationwide (or at least across the Midlands) TV spot for this, then I think that would be great.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:51 am
by Redcoat Jase
I really think a Clown attraction in the old Ice Rink tent would be super-scary!
Anyone seen the League of Gentlemen? Well, something along the lines of Papa Lazarou's Circus, but not funny, and a little more macabre.

It could be set out like Asylum, at Thorpe Park, where you walk around a Circus, through the dressing room tents with actors looking at you through the mirror with burnt faces, clowns like the one from that Film? (forgot the name, but the one that kills people!), 'Freaks' joined at the hip, something like the guys from Superfreaks. Instead of Asylum's strobe light, maybe the Circus could have a random spot light panning around accompanied by Circus-style music like from the introduction of Christina Aguilera's 'Enter the Circus' song...

It would be alot different from anything anywhere in the UK offers, and alot of people are scared of Clowns at the best of times!
The only thing I would say is the tents location would be a potential problem, however the Asylum is in Ranger County at Thorpe Park!

Another possibility could be another medievil themed attraction in the 3D cinema tent, But i reckon they've still got the old uneven flooring in there, so it might cost abit!