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Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:59 pm
by Danny
Therideman11 wrote:pooh looks nice
Thank you!

Since my last update the famous inverted drop has been completed which means it will in fact be a wing rider! The brake run has been complete and work has begun on the station building. Pictures should be up tonight :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:52 pm
by Danny
Right here is our next update!
All of the brake run has been complete. The inverted drop and zero g have been complete. The station building is starting to take shape and a new curve piece of track has been added over the back of the ride. Here's a photo!

So with only 5 months till opening, it leaves us wondering whether or not the ride will be complete. The station work looks like good progree but I hope they pick up the pace on track work.
Another update soon :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:56 pm
by Fish777
Looks amazing, you've come a long way since the first park!

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:38 pm
by Danny
Therideman11 wrote:Looks amazing, you've come a long way since the first park!
Thank you! Your comments mean so much to us. I have never had anyone say that a big improvement has been made since I first started, which is what I was hoping for, so thank you :)

The station building is almost complete and another building has been attached to the station and almost complete. Another piece of track has been placed and will all be seen in tomorrow's photo update :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:37 am
by Danny
Hello everyone!
only 4 months to go now and the closed season has begun! Work has really picked up now and Mr Barker has assured me that track will be complete in no longer than two weeks time!
he said a theme has been decided and theming elements of the ride are due to be delivered soon! Here's the picture:
As you can see another turn has been complete on the right at the back now with this new building attatched to the station. It is believed to be an indoor queue line.
Thanks! :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:07 pm
by Altontowersbarlow
Hi folks ATB here bringing you the latest news from Great Jubilee Theme Park :)
Construction updates
Great Jubilee's new roller coaster is near completion! All of the necessary track work is in its very final stages and the detailed theming is now being erected ready for it's grand opening. The layout looks truly breath-taking and will certainly put Great Jubilee Theme Park on the international map. The ride will feature more trains than any other B&M and the reason for this feature will be released in the near-future! :) Below is a Fact-file showing off the impressive statistics of this world-class ride.

Name: Ready for a future announcement
Height: approx. 120ft
Manufacturer: B&M
Budget: £20 million
Theme: This feature will be released in the near-future

As you can see this ride will be a beneficial asset to the park and the final details will be released nearer to the rides media/opening day.

I hope to bring you more news form Great Jubilee Theme Park soon
Thank You
ATB :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:15 pm
by Danny
What an brilliant update! And to add to that fantastic news:

It has been confirmed that Superior Entertainments Parks are officially working with a new park, Glory Heights! It will be funding the grand opening of the park and there a rumours of SEP helping fund future investments for the park!

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:32 pm
by Danny
here is our picture update! Can you spot anything of particular interest? ;)


Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:44 pm
by Fish777
something red in the station... maybe a train? and the queue lines there...

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:35 pm
by Danny
Well done TRM, that is correct! The new ride has had its first train out on the track with the other three expected to be put on today and tomorrow with testing to begin soon after. Theming has begun but am going to keep that a secret for a while;)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:41 pm
by Fish777
I'm good at spotting these things ;)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:03 pm
by Danny
So here is a photo update from earlier today!
As you can see, all four trains are on the track and testing is in full swing in preparation for opening day in approximately one months time! The black and yellow support looks like it'll be a fun near miss and I can't wait to see what other near misses they have in store! Should have some other updates for you tonight as ill be away until the weekend :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:33 pm
by Danny
Right we have our first path and buildings up! There is a games stall and some restrooms, with a nice look at the new pathways:

The games stall's name is still unknown however i'm sure we'll find out soon:)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:02 pm
by Danny
So with only 4 weeks to go Mr Barker has told me he is concerned the ride may not open in time. He didn't give a reason but after taking a visit to the park today I can confirm that no theming whatsoever has been added, and the games stall has been taken down and constructed on the other side of the island. However, where the stall once stood, is that start of, what I'm told, will be a large food and shopping court which is due to be finished next week! Also a ride shop has just been complete with the exit to the ride leading to this.

Should have a picture update soon :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:44 pm
by Danny
3 weeks to go now! I'm pleased to say this week has seen great progress. The shopping court building has been complete as well as the rides exit. The rides second near miss has been complete at the bottom of the inverted drop. It appears to be a small square building but as I cannot get close I can't tell what it is yet. I'm still unsure whether it will open on time but it's now near completion! :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:02 pm
by Danny
We've got just two days until the advertised opening day and I am pleased to announce that the ride and island has been completed and have a large picture update showing all the little details!
Firstly we have the new path that connects the rest of the park with the Island:

Here we have the games stall and toilets in the new location, near the ride's exit:

The ride's shop:

This is the shopping court building, behind it is a small picnic area:

Here are the pictures of the ride itself! (As CS disappears when you zoom out there are closer pictures to get in the detail!)

This is the building under the inverted drop. It looks like some kind of prison cell, maybe this is linked to the theme :sus: Either way it will make for a great near miss!

Our next near miss is a small brick building that looks partly destroyed:

This is another small building which I'm told is meant to look similar to a destroyed watch tower. Underneath is a small pond surrounded in mist to momentarily disorientate riders:

Our final inversion, an inline twist, consists of the building near miss and this support:

An overview:

Since these pictures were taken another near miss has been added. It's a set of streetlights on the final helix.

An island overview:

Finally we can see some island theming, a tank and an extended queue line for opening in two days time!

Mr Barker tells me the final details of the ride will be released VERY soon, so keep checking back for more! :)
Tell us what you think below :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:12 pm
by Danny
So we managed to get some night time video of the park working on the ride's marketing with a light show! The ride is also testing so make sure you look at the show and the ride testing!

View My Video

Tell us what you think, we love to hear your opinions!

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:14 pm
by Danny
Right, with only 24 hours until the ride is due to open, we can now reveal the final few details about the ride including the name and a on ride POV.
Firstly here is a copy of posters around the park, on billboards and even on TV!

The tagline for the ride is 'The Roller Coaster From Hell...'

The video will follow shortly! Tell us what you think!

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:23 pm
by Altontowersbarlow
Hi Folks ATB here bringing you the latest news form Great Jubilee Theme Park
As predator is unleashed and the final details have now been revealed we invite you to challenge the brand new thrill experience Predator! :)
We apologise for this short delay but you can now view the first POV of Predator below :)

Re: Superior Entertainments Parks

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:47 pm
by Danny
so here is the on ride POV!
View My Video

Enjoy and remember to post your opinions and thoughts :)