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Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:34 pm
by fredward
I know you just posted pics, but I might aswell show mine!

Still some track left in the car park (thats me!)

You can see here how tall the corkscrews are.

just about to enter the plaza from the side

and in the actual plaza

Just might add! the cable car was testing so I'm assuming the've finished the station?

Also, the staff didn't seem to mind we where there... I even had a chat with one of the security staff. She didn't seem to even know the 13 weekend was cancelled and was waiting for everyone to arrive! (she did seem a bit out of it though :lol: )

Hope you liked the pics! I do advise anyone to go have a look. If they let you in it's great too see them working on the 'screws.

(All photos taken by me on the 13th March)

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:38 pm
by DiogoJ42
Are those the original supports, or new ones? :? I could have sworn it used A-frames.

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:41 pm
by Chris W
Original Supports:


They might be the same, not sure though.


They are really looking pretty good in their new home. Big fan of the purple chosen.

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:45 pm
by DiogoJ42
#-o Of course, the 'screws were the only part that did use tubular supports.

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:53 pm
by NickT04
Might stand under it in a Harchester shirt. :D

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:18 pm
by Mathmosman
Do you think they'll be adding any more at the coach park end? It seems like it ends a bit abruptly there, but doesnt "look" like it'll be carrying on (ie. no supports).

Also, is there really a stray short support this end too?

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:40 pm
by Skumfidus
Oh my life, they look perfect! Bravo Towers! :clap:

Also that stray support is interesting, there also seems to be another further down...I wonder what they are for?

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:16 am
by starbugger1303
I saw them being put in place on saturday and it makes you realise how big they are!

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:52 am
by Nathan
Looks absolutely AWESOME!

A fantastic focal point that should really add to the morning buzz!

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:22 pm
by Wes
I just had an image in my head of lots of excited kids seeing the screws from a distance going - "Is this the new ride?" :P

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:30 pm
by Big Dave
[quote=""Skumfidus""]Oh my life, they look perfect! Bravo Towers! :clap:

Also that stray support is interesting, there also seems to be another further down...I wonder what they are for?[/quote]

If you look there is only 1 inversion. Its not finished yet and I think they are simply there for storage and will be moved later.

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:26 pm
by Sir John Talbot
Definitely magical.

They make the rest of the entrance look very ages and unremarkable though. I think it's time for an overhaul soon to be honest. Tussauds Studio's seem pretty good at Towersy structures atm, they should make all the buildings Towers-esque to, in some way, recreate those iconic images of the Corkcrews with a Towers backdrop (obviously the Screws are the wrong way to capture it but it would still have that iconic feel).

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:09 pm
by Blaze
Didn't expect them to look so big! They could have put them around the monorail track, just before the station, now that would have bene pretty cool.

As it is, it is fantastic and trully magical, just what the entrance plaza needed.

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:26 pm
by stigzy
I hate spoilers and purposely avoid all future based discussion on forums and the like, but I couldn't resist! WHOOP...! Oh doesn't that look dandy, just dandy! All they need to do now is add the rest of the whole thing, open it up and get the entrance out of the way and I'll be as happy as Lord Larry himself! You can't quite pick it up in the pictures but the paint work almost looks sparkly. I like it, like, really like it - they've done a good job tbh!

Y'know what’s really nice to come out of this though, is that you just can't help but think this was all TTF's idea. We all know Mr and Mrs Alton Towers spend more time reading this forum than they do running the actual theme park. We also know that thanks to them being the complete opposite of Pleasure Beach, Blackpool’s management they do actually listen, take on board suggestions and comments and are very pro-active at implementing some ideas. It was mentioned so many times by nearly everyone that the screws should be kept as theme objects on this forum, and low and behold a year and a bit on here they are in all their swanky spankling shiny glory! O:) I think everyone should be proud.

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:30 pm
by Coaster Crazy Alex
I think they had the idea ages ago (in 2008 i believe) however i think TTF's thoughts backed there idea up and put it into fruition! Well done Alton for saving SOME of alton's history. What a great monument we could all worship! :P :lol:

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:32 pm
by jomo1993
They are looking fab, i saw them today up close, and they really dont look to imposing and massive as i originally thought, and you can see them from almost everywhere in the park just floating above the entrance plaza :lol:

Well done Alton Towers

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:54 pm
by stigzy
[quote=""Coaster Crazy Alex""]I think they had the idea ages ago (in 2008 i believe) however i think TTF's thoughts backed there idea up and put it into fruition! Well done Alton for saving SOME of Alton's history. What a great monument we could all worship! :P :lol:[/quote]

Clearly we won't know for sure if it was just coincidental (highly unlikely) and no doubt some boffin at Towers has took all the credit for it all. But yeah while Alton Towers obviously do think for themselves, there are a number of things that come solely from this forum! The ITHOTMK campaign on this forum was to my knowledge the last biggest thing to come off this forum. But there are a number of simple things, such as my topic on the barbed wire around the perimeter fence and the lack of warning signs. A couple of weeks later after the topic and you can't see through the fence for warning signs. They do read the forum and half the time take ideas from it.

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:17 pm
by ShadowTD
Fresh pic from today. You can just about see the fence/barrier they're putting underneath the lowest section.


Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:21 pm
by Towersfan
Very impressed with this. :clap: :clap:

Re: 2010: Corkscrews for the Entrance Plaza

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:22 pm
by Moley
Has the front of the entrance/monorail bridge been painted or is it me?