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Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:38 pm
by Morgan
Nemmy wih those restraints...
No. Just.... no.

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:48 pm
by Capt.Barnacles
At best, Nemesis will get a fresh lick of paint for the entire ride, station and area, maybe some of the plants will be cut back so it looks more like it did the year it opened. No full refurbs or new trains. They'll want to remember Nemmy for how she still is, not make anything new from it. Something that MIGHT happen (I have no source or any proof that gives me the idea, I just think the idea would be good) is that they may restore the original logo to the area since they still have the signs.

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:51 pm
by Morgan
As long as you leave the track, it compliments the theme.

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:19 pm
by stealthsmiler
I have heard many times on here and on site that Nemmy is getting a full refurb and paint. And for the restraints, I really like them, I think those kind of restraints are much more comfortable and make you feel more exposed which makes the ride feel so much better which is why I wouldn't be against them being installed on Nemmy, however I do understand why people are against them for Nemmy with the whole feeling trapped thing and the TV advert, however people don't ride her for her restraints. Plus even though they are new couldn't Merlin keep them in storage for Nemmy Inferno (after lick of paint) or do like a part exchange kinda thing with B&M for new trains and then B&M can sell them on to another park for their coaster.

The restraints I would most like to see replaced is Blivys with something like Shambhalas or Rush's. That would be amazing.

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:56 am
by Themeparksandy1981
As I said on here it really needs to be updated to go with the story of Sub terra now. After 21 years of been trapped the monster trying to free itself to save his babies. The babies have left the under ground bunker and has made there way to the nemesis site. You can see them around the whole area of the coaster as you ride it. Also some of the staff now are wearing the same uniform as the sub terra staff and are trying once again to tame the monster.

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:09 pm
by TheOutpatient
Themeparksandy1981 wrote:As I said on here it really needs to be updated to go with the story of Sub terra now. After 21 years of been trapped the monster trying to free itself to save his babies. The babies have left the under ground bunker and has made there way to the nemesis site. You can see them around the whole area of the coaster as you ride it. Also some of the staff now are wearing the same uniform as the sub terra staff and are trying once again to tame the monster.
So you think the Nemesis monster is male? :-k I've always thought it was female, I could be wrong though!

About the Neme-babies - If we are to see them around Nemesis, it kind of takes away from the whole idea that Sub Terra is based on;- The idea that what you can't see, you imagine to be worse than anything you can see.

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:40 pm
by Ryan.B
Female. Believe as the Sub Terra videos point towards she had the babies

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:59 pm
by JustWill
The monster must be female, she laid eggs which are seen in SubTerra ;)

BTW: when do you imagine the removal of Nemmy. I'd say 2020 onwards, but I'd hope that she wouldn't be removed before 2030

BTWA: I'd assume they would just refurb her until the point of extreme danger. :lol

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:16 pm
by TheOutpatient
TMIwill wrote:The monster must be female, she laid eggs which are seen in SubTerra ;)
Thats correct
And also... Where do you think all that blood is coming from?
Exactly :yes:

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:04 am
by Themeparksandy1981
I wasn't really calling the Nemesis male or female was just half awake when I wrote that yesterday morning. It's time maybe Sub terra was updated as well as most guests now know that the babies are free maybe some of them broke free and ended up looking for there mum. With the others trapped still in the building.

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:59 pm
by nemefan08
I hope there will not be babies, that means a redesigned version of n:st which means less money on the beast. I don't see a problem with new trains, it will stop the tide getting a b and m rattle and make the ride more enjoyable for everyone. What is the problem with that.

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:29 pm
by Danny
Considering Nemesis had brand new restraints on its trains for the 2014 season I can't imagine they would now invest in brand new trains, just revamp the old ones.

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:45 am
by Altonboy001
fredward wrote:Nemesis is going to go soon, it's pretty much definite. I mean no one ever rides it. It's consistently voted one of the worst coasters in the world and it just lost hands down to Th13teen in the king of the coaster poll.

no its no 6 in the word best, and nemesis won king of the coasters so thats a lie

Re: The future of Nemesis.....

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:28 pm
by nemefan08
fredward wrote:Nemesis is going to go soon, it's pretty much definite. I mean no one ever rides it. It's consistently voted one of the worst coasters in the world and it just lost hands down to Th13teen in the king of the coaster poll.

Please can we check the facts before posting. Nemesis was voted the best ride in the park 2"in 2011. And of you look at coaster polls like the golden ticket awards nemesis was the only uk coaster so technically it's the best in the country.