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Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:17 pm
by scw55
World's first epilepsy warning coaster?

Those spikes seem interesting. It's nice that they're trying to make this coaster look scary.

To be fair, if you put a coaster next to Oblivion, marketing it as 'thrilling' would be out of place since Oblivion is the physical manifestation of fear (cough ignoring Nemesis).

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:40 pm
by George B
"CUB 4769" ?

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:24 pm
by The Moon
Trippy. Phsycotic madness is completely in stark contrast to Oblivion's clean, clinical demeanor.

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:30 pm
by leammiles
Today i was on the park speaking to a ride operator and i was talking about how i was coming back for scare fest and i was looking forward to the scare mazes and he said a few interesting things, most of them were covered in the press release about the sanctuary, but there was one line that really stuck with me.

He said it will be about the ministry of joy and their experiments and that ''if you don't smile, bad things will happen''

I just wondered if something like that could carry across into the ride.

Of course, the ride operator could have just been guessing or making things up.

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:54 pm
by scw55
Never-the-less a great rumour if it's not true.

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:17 pm
by Jammydodger
If it truly is a "World Beating" coaster, surely there's only a limited number of things it could be. i.e Inversions, Speed, depth/height(not likely), length.

Other than that it could just be marketing crap again. If they mean world beating as in scariest, physiological etc. I'll be mightily pissed off if that's the case. 

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:56 pm
by spin_doctor
Ok so basically, Iv been a member on here for years but I hardly ever post unless I think I have something interesting to say. I know there are hundreds of fake claims made on fresh accounts by excitable teenagers but basically I know for certain what the secret is about this ride. But I am presented with the following issues:

Do people actually want to know?

The way I found this out will be difficult to explain with out singling out a single person and risking getting them in trouble, so if I was to tell you then I would have to not say publicly how I found this out but I am happy to explain this privately to the towerstimes team so they can confirm the claims I make are true.

Thirdly, where would I post it? Here? Another topic or in spoiler format, explain please.

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:12 pm
by George B
spin_doctor wrote: Ok so basically, Iv been a member on here for years but I hardly ever post unless I think I have something interesting to say. I know there are hundreds of fake claims made on fresh accounts by excitable teenagers but basically I know for certain what the secret is about this ride. But I am presented with the following issues:

Do people actually want to know?

The way I found this out will be difficult to explain with out singling out a single person and risking getting them in trouble, so if I was to tell you then I would have to not say publicly how I found this out but I am happy to explain this privately to the towerstimes team so they can confirm the claims I make are true.

Thirdly, where would I post it? Here? Another topic or in spoiler format, explain please.
To be honest, I don't really want to know because i want it to be a surprise. When N:ST came out I was there on opening day but I didnt know what happened inside (apart from the drop) and I liked the surprise. PLEASE DO NOT SAY UNTIL WE ARE VERY CLOSE TO THE OPENING. Thanks

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:19 pm
by DrReeve
In my opinion something will happen in the station something special. world beating maybe to beat all of the other competition in the roller coaster competition. To show alton whipping their buts

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:09 pm
by oliviamae
spin_doctor wrote: Ok so basically, Iv been a member on here for years but I hardly ever post unless I think I have something interesting to say. I know there are hundreds of fake claims made on fresh accounts by excitable teenagers but basically I know for certain what the secret is about this ride. But I am presented with the following issues:

Do people actually want to know?

The way I found this out will be difficult to explain with out singling out a single person and risking getting them in trouble, so if I was to tell you then I would have to not say publicly how I found this out but I am happy to explain this privately to the towerstimes team so they can confirm the claims I make are true.

Thirdly, where would I post it? Here? Another topic or in spoiler format, explain please.
oh man, what a tease. i'm desperate to know now! haha

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:35 pm
by loaster
I'd love to know. I'm not worried about it being spoiled!

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:33 pm
by Jiminy Cricket
i would really like to know you can message me privately  :P

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:39 pm
by The Moon
You could spoiler it, but then you'd know what all the Phsycodelic faces painted around the place mean, and that would be dull.

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:13 pm
by Nightfall
spin_doctor don't do it! If someone could get into trouble for telling you and you telling us (especially if it's their Job that's in danger) then don't post the information. I'm sure people would want to know, me included, but it's not worth it.

Also I've seen you post before and so can vouch that you probably aren't winding us up  ;)

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:15 pm
by Boz
Spin Doctor, I agree with nightfall. Please PM either me or one of the other team before you consider anything like that.

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:19 pm
by spin_doctor
Im surprised that so many people are ok with not knowing.  :D

I dont want to get anyone in trouble Nightfall your right. However, stating what the worlds first is without specifying how I know will make it nearly impossible for anyone to guess who is responsible. Its just difficult to get people to believe me without explaining how I know  :lol:

To get you all a little excited though, Its quite surprising. Well I was surprised anyway.

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:34 pm
by Nightfall
Well that's good to hear. I’ve been getting tired of all these suggestions of most inversions as it’s such a lame record that’s fairly irrelevant and normally comes at the expense of a great ride.

I hope no one thinks I'm a kill joy for telling you to keep it secret but the trouble with releasing such information is that when something this big gets out the park take it very seriously and start asking questions. I've heard a few stories of people getting in trouble before because they've told a friend who's told a friend who's told... you get the idea. Plus if it is the actual main secret the chances are the park will get the information removed as soon as it's posted. When Th13teen's name was accidently revealed a day early they contacted every website with the news forcing them to remove it and requested no one discussed it either. All this and it was still announced the very next day.

Talk to the Team and they’ll give a good recommendation on what to do.

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:59 pm
by andyuk200523
In all fairness, whether or not there are people on here that want to know, I don't think anything should be disclosed, only. Day or two ago people were dating how great it was to not know anything about the main workings of this new project, lets enjoy not knowing until the towers want to tell us, or let us find out.

Lets go back to 1997 where no one knew what was happening, the enjoyment!!!!!

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:04 pm
by spin_doctor
So the general consesus is, that nobody wants to know. Fair enough :D Probably for the best anyway, my revealing it would probably raise more questions than it answered anyway as I dont know all the fine details. I cant wait for this to be finished.

Re: The Smiler - Speculation

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:31 pm
by oliviamae
well then, would you at least be able to say if you think anyone will be disappointed given the speculation people have been posting so far?