The Smiler - General Discussion

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andymac746 wrote: From that pic it looks like the wheels are missing from the left hand side of the drive.

Oblivion seems to be open today :)
That pic is from when they were building it I think, it looks very new in that photo and there is some sort of wrenching going on.
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Personally I love this ride, I rode it in August, the day it opened after one of its many faults but it was brilliant none the less. Ok fair enough bolts, wheels etc shouldn't be flying off every few months but nobody can deny that it is a complex and demanding track that (when it's working) is constantly having a huge demand of riders so it's obviously worth the money and it's not only me who thinks so  ;)

Obviously the issue right now with the bearings and whatever else is very bad and people are questioning it's safety but surely throughout the winter and up until March the team will be doing everything they can so they have a better run next season. What I will say to those claiming it should be torn down is that in no way should this happen. Faults happen all around the world (even deaths as we saw earlier this year at Six Flags :( ) But rides aren't demolished just because a few things fell off. They are improved for the next season - so if you are worried about it's safety don't go on (more times round for me then ;) )
I went to OBLIVION and back, faced my own NEMESIS and it's origin. I flew through the AIR, I played with SONIC but was cursed with a HEX from the number THIRTEEN. I was the QUEEN OF SPEED but most of all I was a SMILER
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Buschgardensfan wrote: White blocks on the chain. What ARE THEY? I keep seeing 'em, asking people what they are, and NOONE KNOWS!
What are they?
They are guides, they are there to stop the chains moving side to side and keep it square in the runner.
Without them the chain lift could pop out of the guide rail and tangle.
It will (should*) stop the bearings wearing abnormally by keeping them running in a straight line inside the guides.
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aircanman wrote:
JAMMYD777 wrote: But the objects that flew off were black in colour. Surely it couldn't have been these blue chain guide wheels. That's what is puzzling me. :s
Imagine any coloured item covered in grease and oil over a prolonged period of time. Not only that but the pictures of the fallen wheels were taken against bright sky, so the colour would not be produced anyway
Exactly this. I'm convinced those chain guide wheels are the culprits, right size and in the correct area
aircanman wrote: Credit Roodlesnouter for this image, but also it could have been the little wheels on the chain sprocket thingy at the top of the lift, look closely you will see them.

I have one or two close ups of that part, I will fish them out when I'm on my lap top later.
Last edited by Roodlesnouter on Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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It would appear from the below response from AT on Facebook that it is looking more and more unlikely The Smiler will be re-opening any time soon:
The ride is currently unavailable and at present we do not know when it will re-open. Please keep an eye on for the latest information
Although frustrating for those visiting, I think it is good that at least AT are being honest about the fact they can't be sure when it will open again. It could, of course, also be the marketing team being clever - by saying they do not know when it will re-open it makes the park look a little better if they do get it open for the weekend.
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Alton Towers describes the closure as 'Essential Maintenance' on their website.
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JammyBand wrote: Alton Towers describes the closure as 'Essential Maintenance' on their website.
Well that's technically what it is. The ride is unable to continue operating without the issues being rectified.
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I can't seem to make my mind up guys perhaps you can all discuss this one for me.

Going to the Towers Saturday, what's the chances of The Smiler being open. I have an addiction that needs satisfying and at the moment I'm on the fence. Surely a crane being on site yesterday has to be a good sign, why not wait until closed season to get a crane in. Obviously AT's twitter won't commit to a straight answer either.  :?
Last edited by Deano2090 on Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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^I think it has a slim chance of being open, people are coming to Fireworks, and almost all of them will go for The Smiler, AT won't be able to just give out free tickets to everyone as they probably won't be able to go for the Sunday (people have something called a life? :?) so AT will want it to be open as they would have to give tonnes of tickets out for a day for each person next season, it would be a catastrophe :)
Last edited by Jack on Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I dont see why AT should have to give out free tickets at all. It's a fireworks event, just because one ride isnt working it's not the end of the world. :|
Now if it was called "The big Smiler weekend event" and The Smiler was shut, well then that's a different matter

or that's what I think anyways  8)
Last edited by bluesonichd on Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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If it's advertised well in advance (which it has been) that it won't be open, I doubt guest services will be authorised to revalidate tickets, unless you can prove you planned to go specifically for The Smiler.

'Essential maintenance' is a very naughty phrase to use by marketing as it implies it is planned maintenance. Essential maintenance is something completed to make a ride fit for operation before a major incident happens. What towers are doing is cleaning up the pieces. Naughty, but clever marketing.
Last edited by Lee on Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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When I went yesterday because every ride in X Sector was shut we were given open ended tickets for next year, every single person in the park! I was shocked but then again we still pay out £60 worth of diesel to get there and back so not really what we wanted!
Last edited by Danny on Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Why is the whole of X Sector shut? That's stupid :( I am going tomorrow and will throw a Violet Beauregarde-esque strop if I can't get on Oblivion :'(
Last edited by Lillyland on Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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They close the whole of X-Sector when they have to bring in a crane to assist with any work. Because the crane takes up a significant amount of room it is not safe to have guests walking around the area whilst the crane is being used.
As frustrating as it is, it is far better for AT to be safe with things like this than let the public walk around when a crane is in operation.
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lewis97 wrote:
JammyBand wrote: Alton Towers describes the closure as 'Essential Maintenance' on their website.
Well that's technically what it is. The ride is unable to continue operating without the issues being rectified.
Actually it probably could run without those wheels, it's just not a good idea from a legal POV and general wear.
Last edited by TheOutpatient on Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I'm putting my bet down for the next breakdown is the carriages/cars. "It's such a jarring ride" why is it so jarring?
Last edited by wolfy on Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I've been on it about 9 times now, on opening day and a few in between, never had a problem.

The last time at scarefest, went on the first ride of the day, and I did my back on it, it wasn't the last two rolls, a bit before. I sort of moved/slid in my seat, front row, and twisted my lower back, was in agony but could walk ok when I got off. I still managed 3 more rides on it that day though. :D
Last edited by Balb0wa on Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Honestly can't see it reopen for the rest Of the season, but this clearly is what they need to sort and fix before the opening of next season.
Last edited by tallicay2k on Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The first inverted drop and second half cobra roll are incredibly jarring. I hope that fixing those track pieces is amongst the priorities, I had bruised collar bones after 2 rides in 5 mins :/

The glass floor lets all the light into the "dark" section of the ride and it needs the little dots on it for H&S so as people don't slip, it's completely redundant and needs rethinking. Even at Scarefest I wasn't overly impressed as I hoped it would be darker than it was.

Other than that it's a really thrilling ride, great airtime and some mesmerisingly twisty inversions!
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It's amazing just how damaging the BBC can be, stating on a program about FACTS that a section of The Smiler track fell off!! So a factual program is sensationalizing with lies! I love The Smiler and I can honestly say, you go and put people off, less queues for us! SMILE ALWAYS
Last edited by Ripsaw Raver on Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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