The future of Nemesis.....

Got an idea of how the Alton Towers Resort may develop over the coming seasons? Discuss it here.

Has The Smiler Taken Nemesis's crown?

They are different types of coasters
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Nemesis being taken down will not require Nemesis Inferno to be re themed because it has a completely different theme.
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Plus it would probably make more sense if the coaster replacing it had a similar or the same theme, then nothing else would really have to change!
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I don't see why Nemesis Sub Terra would have to be rethemed as it doesn't require the original ride to be standing. It would always remind people of the ride that once stood there. When Nemesis goes I would like the them to be around the baby Nemesis. Nemesis Sub Terra could be slightly altered to say that the mother died or was killed by the Phalanx. The egg then hatches and causes havoc. The baby escapes and then SW(whatever number they are up to) is created around the baby.

That is of course if they don't decide to retheme the area. Its already 20 years old and Nemesis will have a good amount of years left in her(10 maybe), therefore AT may take the opportunity to retheme the area which will be ancient by that time. Ripsaw and the Blade are going so the new rides may not be heavily themed so a retheme is easy. Air would be easy to retheme and Nemesis Sub Terra by that point could be removed.

I will probably sentenced to death for saying this, but I hope Alton Towers remove her before she breaks. They could then use the oppertunity to retheme the area and get a more up to date coaster, preferably still a B&M. The reason behind me saying this is Nemesis could then be sold to a smaller park, no where near Alton Towers, as a cheap extremely thrilling coaster. That way a smaller park could get a good coaster, quite cheap, to help them along. Although AT probably wouldn't do that because that creates more competition, but I would really like some smaller parks to get a boost. Like Lightwater Valley because I live really close to that park.

Sorry it is so long.
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Nemesis will not go, but another coaster could be used to rejuvenate the area instead of replacing Nemesis. To stop head-banging they could replace her suspension or give her some.
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Nemesis will go eventually. Every coaster has a day when it brakes and is irreparable, or it looses too much popularity and ends up costing too much to run. With Nemmy, it will be the first.
Obviously we aren't talking about next year or anything, more likely into the 2020's or 30's.
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At our Q&A back in March, John Wardley stated that the resort will keep Nemesis until it loses popularity. As it's a B&M it's unlikely to suffer any irreparable faults, but if any issues do occur then he stated that they will do whatever maintenance needed to keep it going - whether this be replacing a section of track or a component of the ride system. He went on to say that he believes that there's a good chance the next generation will also be able to ride Nemesis.

As many have highlighted, the land it occupies is custom to its layout, so any landscaping for a new ride will be very costly. I can't believe that we'll see Nemesis leave due to a mechanical failure, when it comes to it it'll simply be because of a loss in popularity and so keeping it at the park will no longer be justified.
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saying that, I don't really think that it will really suffer with popularity issues, yes the public will want to get to the newest ride first, but look at the poll Towers made a couple of years ago, Nemmy came first, and even though some enthusiast votes would be there, the majority was the public! so by that logic, Nemmy will be staying even after Rita, 13, Air and Blivvy!

don't know if I made sense there, if I did not, tell me and I will explain when I'm awake :lol
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I agree, and that's exactly why it won't be going anywhere for a long time.
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The only suitable replacement for nemesis would be a complete replica built by b&m themselves.
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wakey1512 wrote:The only suitable replacement for nemesis would be a complete replica built by b&m themselves.
And if they were to do that, they are more likely to just replace it piece by piece, making it officially the same ride, but different (so confusing!).
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Sr88 wrote:
wakey1512 wrote:The only suitable replacement for nemesis would be a complete replica built by b&m themselves.
And if they were to do that, they are more likely to just replace it piece by piece, making it officially the same ride, but different (so confusing!).
Well it would essentially lengthen the lifespan of the ride to 40 years without it changing in any way!

(And i still think they can get another 10 years out of it...)
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I wouldn't be too surprised if Nemmy lives to be at least 35, maybe even 50.

Can't they keep it anyway, American parks have ancient rides that are like 50+ already!
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Replacing parts like track is more common than you may think. The vampire has already had all of its parts completely replaced once and all other parts excluding track is on its 7th regeneration. Nemmy wont be going for a while but its popularity is already starting to decline. Air at 40 mins whilst nemmy at 20. Its still got years left but reaching 50 may be unlikely.
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^thats highly debatable, Air has GOOD capacity, but it's let down by a lot of things that add up to a longer wait time (at times I reckon it gets through 700PPH) while Nemesis doesn't have as many things that slow the throughput (the lack of system glitches being one of them!) and gets through people at a massive rate! :D
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A thing you should consider is the time people are willing to wait. People are willing to wait 40 for air but only 20 for Nemesis. So air is more desirable than Nemesis at that time. I understand the throughput argument does come into to it but its not the whole picture. For example if the worlds best ride had a throughput of 5 people per hour and had a 10 day queue you would still call it popular despite not many people waiting in line.
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I would not call it popular as such badly designed if it had that sort of throughput. Nemesis gets through a lot more people in a day than air does, and if people have ridden it more than the other, then that is the more popular ride, it's not all about how long the queue is, it's about the amount that ride it per *enter length of time here*
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But that way of looking at something is not taking into account how much people are willing to wait. People will wait a much longer time for a ride they deem better. So people believe that air is better as they are willing to wait longer.
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I agree with sw7nutter. It is all about how long people are willing to wait. Both have a good throughput but people are willing to wait longer for Air.
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you cannot say that because of Nemesis having a short queue, people aren't prepared to wait for it. for all you know, people would be prepared to wait in excess of 2 hours for Nemesis. it's not a simple case of having a long line and assuming people are prepared to wait longer, you have to take in lower throughputs, common delays, restraint errors etc, all amounting to a longer queue time. Saying that, Nemesis has very few delays in dispatches, unless there is someone disabled getting on or a few restraints need to be checked. While Air has a lot of delays in the station (failed tilts, constant system glitches, waiting for clear blocks etc.)

I may be a bit off, but to me this amounts to the fact they are very equal in popularity :)
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But at the time people are willing to join a 40 minute queue and a smaller number of people are willing to join Nemesis's 20 minute queue. Yes throughput should be included but i was more pointing out it cant be entirely done by throughput. Of course the thing that will lead to its removal is its cost per person.
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