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Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 12:05 pm
by Anonymous
Vaalhalla doesnt have any lap bars? just a bar on the back of the next seats

if you understand

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 12:46 pm
by themeparkdude
yeah I understand

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 1:43 pm
by a.ndy
I was thinking more along the lines of a 'Pirates Adventure' (DMP) or 'Pirates of the Caribbean' (DL) style / size drop. Think that would be far more realistic. Just ideas yet again but, how do you think a 3D boat ride attraction would go down? Also, if this speculation of a 'Pre-show' is true, we will probably be looking at more of a story based attraction rather than just another "tour" style ride. :D

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:03 pm
by Adam
wow a 3D boat ride! that would be great! and i think your right about that pre-show stuff a.ndy.

Well i suppose we will have to wait and see. it will be exciting when construction starts. :)

I wonder what its going to be called?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:10 pm
by Anonymous
Well i would tell you what the construction will be like on Sunday but i doubt much would have happened by then. I cant beleive i wont get a last ride before it closes. I wont be able to see the hippo before it closes. :(

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:39 pm
by Anonymous
King of Speed - Project Dolphin has been said on numerous times to be a development for AFTER 2006
Well we'll all just have to wait and find out. Dan himself says he has no idea. And please... call me Lewis :wink:

The intiall reaction to this retheme was one of this...

"Great. O, wait. That's a Cred St. kinda theme. Aaaawww I wanted it to swap themes with Merrie England that was a dynamite idea!!!"

But now thinking about it it's still very possible that Cred St. could adampt the "victorian" type feel, with its great backdrop of the Towers. In the Charlie and the Chocolate factory book the whole thing is set in victorian times, and the factory a wild out of this world place. Maybe the pre-show could be set into a common victorian building, explaing the victorain side of the story, later introducing this magic world guests are about to enter. I think this could be absoloutley perfect for a themeing idea. What better way to really enhance the fact the towers are right next to the area by using this idea. Merrie England could be turned into a greatly themed area using insparating of the oddly placed Flume feel, maybe a flat could replace the tavern... And Cred St. could totally embark on the area's past theme. What better place to add a tavern and ect., than to what looks likley to become the park's biggest and best children's area.

OK, maybe I'm looking far too much into the idea, but it's always reassuring the possibility if it working, and working well.

Lewis... :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:11 pm
by Adz
replace the tavern
Erm that and every other building (practically) in merry england is listed and cannot be modified or torn down.

Rant... sorry guys...

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:12 pm
by Dan K
[quote=""Xx King of Speed xX""]
King of Speed - Project Dolphin has been said on numerous times to be a development for AFTER 2006
Well we'll all just have to wait and find out. Dan himself says he has no idea. And please... call me Lewis :wink:[/quote]
What I actually said was:

"I've not heard anything to the tune of Project Dolphin happening next year, and I'd be very sceptical of it happening so early"

As far as I'm concerned, Project Dolphin isn't happening until 2007 at the earliest, and even then it might be after that. Fair enough, you may have found out evidence to the contrary, but if you had then I don't see why you haven't posted it and told us all. Which brings me nicely onto...

Kylies Kitty - why with the cryptic? I mean, you do realise how annoying that is, right? If I know something, then I post it, all of it, without any "hints", "clues" or any other crap like that. And if I can't post it for whatever reason, then I just keep my trap shut, because there'd be no point me saying, "look guys, I know something, but I'm not really allowed to tell you, so here's a load of mumbo jumbo where I vaguely allude to what's going on, and then in 6 months time I can quote myself and say, "see? I was right"".

That's probably not your intentions, I mean, I've met you several times and chatted to you a fair bit and you don't strike me as the sort of person who'd do that. But I don't see why you feel the need to write all that cryptic rubbish?

I know from talking to you that some of the stuff you put in your post came from a chat you had with James Paulding a few days ago. Now, James wouldn't tell anyone anything if it wasn't okay to put that information on the internet, and yet you act as if you've just been told a personal secret by Tony Blair involving national security...? I mean, this bit:

[quote=""kylies_kitty""]Im sure the team at alton will do something, dont be so blue.[/quote]
Well, that's clearly a reference to something you mentioned to me, about Russell Barnes, JP, and John Wardley all being part of something called "Team Blue". But why not just say that? What's stopping you from telling people?

Sorry to have had a rant, but I always tell people if I know something, so it really rubs me up the wrong way when people give off that aloof attitude and post "cryptic clues".

It's not big, and it's not clever.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 6:39 pm
by Anonymous
Hmm... Team Blue. Dolphins are blue.

Maybe the project name has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual final result, but merely a reference to Team Blue being the 'intelligence' behind the project.

Or maybe not.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:16 pm
by Anonymous
i thought dolphins were grey shock.

Laughing at the idea of team blue, i can imagine a secretary saying "sorry no calls today, its...TEAM BLUE" do they really need a team name seems abit pompus, made me laugh tho.

A pirates of the carribean type ride would be perfect, indoor/dark, anamatronic, entertaining, water based, slight drop, family orientated - lets hope AT have had a good long look at why that ride is practically perfect and how to adapt it to a charlie and the chocolate factory theme inside the TT building. Im expecting something brilliant, and so far AT havent let me down.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:19 pm
by Anonymous
[quote=""oldgitBEN""] i thought dolphins were grey shock.

Hmm, I suppose so. Just always picture them as blue, though.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:26 pm
by doom+sons1988
I'll be very suprised (pleasantly aswell) if this ride is anywhere near the standard of POTC. The problem I have with this retheme is that the building is quite small and I can't imagine it being on a bigger scale.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:28 pm
by Adam
they could easily extend the buillding :)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:32 pm
by Williscroft
Thats what i was thinking .:Adam:., if there is a drop i would exspect there to be a part of the building made taller to alow for the hill and drop. Also they might be able to exspand back slightly depending on whats behind TLT.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:35 pm
by haydn!
[quote=""Xx King of Speed xX""]But now thinking about it it's still very possible that Cred St. could adampt the "victorian" type feel, with its great backdrop of the Towers. In the Charlie and the Chocolate factory book the whole thing is set in victorian times, and the factory a wild out of this world place.[/quote]

Im not sure the book is set in the Victorian times...the Victorian's didnt have televisions, or dumper trucks capable of carrying tonnes of chocolate....

But, your right in saying it would fit well with the towers

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:36 pm
by Anonymous
[quote=""oldgitBEN""] i thought dolphins were grey shock.

Laughing at the idea of team blue, i can imagine a secretary saying "sorry no calls today, its...TEAM BLUE" do they really need a team name seems abit pompus, made me laugh tho.

A pirates of the carribean type ride would be perfect, indoor/dark, anamatronic, entertaining, water based, slight drop, family orientated - lets hope AT have had a good long look at why that ride is practically perfect and how to adapt it to a charlie and the chocolate factory theme inside the TT building. Im expecting something brilliant, and so far AT havent let me down.

You can also get pink dolphins in the Amazon..

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:12 pm
by Phil
[quote=""Thirst""][quote=""oldgitBEN""] i thought dolphins were grey shock.

Laughing at the idea of team blue, i can imagine a secretary saying "sorry no calls today, its...TEAM BLUE" do they really need a team name seems abit pompus, made me laugh tho.

A pirates of the carribean type ride would be perfect, indoor/dark, anamatronic, entertaining, water based, slight drop, family orientated - lets hope AT have had a good long look at why that ride is practically perfect and how to adapt it to a charlie and the chocolate factory theme inside the TT building. Im expecting something brilliant, and so far AT havent let me down.

You can also get pink dolphins in the Amazon..[/quote]

And yellow dolphins, in the polluted North Sea! Har har har!

Anyway... It will only be a tiny drop if anything, just something to make the kiddies go wow but not to make the whole family soaked! Remember it's a family ride and will stay a family ride in a family area, which is why i'm very stepical about any coasters/spidemran type rides being put into Cred Street. Remember... the 'Enclosed Transit System' on the jazzland plans was set to be a Mardi-Gras type ride, not a Spiderman clone, or a coaster or anything else as intense!

And i agree with Dan. :)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:23 pm
by doom+sons1988
Mardi-Gras type ride
I'm curious what kind of ride that is .

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:31 pm
by Anonymous

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:35 pm
by doom+sons1988
oh that looks :censored: