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Re: Pleasure Island Closed

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:17 pm
by seanyboyuk
Why where did it originaly come from that ride?

Just saw on the itv news it was something that happened in the family that made the park close. Guess we will hear more news soon hopefully.

This announcement could have been made last night at least so that any visitors and staff didnt have to make the trips today. A group of girls had come from Birmingham!

Re: Pleasure Island Update, 'Shrieksville'

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:23 pm
by steveb8372
well thats a nice ride...but too bad that today the park has shut for good!

pleasure island theme park closed down

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:25 pm
by steveb8372
Breaking news pleasure island theme park cleethorpes has shut down, people and staff turned up to find it closed, just seen it on the local news

Re: Pleasure Island Update, 'Shrieksville'

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:26 pm
by Nathan
^That is not true at all.

Reading the article, it seems that it is down to legalities regarding who owns it, and not exactly financial problems. I seriously doubt the park would spend £600,000 on improvements knowing it is on the brink.

Re: Pleasure Island Closed

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:28 pm
by Nathan
I only visited for the first time last Friday!

Looks like I made it just in time!

Having said that, I expect it to reopen. Looks like an issue with ownership rather than financial problems.

Re: Pleasure Island Closed

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:31 pm
by cubwolf
You would have to be nuts to travel from Birmingham.
My mum lived in Cleethorpes until recently and while it is/was an alright park to visit if you are up that way i would never drive from Leicester to it.

I have been there half a dozen times and still never managed to ride the boomerang.
It was always shut :(

Re: Pleasure Island Update, 'Shrieksville'

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:59 pm
by bradpeet
[quote=""Nathan""]^That is not true at all.

Reading the article, it seems that it is down to legalities regarding who owns it, and not exactly financial problems. I seriously doubt the park would spend £600,000 on improvements knowing it is on the brink.

What article is that Nathan?

All I have seen so far is the brief story in the Grimsby Telegraph which states that no reason has been given for the closure.

EDIT: The BBC are reporting it now [url=" onclick=";return false;][/url] Still no reasons given for its closure though.

Re: pleasure island theme park closed down

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:16 pm
by Joel
This was already posted sometime ago just below this topic.

Please continue discussion in this thread.

Locked pending removal. Thanks.

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:41 pm
by Nathan
The news story on Ride Guide says they believe there has been glitch between the transfer of the park from Flamingo Land Ltd to DEL.
Pleasure Island theme park in Cleethorpes has closed down.

Staff turned up for work this morning only to be given termination letters and an assurance that they would be paid up to today.

Guests arrived at the park to be greeted with closed gates and a notice informing them that the Park would not be opening.

Pleasure Island was taken over by Dewarsaville Enterprises Limited in late November 2009. Melanie Wood (formerly Gibb), sister of Gordon Gibb, owner of Flamingo Land is a director of DEL, whose registered address is Pleasure Island. It would appear that there has been some sort of glitch in the transfer of the business from Flamingo Land Limited to DEL, the result of which has been the closure of Pleasure Island.

This mornings events came as a total shock to Staff, Supervisors and Managers alike, who are now looking to Ms Gibb for an explanation. Staff were assured that they would be contacted within the next few days and that it is anticipated that the park would be reopening shortly.
Not exactly concrete, but again, I doubt it is down to money trouble.

Season ticket sales were very good, and the park enjoyed a 10% increase in visitors last year.

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:42 pm
by seanyboyuk
Whats going on with the LWV forum Nathan?

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:13 pm
by Nathan
An issue with our hosting company, should hopefully be resolved when evilcod gets home!

I suspect you wanted to log on to say LWV get first dibs on Boomerang! :P

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:22 pm
by seanyboyuk
indeed lol

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:41 pm
by Gloomy Dude
I'd never heard of this place. Shame. Looks like they have/had a lovely collection of kitsch rides.

And sod Lightwater Valley. I'm calling dibs on that Boomerang for Loudoun Castle to replace their freshly removed Maurer Sohne Mouse. :P

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:44 pm
by shane790_0
Hopefully it will be re-open soon sounds like its just a few hitches in who owns the park

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:35 pm
by tidy_martin
If it was going to re open why sack all the staff that seems harsh. Would you really wanna go back and work there after getting told your fired?

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:14 pm
by seanyboyuk
Indeed not but the staff are in a position where they cannot afford to work so i bet many of them will go back but maybe backing by a union or some type of better contract this time if the park does (and hope) re opens...

If the council are in talks me thinks they want the park back open for May bank hols as it could be a potential huge cash maker, but they will have to pump some money into advertising or unless they will sink now that the damage has been done!

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:03 am
by joshc807
Heres some articles posted on the internet

[url=" onclick=";return false;][/url]

[url= ... ticle.html" onclick=";return false;] ... ticle.html[/url]

Although i dont want it to go it would be nice to see LWV get some of those rides, it would at least make the park more known...

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:53 am
by Nathan
The Sun is reporting that rides had no insurance.

Re: Pleasure Island Closed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:28 pm
by Sam
[quote=""joshc807""]That means boomerang will have to move again, what if no one wants it :([/quote]
Trust me, if a Vekoma Boomerang closes and never re-opens then this is a blessing in disguise.

Re: Pleasure Island Update & Closure

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:18 pm
by joshc807
According to this arcticle its re-opening :D

[url= ... thin-weeks" onclick=";return false;] ... thin-weeks[/url]