Travelling Fairs

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My locla funfair is safe but the tower ride isn't when u get off as the restraints don't slowly lift up the shoot up
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Anyone been to Dreamland margate this year? Ive never felt so unsafe!!!
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Funfairs round here are usually full of scummy types, and the ride op's look a little unfriendly. Some rides are quite good, to those I've been too, but I still feel safer at a theme park due to the general atmosphere and nicer surroundings there.

Funfairs are full of smoke ;p Which is disgusting, and sometimes you can't help think the rides look a little dodgy.
Rob Rymond -
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All incidents where a person has been seriously injured or killed whilst riding a ride or attraction last year occured at fun fairs. Not saying that they are unsafe, especially the larger fun fairs. But when a small fair was near me I saw a ride open up straight away without any obvious operator checks.

In the morning at TP, the engineers have to check the ride over. In Nemesis:Inferno's case engineers start at around 07:00 and only just finish when we come to take control usually around 09:15. The D.I.D is then signed which is a legal document saying the ride is safe to operate for that day, then the operator has to perform there own morning checks on the ride and sign the D.I.D and D.R.S. which permits us to open the ride to the public.

Once a year the ride is given a thorough overhaul by both the park engineers and the ride inspection body part of the HSE who give it a certificate and place the ADIPS sticker on the console for guests to see. If you don't see this sticker on a fun fair ride then it hasn't been checked over by HSE representatives. Fun fair rides don't have to be re-issued a certificate everytime they move from location to location.
Inferno area op/attendant

UNSAFE :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
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It really depends what funfair you go to and who it is run by! At our fun fair we only have 2 rides, dodgems nearly broke my neck! Waltzer lar bars open before the ride stops! So in my view unsafe! But it depends who its run by!!!!!
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Funfairs are not safe!!! The fact that they have to travel around the country various times does not help the rides condition
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Ok, like ade, I use to work on the fairs and my company also supplied gear to funfair owners.
To a certain extent you guys are right as there's alot of un trustworthy operators out there (to be fair there's more good than bad) but you never know what they do to the rides to "bodge" them up.
One incident springs to mind was when I was installing some kit onto a ride and I hear that on the dogems, one of the bump bars was not pinned properly. and so the night previous, a car hit it and came off the track and into punters.
A majority of the time it's just plain lazyness as the operators don't wont any down time (cos they lose money) so they carn't be bothered checking every single bit of the ride.
I was at Hull fair this year and to see the amount of rides packed in such a small space would scare the s hit out of you.
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We have an annual fair and i don't like to admit it but there are accidents every year.

Statistics show our fair isn't safe!

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Properly organised fairs are safe. I'm sure there is a great deal of care which goes into ensuring that all rides have safety certificates and so on. Un-organised fairs are, i agree, un-safe. The rides may not be assembled properly, or some other similar fault, and accidents have occured.

I know for sure that crewe fair isnt safe, the ride ops are so dodgy!
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the john wall and son funfair has a waltzer which they operate with no lap bar lock so your free to get out while the ride is moving most of the rides are untested before use including rides like top spin :!: is this safe :?:
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fitchy, No waltzer i've ever been on has a bar that locks. its the norm. As if anyone would be stupid enough to get out anyway..

as for testing the rides, iim pretty certain every funfair runs it empty once or twice before opening.
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you wanna bet on that as ive been on walzers that lock and my local fair do not do test runs poer up generators and start letting people on so dont say they do ok

fitchy, No waltzer i've ever been on has a bar that locks. its the norm. As if anyone would be stupid enough to get out anyway..

Wouldnt suprise me if people got out, especially the chavs around these days. They all try it at crewe fair because the ops have no control..
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[quote=""fitchy""]you wanna bet on that as ive been on walzers that lock and my local fair do not do test runs poer up generators and start letting people on so dont say they do ok[/quote]

Please read my post again, it wasnt having a go at you. it was being polite.
so dont say they do ok
I didnt, again read my post again.


Please read my post again, it wasnt having a go at you. it was being polite.

Hey hey i wasnt having a good at you adz :D I was just saying it wouldnt suprise me if the local chavs spoilt the fair rides by getting out! :wink:
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Bicko101 I didnt mean you :wink:
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No ride at a public fair can open untill its paperwork as been checked by the appropriate authorities, at the time usually the health and safety dept for the local area. If any part of the rides paperwork is incorrect, the ride is not legally allowed to operate at that particular fair.

The ride will receive the official paperwork that delcares its safety from a main board or inspectors who will inspect the ride thorougly, and also the rides operators, on a regular basis.

Fun fairs, are alot safer than they feel....believe it or not

Bicko101 I didnt mean you
Shakes hand and gives him a sweet lol. Oh right sorry 8)
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