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Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:30 pm
by Marcus
I've been to parks by myself many times.

(insert the sad music here)

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:46 pm
by MJNemesis
I've had to ride alone at TP a few times. A few of my friends insist on going most years despite the fact they are too scared to even hit Vampire at Chessington.

It used to be a little annoying before single rider queues as the ride ops would shout "any single riders" which is when I'd have to sheepishly raise my hand and shuffle past 50 people who are not only mocking me under their breath for being alone but annoyed that I get on first.

Now it's cool with the dedicated queues. Most people (like me) are there because their friends or family are scared to ride but I've met a few people who just came on their own with their MAP to get out of the house or something. You get chatting easily. Some are coaster enthusiasts so you bounce ideas off each other and some are doing it for the first time and ask if it's scary etc.

EDIT: Just to add - If I had a MAP I would definitely go alone sometimes. Friends think I'm a bit sad with my coaster knowledge (they compare it to someone who is a train spotter!) so I'd love a chance to take the park at my own pace and get some nice photos/watch the coasters when I'm not riding.

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:45 pm
by Lexie
I'm going alone on Monday. I'll be brutally honest, I do enjoy it more with someone who likes the same rides at the same frequency as me, but going alone is fine, doesn't bother me in the slightest unless it is in the middle of peak season and the park is heaving. It's also nice to be able to mess about in the gardens without feeling like you're wasting someone else's coaster time.

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:26 pm
by ScreamForMe
Just returned from today's solo trip and thought I'd report back.

I was overall reasonably comfortable and mostly enjoyed the day. It was nice to take some photography around the gardens and get some geeky instagram snaps of the rides. I managed to see the satallite dish being lowered onto the marmaliser and I think I saw a TTF'er taking photos. I saw a helicopter circling which thought could be MI7?
Unfortunately I didn't meet anyone there ;) although in one uncomfortable moment the attractive host giving out the glasses on Ice Age took pity on me when she asked how many. My usual excuse of "my family's looking after small children" couldn't work there I thought. :lol: Was awkward watching that alone. The sanctuary was brilliant and was at the back so got some good scares. The group in front of me were decent too. Disappointed that Rita has no single rider so only did it once near the end of the day. I did Nemmy around 20 times in a row. :) I also paid a visit to the chained oak - easy to find.

Overall a good day but would prefer going with a friend. Hopefully someone will come when the Smiler opens. (I wanted a smiler car sticker but couldn't find one!)

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:41 pm
by DavidRock
I mainly go on my own due to being single so it's iPod and headphones for music all day and park at my own pace.... Just ,Evans I can hammer Nemesis more times when I'm not with a group.

Saying that though I really enjoyed the TT New Beginnings Meet this year on open day and managed to put a few faces to names

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:53 am
by andyuk200523
My wife is not a big theme park fan, so I usually end up going with a friend, however, last October I went by myself (4 and a half hour drive to get there) so I could spend the day taking photos, I made sure I did each ride a few times, but then spent most of the afternoon chilling and spending a bit of time people watching on the rides, great fun and peaceful!!!!

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:24 am
by clayj
I go on the big rides by mylself but generally only once depending on who we go with as my wife isn't the biggest of fans, my youngest is only 2yrs & my eldest is 5 (1.27m) so can't get on the big rides... Last time we went i dragged my wife onto ride as went with friends so we all took it in turns to mind the kids.

Although I prefer to ride with someone I know, i've no problem in going through the single rider as generally quicker

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:38 pm
by TheNigeC
Hey. Im going on my own tomorrow. Hoping to meet ready and roodles. But other than that i will be going on my own for the first time.. Single riders queues here i come! :)

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:41 pm
by Roodlesnouter
I go often and most trips are on my own. I love the freedom of it.

Always end up chatting with someone and you can always try and meet up with some one on here.

See ya tomorrow Nige  :D

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:45 pm
by PeteB
Can't believe no one in this topic has mentioned this yet...


Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:03 am
by scw55
I'm planning to visit Alton Towers alone one day.

Because I want to draw. I don't want a friend, or group of people to peer pressure me into going on rides (when I want to draw), or peer pressure me to ride rides I really don't want to go on. I want to go where I want to go. Go at my pace.

It's actually quite nice visiting big attractions by yourself as you only need to consider yourself. You don't have to take into consideration the people who've went with.

If you want to share the experience with others, just take photographs.

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:04 am
by Michelle
I like the idea of going by myself as I usually get a bit bored of rides by mid afternoon and want to just wander around the park and gardens taking in the atmosphere, it's a nice thing to do but my friends who don't have a MAP seem to think it's a waste of money ;)
I've often considered it in the past but I find it very daunting that I might end up stuck in a long queue by myself, and the iPhone battery never lasts very long when you're trying to keep yourself entertained :)
I might attempt it at some point after the smiler opens, maybe on a nice sunny day after the smiler opens, see what the single rider queues are all about but for now I'm content to go with a few of the TTF'ers who at the very least won't get bored of coaster fact talk ;)

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:22 am
by Lee
When the park isn't too busy Michelle, single rider is like free fast track  :lol:

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:36 pm
by Forza_Dan24
Ive been alone a few times, I enjoy going with friends more but I'm happy going alone. Personally I mostly enjoy the freedom to do whatever you want (such as going on oblivion over and over and over and  over and over and over again etc) :P Have never felt uncomfortable with what others might be thinking either, people are too busy going about enjoying their day, which actually provides some entertainment because you get to 'people watch' and listen to some amusing comments (my favourite was someone aggressively telling their friends that Rita was over by oblivion and they were going the wrong way, they all followed him off to x sector :L).

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:42 pm
by scw55
Forza_Dan24 wrote:Have never felt uncomfortable with what others might be thinking either...

Sod what other people think :p
Your money to pay to get into the park. Your time in the park. Do what ever you want to enjoy yourself (with consideration for rules and well being of others).

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:02 pm
by Hitch
Forza_Dan24 wrote: Ive been alone a few times, I enjoy going with friends more but I'm happy going alone. Personally I mostly enjoy the freedom to do whatever you want (such as going on oblivion over and over and over and  over and over and over again etc) :P Have never felt uncomfortable with what others might be thinking either, people are too busy going about enjoying their day, which actually provides some entertainment because you get to 'people watch' and listen to some amusing comments (my favourite was someone aggressively telling their friends that Rita was over by oblivion and they were going the wrong way, they all followed him off to x sector :L).
Reminds me of last year when I overheard some people saying "oh look that must be nemesis" - it was the runaway mine train.

Re: Going to Towers alone...

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:06 am
by MatthewR1990
I'd go to towers on my own no problem. I'd love it, single riding Nemesis until I died lmao. But no as long as I had my iphone for when I'm queueing I wouldn't care. I'd also fill all my guilty pleasures such as riding th13teen more than once in a row (I really enjoy it, what can I say lol). Oh and I'd also wet suit up and go and drench every one on battle galleons LMAO. But seriously I'd have a field day on my own. My one moment I can truly be a kid again and not care about taxes, overtime or rent. Not bother about petrol prices or the crack on my windscreen. In fact... I'm gonna do it lmao!

Solo Visits to Towers - or the alternatives

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:21 am
by kevstarkie
Hi, I'm going to the towers next week but the person I was going with has had to back out last minute. Does anyone go to the towers on their own and does it affect the experience. Would feel a bit dorky saying 1 for every ride and having nobody to talk to or share the rides with. What would you all say to going solo?

Re: Solo Visits to Towers - or the alternatives

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:30 am
by Dan
I'm going solo tomorrow.

From what others have told me it all depends on how comfortable you are with your own company. A lot of the times I go to AT I go with my mrs but because she hates rides I always end up using the SRQ anyway.

Another perk of going by yourself is that you can go at your own pace, do what you want to do, when you want to do it. Every time I go I always see people who are by themselves, and I think it's pretty cool. I look at it as if its something you really enjoy then why not do it by yourself?

Re: Solo Visits to Towers - or the alternatives

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:03 pm
by Hurri
I've done Thorpe on my own a couple of times. It's a good way to spend time with yourself, and do things at your own pace. Go on what you want when you want, eat when you want, go and sit in the gardens if you so fancy without someone nagging you to go on the next ride.. It's a good opportunity to get perfect photos as well because you can take as long as you like. And of course make full use of SRQs!