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Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:41 am
by Khalichanan
Well admittedly it will be pretty derivative from a fair amount of my imagination.

Mind you, if anyone has any burning ideas just let me know :)

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:51 am
by Rowe
[quote=""kamfira""]I write/have written a few novels and writing is probably my most prominent skill (blowing my own trumpet, sorry!) and I always wanted to write a beautifully sad backstory to Th13teen, in fact I had gotten around to a plan. However exams came and I stopped writing and never picked it back up again afterwards (The th13teen story that is, the normal writing is still blazing!)

I wonder if any of you would appreciate a backstory actually written properly? I'm not amazing but I'd like to do something and if I did would anyone be able to suffer me posting it on here?[/quote]

I like the idea of the backstory, interpreting from the mixed themes etc and I'm willing to help/collab with you on it :)

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:21 pm
by Khalichanan

I like the idea of the backstory, interpreting from the mixed themes etc and I'm willing to help/collab with you on it :)[/quote]

Sure thing mate, I'll talk to you when I've got some time :) I know writing's kind of your 'thing' too :D

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:53 pm
by venny911
I'd actually heard John Wardley's reasoning behind whether or not to devise a back story was based on whether the creative team involved had a good enough grasp of a ride's ethos. That is, it is there to ensure that all the departments which work in the design and construction of the ride are all working towards the same goal, with a firm idea of what they have to acheive. Thus the elaborate Nemesis story, because those who were working on the ride at that time had not completed another similar project.

I believe this was all outlined by John in one of the Season Pass podcasts about Thirteen (where he confirmed there was no back story as such) and kind of makes sense, although as an enthusiast it's always good to see a story to a ride.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:04 pm
by air_head
On the Q&A on the AT Facebook page not long ago, didn't the person answering give a bit more of a detailed backstory? I'd go and have a look now but I'm on my phone and is a bit tricky!

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:09 pm
by Chris W
Here's what was said:
Clearance and excavation works at the forest’s edge, on the old Corkscrew site, have unearthed an ancient burial ground and the ruins of a crypt. But amidst the disturbance, strange happenings have been reported… the Forest is growing at an alarming rate, seemingly consuming everything in its path, stopping the exploration work in its tracks.

The excavation structures and equipment serve as a means of investigation for those that dare, but beware… the structure is far from stable. The forest has an overpowering force… it is taking control. Some believe it to be alive… attempting to reclaim lost souls back to the earth.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:44 pm
by Lotte
I'm actually old enough to remember the fun house back in the 1970's.
I remember my head coming into contact with my knee nearly knocking myself out on the drop slide.

[url=" onclick=";return false;][/url]

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:12 pm
by Hauntedone
The original haunted house did not have a back story, when the ride was designed the house was created using story boards and these story boards with the exception of the queue areas were individual to its particular effect. Some were in different locations in the ride with the loss of some ideas. For example the screaming room was going to be where the grand hall is now. another scene the dungeon and mad man was removed from the plan and the screaming room idea was moved to its current location. The point I am trying to make is that each scene was individual and did not follow a story so could be moved to a different locations. The Henry and Emily Alton touches were added nearer the end although they are in the plans but were not given names. No other Altons were used but I think it would have been nice to have named all the portraits.[/color

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:55 am
by PeteB
[quote=""Hauntedone""]The original haunted house did not have a back story, when the ride was designed the house was created using story boards and these story boards with the exception of the queue areas were individual to its particular effect. Some were in different locations in the ride with the loss of some ideas. For example the screaming room was going to be where the grand hall is now. another scene the dungeon and mad man was removed from the plan and the screaming room idea was moved to its current location. The point I am trying to make is that each scene was individual and did not follow a story so could be moved to a different locations. The Henry and Emily Alton touches were added nearer the end although they are in the plans but were not given names. No other Altons were used but I think it would have been nice to have named all the portraits.[/quote]

A future revamp could fix that though. In my opinion any half decent theme park NEEDS a ghost train or haunted house and instead of building a completely new ride they could expand the Haunted House concept and build a story into the ride.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:38 am
by Rowe
Debunked Myth:

I've heard that Air was supposed to have a backstory which tied in with Nemesis and the contrasting Forbidden Valley. I believe it was along the lines of the MoD/the army decided to bring in their 'secret weapon', which was some sort of gun (or well, weapon among those lines) in order to capture and stop Nemesis in the area.

Of course that is what I had heard/can remember so the details are a bit iffy, and also of course, that backstory was never given to Air. Now... if only I could ask John Wardley about that 'backstory'...

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:57 pm
by Blaze
Nope, it's a popular myth, but was never meant to be anything other than a coaster about flying. Being something to fight Nemesis just wouldn't work, it's a coaster, not a plane/bomb/gun/whatever. It was always going to be about flying, the only difference between the concept and the final ride is the lack of much of the planned theming that was cut after going way over budget.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:31 pm
by Rowe
Aah, thank you for clearing that up. Yes I did think it was a myth because it hadn't been mentioned as part of the official ride. I'll put on the last post, 'debunked'.


Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:21 pm
by PeteB
Now that Nemesis: Sub Terra has opened there is a whole new chapter added to the Nemesis back story, and with the recent changes made to the intro videos I think the park are beginning to understand the importance of story telling with their rides.

It will be interesting to see going forwards, what back stories rides like SW7 will be based upon.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:01 pm
by MattsDesigns
[Archive] wrote: The Tunnel of Doom was originally labelled as the "Gateway to Hell". Not much of this concept survives as the scene was rethought before opening.


Its actually true, Revolving Tunnels are based on the Gates of Hell. People who have been to Hell and come back always speak of these tunnels that go into the Earth, however the quote before the tunnel is from Dante's Inferno which I believe speaks of Hell just not in 100% "actual"/literal way.

One story is from Mary K Baxter who Jesus took to Hell to warn the world that it is infact real and I really have no reason to disagree. This is what she writes about the Gates of Hell:

"These moved high above the earth and looked like a giant, dirty type of slinky that moved continuously.  They were coming up from all over the earth.  "What are these?" I asked the Lord Jesus as we came near to one.

"These are the gateways to hell," He said.  "We will go into hell through one of them."

Immediately, we entered one of the funnels.  Inside, it looked like a tunnel, spinning around and around and back again like a top."

She also went to Heaven and talks about the Mansions - again these are things many people report.
The story of Hell is very disturbing but remember Jesus is always waiting for your prayers. I have to say this cause if I just talk about Hell I'm not really doing anything positive so please forgive me if I seem like I'm preaching or something.

I'm thinking that someone working on the ride had researched NDE-Hell experiences at the library and managed to find this out.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:36 pm
by Ripsaw Raver
Now i could have got this wrong but im sure Ripsaw has a back story.

The machine was created using shrapnel and scrap metal from the debris of Nemesis's wrath and was built by those onsite battling the creature. The machine was designed to cleanse weaponary/machinary and people who came to close to Nemesis of its radiation and chemicals, ie the Detox.

You board Ripsaw ready to be cleansed of Nemesis' radiation, all goes to plan as you rise up, but then Ripsaw its self becomes infulenced by Nemesis' power and starts to malfunction causing the gondola to flip out of control and eventualy plunge those on board into the fountains used in the detox. The machine comes to a stop and you manage to escape relitivly unscathed.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:21 pm
by CoasterCrazyChris
I prefer to think of Ripsaw as the piece of machinery that was used to cut the steel to pin Nemesis down with - would explain the giant blades.


Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:45 am
by TheRealRNixon
Blaze wrote: Nope, it's a popular myth, but was never meant to be anything other than a coaster about flying. Being something to fight Nemesis just wouldn't work, it's a coaster, not a plane/bomb/gun/whatever. It was always going to be about flying, the only difference between the concept and the final ride is the lack of much of the planned theming that was cut after going way over budget.
Isnt the backstory to Air, just that it is an Oasis at the end of Forbidden Valley, that gives people hope for the future ahead of them or something like that? I know it's a bit off topic but I thought Id ask. :)

  - RyanNixon

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:16 pm
by PeteMadden
TheRealRNixon wrote:
Blaze wrote: Nope, it's a popular myth, but was never meant to be anything other than a coaster about flying. Being something to fight Nemesis just wouldn't work, it's a coaster, not a plane/bomb/gun/whatever. It was always going to be about flying, the only difference between the concept and the final ride is the lack of much of the planned theming that was cut after going way over budget.
Isnt the backstory to Air, just that it is an Oasis at the end of Forbidden Valley, that gives people hope for the future ahead of them or something like that? I know it's a bit off topic but I thought Id ask. :)

  - RyanNixon
If there was a backstory to Air that would most likely just be it, but I'm sure it doesn't have one does it? I think it's more about the flying experience and less about the storyline. I guess it would be difficult to think of a story for Air.

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:04 pm
by Oblivion115
I think im going to write my own version of air story myself... If i do ill put it on here :)

Re: Alton Towers: The Lost Back Stories

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:20 pm
by Oblivion115
This is my backstory i said i was going to write it sorry i am kinda late i hope you guys like it! I also based around nemesis and i litterely came up with all this on my own......So without further ado.....

The Air Backsory

Air may look like a machine but is actually another alien sent by the gods to help humanity and rid the nemesis alien away from earth. The little survivors that nemesis had left in this barron, post apocolyptic wastland that is earth was given a ray of hope as around air a oasis was formed right next to the wasteland caused by the nemesis creature. the alien instead of trying to capture the survivors it trys to use its tentacles for the greater good and trys to make them fly away to another more peaceful part of earth. The alien came in peace in 2002 as all the people at first thought it was another alien to help the nemesis but they stopped when they realised the alien comes in peace....they named it....air after the gods that sent it from the heavens.

Air then began to work with the humans it tried to help it also gave other gifts.....The little survivors that nemesis had left in this barron, post apocolyptic wastland that is earth was given a ray of hope as around air a oasis was formed right next to the wasteland caused by the nemesis creature. Air, instead of trying to capture the survivors it trys to use its tentacles for the greater good and trys to make them fly away to another more peaceful part of earth.

And now the war begins between good and evil.....
Peace and war....
Water and fire...
Air and Nemesis....

Prepare for air....
Our saviour.....