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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:11 pm
by Thomas
I know its early days & it still may not happen(it best blaudy do!) but where are they going to plant a 2acre corn field?

Maybe the extra parking on the fields? but then surely if the event is popular they will need to use these


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:12 pm
by Williscroft
OMG this is my dream event I swear. If this goes ahead ill be at Alton Towers most of October id think. They have so many fantastic ideas and with planning already taking place it's looking promising that the event will go ahead.

The atmosphere at the Hotels last year was fantastic and to have that all across park would be amazing. Another thing I love about these ideas is the fact its so widely spread all over the park/Hotels meaning you will probably never be to far away from another Halloween attraction.

I just knew that if they did Halloween Haunted Hollow would be used as a live walk through attraction, they would be stupid to miss out on such a great opportunity.

TOTT is great news as I’m still to try this attraction out and if it's anything like Room 13 ill be very pleased.

The corn field maze is what’s exciting me the most, such an original idea for a Theme Park Halloween event and will be fantastic running around at night in a field, really would make it feel like a real life horror movie.

Also what I love so much about these plans is once the theme park is closed the Halloween fun can still carry on into the night with Room 13 and the Corn Field hopefully staying open till 11pm like last year.

I’m so excited about this event right now I really cant wait, roll on October :D

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:19 pm
by Craig
Well as usual I was out when the news broke, but Dan kindly text me oging crazy :P

It looks like this is going to shape up to be one hell of an event. The Towers couldn't really ignore the success of room 13 last season, and clearly want to step things up another notch (or 10 by the looks of things!) by making the event park wide.

Like Williscroft, I'm really really looking forwad to the cornfield maze and the live haunted hollow live walkthrough. No doubt this is going to be a major talking point during tomorrow and Saturday :D

Roll on main season and let the speculation begin :D

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:41 pm
by Hello!!
This is amazing news, this sort of thing is exactly what Alton Towers should be aiming to do on a yearly basis.


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:57 pm
by Lauzi
Woop woooop! This looks AMAZING, the kind of thing AT really needs to get back to their excellent standard of the late 90s. If this goes ahead, it's looking to be a truly spectacular event. I just hope they make a good job of it, which I'm sure they will with events such as TOTT.

Liam, those ideas are great! Really well thought out. :)

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:24 pm
by PeteB
Wooooooooohoooooooo! I've been going absolutely nuts over this! They're really taking it to the next step this year, PLEEEEEASE alton dont cancel it!

Maybe they've been listening to us lot raving about the lack of halloween of the last couple of years. TOTT totally rules!

Sh!t man, i need to jump around a bit to get rid of this excitement!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:44 pm
by Ash
It sounds fantastic news, i hope they pull it off in style.

Ride re themes sound interesting :D

I know staff always class ripsaw as "The Incinerator" or something like that? Because its believed water should be changed to fire :D

Nemesis was rumored to have a "Hydro" theme over the summer. Who knows, i love the sound of everything they have said, spot on Alton!

I hope rides/areas get new soundtracks, lighting, theming etc to really boost them with a creepy theme!

Bravo, please keep us informed :D

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:46 pm
by Squiggles
[quote=""Thomas""]I know its early days & it still may not happen(it best blaudy do!) but where are they going to plant a 2acre corn field?[/quote]

I should imagine it will be the field alongside ATH and the Spa.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:53 pm
by Thomas
Hmm, ok. I was thinking it would be a more in park attraction not the Hotels but oh' well. Still sounds amazing


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:54 pm
by AstroDan
The good thing is though, hotel guests need to feel they are getting great benefits by visiting the resort, and by getting extra attractions included makes great sense to make guests happier and more likely to return.


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:34 pm
by Matt 125
[quote=""Titler""]I know staff always class ripsaw as "The Incinerator" or something like that? Because its believed water should be changed to fire[/quote]

Wow. A lot of burnt hair then. :P

Urm, yeh. This sounds GREAT!. Loving it but it all sounds too good to be true, however last year we heard about the Halloween 'event' later on in the year and it didn't go ahead. Hopefully this year things will be well thought out and they go ahead with it. Maybe a few little firework displays for the weekends?

Anyhoo. Sounding great!!

Matt :D

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:54 pm
by Rory
Very encoraging news. I must start planning a trip for mid October. I now really hoep they can sort issues out and confirm a fireworks event and dates.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:58 pm
by Adam
[quote=""Rory""]Very encoraging news. I must start planning a trip for mid October. I now really hoep they can sort issues out and confirm a fireworks event and dates.[/quote]

Well if Halloween goes ahead i don't think we'll be seeing Fireworks.

*Adäm x

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:00 pm
by Thomas
I'm not really fussed about the fireworks if all this happens, even better if they incorporate some fireworks for maybe the last couple of days of Halloween


Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:45 pm
by sammie04
Wow I am loving these event ideas and hopefully they will put these plans into action and Alton Towers will have a fantastic atmosphere throughout the park :) .

I think they have seen the atmosphere from Room 13 at the hotel and thought it was good to put it into the park. I really think this would be great for the park and if it goes ahead I can't wait to see this event :D .

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:14 pm
by Ram737
Superb news, the atmosphere would be incredible. This is exactly the approach i wanted the new management to take. Great news.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:41 pm
by Anonymous
Looks like ill i will have a great ocotber lol. going to halloween horror nights in universal then coming back to this event. Also more hours working when i get back so more cash. ALL TIME WINNER :D

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:07 pm
by Nick
Hopefully they'll have some "Scare Zones" with actors walking around. Possibly could be done in Forbidden Valley and in Gloomy Wood. I;d like to see that being done :)

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:28 pm
by Towersfan
I'll remain highly sceptical until we get more along the lines of official details from the Towers themselves, as we all know they have a habit of commiting to a Halloween event and then pulling out.

However, this sounds absolutely amazing and after the success of Room 13 last year it must be clear to Alton Towers that there is an appetite for this kind of thing. I cannot wait to see how this develops. There isn't a greater setting in the UK for a major Halloween event.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:48 pm
by Nick
There must of been some sort of press release from Towers for HauntedAttractions to obtain the information