Scarefest - General Discussion

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Yeah I'm not too sure why they're only keeping freak show, but maybe it's so they can afford the actors in the new maze, by cutting down on the actors in the scare zones and only having the 1. But costs really shouldn't be much of an issue given how much revenue Scarefest/the park in general generates.

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So given that my understanding is that the Towers are pretty much at capacity in terms on scare mazes, there is the question of where the fourth maze will go...

With the removal of the Dark Apocalypse scare zone from the line-up, could it be that the Resort will utilise Sub Terra as a scare maze location, perhaps extending the former scare zone's theme into a full maze?
Count-Vonduel wrote:Interestingly its still advertising a ticket for 3 mazes, think one of them could be free?
It seems the website features a three maze ticket (for the returning mazes) and a ticket for all four mazes which will become available once it is announced, so this suggests there will be a charge for all scare mazes.
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I dread to think of what biblical affront the naming department has planned for us this time!
I just noticed the lack of gloomy wood live on the website, its a shame because that was the only half decent scarezone last year
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Count-Vonduel wrote:Interestingly its still advertising a ticket for 3 mazes, think one of them could be free?
Did they advertise "Altonville Mine Tours, Uncover the Legend of the Skin Snatchers" tickets before it was revealed last year?
They have a 3 maze option or a 4 maze option, so no I doubt it will be free.
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Anyone know if there is any room left in the towers for a 4th maze, because if not then here are my predictions on where it will go!
1-in the hospitality suit near spinball.
2-where scary tales used to be with it being either an outdoor maze, or in the arcade (that shed thing CoS was in)
4-katanga canyon either on that staff path you go over just before the tunnel on RMT or in the closed path to mutiny bay.
5-on the submission grass patch in x-sector.
6-the gardens
7-the hotels.
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I am very pleased to see continued investment in new attractions for Scarefest, it's one of the best benefits of Merlin's operation of the park in my opinion, they do know how to do a good scare maze!

As for the new maze's location, I would hazard a guess that it may be in the Towers, perhaps up front where that bridge was recently reinforced. If not, I would like to see it in Forbidden Valley to spread the scare attractions out across the park with the loss of Dark Apocalypse this year, but the 2 hour time limit set on maze completion makes me think they will all be in the Towers.

I am dissapointed that there will only be one scare zone as they add so much to the overall atmosphere of the event, the east side of the park will likely be feeling especially quiet in terms of scare attractions this Scarefest.

Hopefully the surprise announcement of a 4th maze this year is a sign of things to come with new Scarefest attractions every year!
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I'm personally expecting maze four to be a free 12+ attraction. ToTT is 15+ again this year, so we'll need an attraction for those who are too old for HoM but not old enough for the bigger mazes. Also you can book tickets for last years three mazes but not four- maybe this'll be changed later on but it seems odd that you can't book all the mazes in one place.
A fourth maze could fit in the ruins using the banqueting halls and the long gallery, exiting next to ToTT via the drawing room and conservatory- the issues being that the eastern entrance is bricked up and ToTTs exit is blocking the way.
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In regards to losing a scare zone to replace it with a maze, I think it's important to remember that actually finding enough actors to fill all the mazes is probably one of their biggest issues at this point rather than simple budget restraints.

Given how they literally have to tour around the country to scout talent these days compared to a few years ago when they'd just hold a 2 day audition in a small room on towers street and that'd be that for their 3 mazes, it's probably safe to say convincing a couple of hundred actors to give up what they're doing to come live in the middle of nowhere for 4 weeks with an incredibly sporadic work rota is most likely one of their main reasons behind the lack of expansion.

If anything, it's a good thing because it means they are ensuring the talent is kept consistent (okay it's not always Oscar winning but I've seen far worse at smaller local events) and not settling for low quality actors just to fill the gaps.
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I really hope that losing the scare zone in Forbidden Valley is a sign that there will be something new there which will involve Sub Terra this Scarefest... it just kind of makes sense... Forbidden Valley with no Scarefest attractions wouldn't be very good in my opinion. The effect they used there last year were quite cool, especially the some lit up red. I honestly think that it is possible that Sub Terra could be open for Scarefest!

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Just got some general updates from construction for the scare mazes this year.

Sub species does indeed look to be an altered route. The outside containers seems to have extended with a white wall blocked the exit. Wire can be seen peaking below and on top of the white wall with cameo materials seen thru the gaps. As well as this just general new items can be seen






Nothing much has changed with ToTT so I wont post again the same image. The stair case where you would normally walk down from exiting Hex has got a barrier across so guests have to go around the garden to exit. I also could see any change near where Mine Tour's was situated last year.
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looks like there could be some sort of maze ending? A bit like ToTT's strobe ending? The chain link fence and camo reminds me of an army type look?
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Jcoaster wrote:looks like there could be some sort of maze ending? A bit like ToTT's strobe ending? The chain link fence and camo reminds me of an army type look?
Phalanx???  \:D/
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The wooden structure with barbed wire is just set dressing to improve the appearance of the exit.
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Ok guys, check the national rollercoaster day video on the Alton towers YouTube, (the one with Francis talking about the big six) at the end is a surprise that links to this years scarefest!
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I'd say this points towards the new maze being a link to SW8, like The Sanctuary was to SW7.
Life is a roller coaster. You can either scream every time you hit a bump or you can throw your hands up in the air and enjoy it.
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I would totally agree with you
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Also has pagan signs at the bottom, lunk to the theme...??
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jackf1tz wrote:Also has pagan signs at the bottom, lunk to the theme...??
head to the SW8 speculation and discussion we've discussed the symbols there
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Here is the new maze The Welcoming: Be Chosen!

Alton Towers wrote:NEW FOR SCAREFEST 2017 - The Welcoming: Be Chosen

A mysterious group who worship the woods and the animals that live therein like Gods have been disturbed. Every year they host a festival to celebrate their own interpretation of Halloween - the crossing of the worlds of the living and the dead. For the first time they have allowed outsiders to celebrate with them.
But what part will you (‘the outsiders’) play in this ritual? Is this really an initiation?...
This maze is also £8 and £6.40 for MAP holders!
Last edited by Owen on Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Brilliant! Such a cool tie in with SW8 and provides more hints! Love the name!
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