Ride Closures/Removals in 2016

Got an idea of how the Alton Towers Resort may develop over the coming seasons? Discuss it here.
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The thing I hate about Merlin most is that since they taken over they removed more rides than they have added but still happy to charge over £50 to get in even with a 2 for 1 voucher I feel you don't get good value for money.
When Tussards owned Alton Towers when a ride was removed it was replaced by a new ride the following season.
If you look back over the years we still looking for flat ride replacements for the Ug swinger in the dark forest,Submission in X sector and now all theses rumours ain't helping Alton Towers long term future.
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Sad times! Although I never personally went on ripsaw it still holds a special place in AT memories for me. When I was too young for the coasters me and my grandma used to sit for ages just watching ripsaw go round whilst we waited for my parents to come off Nemmy.

What I do dislike about Merlin is how they are turning AT more into a resort and less of a theme park, it will soon become accommodation with mainly entertainment and a few rides if they keep on removing without replacing. Now personally flats don't bother me as I don't go on them but I understand that you need variety. I'm just worried that the AT we've known and loved for years will soon become unrecognisable. For many the magic has already gone, I just hope Merlin have some pretty big plans up their sleeves if they are going to turn this around!
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They can't remove things to do and expect people to stay multiple days. If there's not many rides i'm not gonna want to stay a couple of days, and it's too far to go for a day trip so i'll just end up not going at all. Ah well, we'll see what happens. Possibly this sprucing up initiative will bring some jazzed up areas with some smaller attractions, fingers crossed.
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It is sad that Ripsaw is going, but if they were going to move it elsewhere it would be in a more secure place than just left in a car park.

I know the towers have had some very difficult operating conditions this year and next year will also be challenging, but people don't drive 100's of miles to stay at an expensive hotel or eat food from a fancy restaurant, the main attraction is the rides and if the selection of rides is limited, then people simply will not come. Other parks are adding or maintaining.

As much as I disagree with the reduced dates, if the mark is so quiet it is not profitable, then it makes sense to close the park. However as most people will agree the prices for everything at Merlin parks has gone up and up and they have reached their ceiling price IMO. The Smiler incident has done so much damage and I feel it could take years for them to even recover to the level before the incident.

The big problem is if the prices are high and the ride availability is low, people will go elsewhere. Even Thorpe has a better selection of rides than Towers and this is something which worries me. Also other non-Merlin parks have increased their offering...

Merlin need to stop their global expansion, freeze their prices and invest in one of their core parks to secure its future.
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bensaund wrote:Merlin need to stop their global expansion, freeze their prices and invest in one of their core parks to secure its future.
I doubt this will happen, ever. That's why I love Drayton Manor & Blackpool Pleasure Beach, not owned by a large company and actually care about their theme parks & customers. Merlin is the kind of company who'll invest and broaden their attractions worldwide into different markets.

Since Merlin took over I can say I haven't loved anything they have brought to the Alton Towers Resort / Thorpe during their time so far. I firmly believe the best years are behind us.
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Unsure if this is the correct thread to talk about this but it does come under the same umbrella.

With the un-confirmed closure of Ripsaw and apparently many other rides as well have been circulating to not open in the 2016 season (The Flume, Hex & Sub-Terra) And with the current state of the park due to the Smiler incident and with AT now having a reduced opening for the 2016 season. What sort of future can be foreseen for this park? Like if visitor numbers don't pick up for the 2016 season will they still go ahead with SW8? I know this may seem too drastic but after 2016 if numbers are still low do you think they may have more closures, reduced staff or even close the Theme Park? Maybe the last option is a bit too drastic but how bad are things down there?
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I would think that these are just temporary measures as 2016 has already been seemingly written off by Alton Towers and so they are not expecting visitor numbers to go up. And what better way to get people back to the park than new attractions? If it's all the same then why would any regular guest return? :)
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If they do have another few bad years then I could see Merlin pulling out of Alton Towers as all they own is the rides. Nick Leslau owns the grounds and the resorts.
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Themeparksandy1981 wrote:If they do have another few bad years then I could see Merlin pulling out of Alton Towers as all they own is the rides. Nick Leslau owns the grounds and the resorts.
I highly doubt Merlin would sell Alton Towers. Say what you want but it still made a profit last year.
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NemesisRider wrote:
Themeparksandy1981 wrote:If they do have another few bad years then I could see Merlin pulling out of Alton Towers as all they own is the rides. Nick Leslau owns the grounds and the resorts.
I highly doubt Merlin would sell Alton Towers. Say what you want but it still made a profit last year.
You say they made a profit last year so why do they need to cut nearly 200 jobs and closing down rides to save even more money.
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Themeparksandy1981 wrote:
NemesisRider wrote:
Themeparksandy1981 wrote:If they do have another few bad years then I could see Merlin pulling out of Alton Towers as all they own is the rides. Nick Leslau owns the grounds and the resorts.
I highly doubt Merlin would sell Alton Towers. Say what you want but it still made a profit last year.
You say they made a profit last year so why do they need to cut nearly 200 jobs and closing down rides to save even more money.
Because they want to make even more money.
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Well I too could just be holding on to hope here. At first when I saw the bridge removal I thought I may have just been a queue re route or something however the ride laying in the park doesn't exactly look good. Now onto my hope as I do love Ripsaw. As some said, the current ripsaw isn't fit to me relocated on the park. And AT haven't confirmed or hinted at its removal. Isn't it possible that a new mode maybe fitted in a different area. The general public wouldn't notice nor care about a ride being replaced by the same model, it would just be the same ride hence no need to mention its removal and the current ride would be dismantled into the car park ready for scrap with a new one to come in. Alton Towers would then just advertise it as a retheme and relocation. They do need some good thrilling flat rides, and Ripsaw on a good circuit fits that perfectly. But as I said. I could just a be clinging to hope!

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stealthsmiler wrote:Well I too could just be holding on to hope here. At first when I saw the bridge removal I thought I may have just been a queue re route or something however the ride laying in the park doesn't exactly look good. Now onto my hope as I do love Ripsaw. As some said, the current ripsaw isn't fit to me relocated on the park. And AT haven't confirmed or hinted at its removal. Isn't it possible that a new mode maybe fitted in a different area. The general public wouldn't notice nor care about a ride being replaced by the same model, it would just be the same ride hence no need to mention its removal and the current ride would be dismantled into the car park ready for scrap with a new one to come in. Alton Towers would then just advertise it as a retheme and relocation. They do need some good thrilling flat rides, and Ripsaw on a good circuit fits that perfectly. But as I said. I could just a be clinging to hope!

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That would be great, but yes I think it's unlikely :no:
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Well, I would think removal is imminent, but its still on the website, so I wonder when its page will go, if both ripsaw and the blade go, forbidden valley is down to 3 rides, and if sub terra is temporarily closed 2, and if air opens with the restaurant (set to open in may) then that's 1 ride in the biggest area for the whole of april, and at the moment Nemesis is getting a lick of paint, so it wouldn't surprise me if Forbidden Valley is closed until may at the earliest.
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I expect the website will be amended in January, which is when Towers are due to officially confirm the changes to their 2016 ride line-up.
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I would have thought they would try to get Air open for the start of the season then work on the restaurant.
Anyway look at America adventure they closed rides and still wanted the same entry price and the numbers dropped.
If the rumours are true them the thrill market next season would be
1) Smiler
2) Oblivion
3) Enterprise
4) Rita
5) Nemesis
6) Air upgrade
7) Sonic Spinball
8) Maybe 13
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I am gutted !!!

Also gutted that i have heard that they will be closong the park all together on off peak days !!! :-(
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If you look closely at the pictures of ripsaw in the car park, you can see where the metals been cut, they wouldn't do this if it was going back in

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i love sub terra. By the looks of it, the only one.
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Might be me being pessimistic but when asked on twitter if the flume was going the reply was...
There will be changes to our 2016 line up as part of our Towers Loving Care programme but we will bring you more news asap
Sounds like a yes to me, otherwise why not just say no...
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That makes it sound as though any closures will purely just be for 2016 and down to the 'towers loving care scheme' presumably meaning down for refurbishment. But the flume would not be down for refurbishment, they wouldn't bother when its life is limited. We already know Ripsaw has gone, I fear if the flume is shut for 2016 Alton will fob us off with "shut for maintenance" but I doubt it would ever open again. I don't know why they are waiting, if people are asking questions now just come out with the ride lineup and put us out of our misery! Or put us in more misery whatever the case will be. Dire times for Alton ahead.